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Response of banded whistler-mode waves to the enhancement of solar wind dynamic pressure in the inner Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere

AuthorYu, Xiongdong; Yuan, Zhigang; Li, Haimeng; Huang, Shiyong; Wang, Dedong; Yao, Fei; Funsten, H.; Wygant, J.;
KeywordsBanded whistler-mode waves; Frequency properties; inner magnetosphere; solar wind dynamic pressure; Van Allen Probes
AbstractWith observations of Van Allen Probe A, in this letter we display a typical event where banded whistler waves shifted up their frequencies with frequency bands broadening as a response to the enhancement of solar wind dynamic pressure. Meanwhile, the anisotropy of electrons with energies about several tens of keV was observed to increase. Through the comparison of the calculated wave growth rates and observed wave spectral intensity, we suggest that those banded whistler waves observed with frequencies shifted up and frequency bands broadening could be locally excited by these hot electrons with increased anisotropy. The current study provides a great in situ evidence for the influence on frequencies of banded whistler waves by the enhancement of solar wind dynamic pressures, which reveals the important role of solar wind dynamic pressures playing in the frequency properties of banded whistler waves.
Year of Publication2018
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Number of Pages
Date PublishedMar-08-2020