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Radial Diffusion Coefficient for Electrons at Low L Values

AuthorNewkirk, L.; Walt, M.;
KeywordsRadial Transport
AbstractAn empirical evaluation of the diffusion coefficient for trapped electrons diffusing across low L shells is obtained by adjusting the coefficient to account for the observed radial profile and the long-term decay rate of the trapped electron flux. The diffusion mechanism is not identified, but it is assumed that the adiabatic invariants \textmu and J are conserved. The average value of the coefficient for electrons > 1.6 Mev energy is found to decrease monotonically from \~4 \texttimes 10-6 RE\texttwosuperior/day at L = 1.16 to \~2 \texttimes 10-7 RE\texttwosuperior/day at L = 1.20.
Year of Publication1968
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research
Number of Pages1013-1017
Date Published02/1968