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Simultaneous pulsating aurora and microburst observations with ground-based fast auroral imagers and CubeSat FIREBIRD-II

AuthorKawamura, Miki; Sakanoi, Takeshi; Fukizawa, Mizuki; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Hosokawa, Keisuke; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Katoh, Yuto; Ogawa, Yasunobu; Asamura, Kazushi; Saito, Shinji; Spence, Harlan; Johnson, Arlo; Oyama, Shin’ichiro; Brändström, Urban;
Keywordspulsating aurora; Microbursts; chorus waves; Van Allen Probes
AbstractAbstract We report on the relationship between a pulsating aurora and a relativistic electron microburst using simultaneous observations of ground-based fast auroral imagers with the FIREBIRD-� � CubeSat for the first time. We conducted a detailed analysis of an event on October 8, 2018 and found that the occurrence of the pulsating aurora with internal modulations corresponds to the flux enhancement of electrons with energy ranging from ∼220 keV to >1 MeV detected with Flight Unit 4, one of FIREBIRD’s CubeSat, with a time delay of ∼585 ms. Combining of this time delay result and time of flight model, we suggest that the theory the pulsating aurora and the microburst occur due to the chorus waves at different latitudes along the same field-line by Miyoshi et al. (2020).
Year of Publication2021
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Number of Pagese2021GL094494
Date Published09/2021