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Energetic electron injections deep into the inner magnetosphere: a result of the subauroral polarization stream (SAPS) potential drop

AuthorLejosne, ène; Kunduri, B.; Mozer, F.; Turner, D.;
Keywordsadiabatic invariants; drift paths; electric fields; injections; SAPS; Van Allen Probes
AbstractIt has been reported that the dynamics of energetic (tens to hundreds of keV) electrons and ions is inconsistent with the theoretical picture in which the large-scale electric field is a superposition of corotation and convection electric fields. Combining one year of measurements by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network, DMSP F-18 and the Van Allen Probes, we show that subauroral polarization streams are observed when energetic electrons have penetrated below L = 4. Outside the plasmasphere in the premidnight region, potential energy is subtracted from the total energy of ions and added to the total energy of electrons during SAPS onset. This potential energy is converted into radial motion as the energetic particles drift around Earth and leave the SAPS azimuthal sector. As a result, energetic electrons are injected deeper than energetic ions when SAPS are included in the large-scale electric field picture, in line with observations.
Year of Publication2018
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Number of Pages
Date Published04/2018