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Direct Evaluation of the Radial Diffusion Coefficient near L = 6 Due to Electric Field Fluctuations

AuthorHolzworth, R.; Mozer, F.;
KeywordsRadial Transport
AbstractThe radial diffusion coefficient for radiation belt particles near L=6 has been calculated from the measured electric field fluctuations. Simultaneous balloon flights in August 1974 from six auroral zone sites ranging 180\textdegree in magnetic longitude produced the electric field data. The large scale slowly varying ionospheric electric fields from these flights have been mapped to the equator during the quiet magnetic conditions of this campaign. These mapped equatorial electric fields were then Fourier transformed in space and time to produce power spectra of the first two terms of the global azimuthal electric field. From these power spectra the radial diffusion coefficient has been calculated.
Year of Publication1979
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research
Number of Pages2559-2566
Date Published06/1979