inner magnetosphere

Ripoll, J. -F., Claudepierre, S., Ukhorskiy, S., Colpitts, C., Li, X., Fennell, J., & Crabtree, C. (2019). Particle Dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts: Review of Current Research and Open Questions. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published December 2019)
Chen, H., Gao, X., Lu, Q., & Wang, S. (2019). Analyzing EMIC Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Using Long-Term Van Allen Probes Observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 7402-7412. (Original work published August 2019)
Omura, Y., Hsieh, Y. -K., Foster, J., Erickson, P., Kletzing, C., & Baker, D. (2019). Cyclotron Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons Through Landau Resonance With Obliquely Propagating Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published April 2019)
Pandya, M., Bhaskara, V., Ebihara, Y., Kanekal, S., & Baker, D. (2019). Evolution of Pitch Angle-Distributed Megaelectron Volt Electrons During Each Phase of the Geomagnetic Storm. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125. (Original work published December 2019)