Magnetopause Losses

K.Jordanova, V. (2020). Ring Current Decay. In Ring Current Investigations The Quest for Space Weather Prediction. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Shprits, Y. . Y., Thorne, R., Friedel, R., Reeves, G., Fennell, J., Baker, D., & Kanekal, S. (2006). Outward radial diffusion driven by losses at magnetopause. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 111. (Original work published November 2006)
Ukhorskiy, A. . Y., Anderson, B., Brandt, P., & Tsyganenko, N. (2006). Storm time evolution of the outer radiation belt: Transport and losses. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 111. (Original work published November 2006)
Desorgher, L., ühler, P., Zehnder, A., & ückiger, E. (2000). Simulation of the outer radiation belt electron flux decrease during the March 26, 1995, magnetic storm. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 105, 21211. (Original work published September 2000)
Li, X., Baker, D., Temerin, M., Cayton, T., Reeves, E., Christensen, R., et al. (1997). Multisatellite observations of the outer zone electron variation during the November 3\textendash4, 1993, magnetic storm. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 102, 14123-14140. (Original work published January 1997)
Ohtani, S., Miyoshi, Y., Singer, H., & Weygand, J. (2009). On the loss of relativistic electrons at geosynchronous altitude: Its dependence on magnetic configurations and external conditions. Journal Of Geophysical Research, 114. (Original work published January 2009)