Geomagnetic storms

Gkioulidou, M., Ukhorskiy, A., Mitchell, D., & Lanzerotti, L. (2016). Storm-time dynamics of ring current protons: Implications for the long-term energy budget in the inner magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, n/a - n/a. (Original work published March 2016)
Gkioulidou, M., Ukhorskiy, A., Mitchell, D., & Lanzerotti, L. (2016). Storm-time dynamics of ring current protons: Implications for the long-term energy budget in the inner magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, n/a - n/a. (Original work published May 2016)
Xiao, F., Zhou, Q., Su, Z., He, Z., Yang, C., Liu, S., et al. (2016). Explaining occurrences of auroral kilometric radiation in Van Allen radiation belts. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 971-11. (Original work published December 2016)
On the relation between radiation belt electrons and solar wind parameters/geomagnetic indices: Dependence on the first adiabatic invariant and L*. (2017). On the relation between radiation belt electrons and solar wind parameters/geomagnetic indices: Dependence on the first adiabatic invariant and L*. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122. (Original work published January 2017)
Moya, P., Pinto, \, Sibeck, D., Kanekal, S., & Baker, D. (2017). On the effect of geomagnetic storms on relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt: Van Allen Probes observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published October 2017)
Sorathia, K., Ukhorskiy, A. . Y., Merkin, V., Fennell, J., & Claudepierre, S. (2018). Modeling the Depletion and Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During a Geomagnetic Storm: Combined MHD and Test Particle Simulations. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published June 2018)
Chaston, C., Bonnell, J., Halford, A., Reeves, G., Baker, D., Kletzing, C., & Wygant, J. (2018). Pitch Angle Scattering and Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons in Broadband Electromagnetic Waves. Geophysical Research Letters. (Original work published September 2018)
Chaston, C., Bonnell, J., Wygant, J., Reeves, G., Baker, D., & Melrose, D. (2018). Radiation belt \textquotedblleftdropouts\textquotedblright and drift-bounce resonances in broadband electromagnetic waves. Geophysical Research Letters. (Original work published February 2018)
Murphy, K., Watt, C., Mann, I., Rae, J., Sibeck, D., Boyd, A., et al. (2018). The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt during geomagnetic storms. Geophysical Research Letters. (Original work published April 2018)
Zhao, H., Baker, D., Li, X., Jaynes, A., & Kanekal, S. (2018). The Acceleration of Ultrarelativistic Electrons During a Small to Moderate Storm of 21 April 2017. Geophysical Research Letters. (Original work published June 2018)