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Electron scattering loss in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere 1. Dominant physical processes

AuthorAbel, Bob; Thorne, Richard;
KeywordsLocal Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves
AbstractPitch angle diffusion rates due to Coulomb collisions and resonant interactions with plasmaspheric hiss, lightning-induced whistlers and anthropogenic VLF transmissions are computed for inner magnetospheric electrons. The bounce-averaged, quasi-linear pitch angle diffusion coefficients are input into a pure pitch angle diffusion equation to obtain L and energy dependent equilibrium distribution functions and precipitation lifetimes. The relative effects of each scattering mechanism are considered as a function of electron energy and L shell. Model calculations accurately describe the enhanced loss rates in the slot region, as well as reduced scattering in the heavily populated inner radiation belt. Predicted electron distribution function calculations in the slot region display a characteristic \textquotedbllefttop hat\textquotedblright distribution which is supported by observations. Inner zone electron lifetimes based on observed decay rates of the Starfish electron population are in approximate agreement with model predictions.
Year of Publication1998
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research
Number of Pages2385-2396
Date Published02/1998