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Raytracing Study of Source Regions of Whistler Mode Wave Power Distribution Relative to the Plasmapause

AuthorMaxworth, A.; Gołkowski, M.; Malaspina, D.; Jaynes, A.;
Keywordshiss; plasmasphere; Warm Plasma; Raytracing; Magnetosphere; Van Allen Probes
AbstractAbstract A comprehensive numerical raytracing study of whistler mode wave power with the inclusion of finite background electron and ion temperature is performed in order to investigate wave power distribution in relation to the plasmapause. Both Landau damping and linear growth of whistler mode waves are taken into account using a bi-Maxwellian hot electron distribution as well as an isotropic hot electron distribution. Isotropic and bi-Maxwellian distributions yield similar results of statistical spatial wave power for frequencies below 500 Hz. The effect of finite background temperature of ∼1 eV for electrons and ions are secondary in terms of the spatial distribution of whistler mode waves relative to the plasmapause. Three primary equatorial source locations at L=2, Lpp and L=5, corresponding to within the plasmasphere, at the plasmapause and outside the plasmapause, are investigated for MLT values of 00, 06, 12, and 18. At each location, waves are launched with a range of initial wave normal angles (−70° to 20°). The simulated wave power distributions are compared with observations from the EMFISIS instrument on Van Allen Probe A. Correspondence between the simulated distribution and the observations requires a weighting of the source regions. Results suggest that the majority of whistler mode power in the plasmasphere is sourced from within the plasmasphere itself and near the plasmapause. Only at noon (MLT 12) is wave power sourced primarily from at and outside the plasmapause.
Year of Publication2020
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Number of Pages
Date Published04/2020