
Maxworth, A., Gołkowski, M., Malaspina, D., & Jaynes, A. (2020). Raytracing Study of Source Regions of Whistler Mode Wave Power Distribution Relative to the Plasmapause. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027154. (Original work published April 2020)
Sarma, R., Chandorkar, M., Zhelavskaya, I., Shprits, Y., Drozdov, A., & Camporeale, E. (2020). Bayesian Inference of Quasi-Linear Radial Diffusion Parameters using Van Allen Probes. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027618. (Original work published April 2020)
Demekhov, A., Titova, E., Maninnen, J., Pasmanik, D., Lubchich, A., Santolik, O., et al. (2020). Localization of the Source of Quasiperiodic VLF Emissions in the Magnetosphere by Using Simultaneous Ground and Space Observations: A Case Study. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA027776. (Original work published April 2020)
Sarris, T., Li, X., Temerin, M., Zhao, H., Khoo, L., Turner, D., et al. (2020). Simulations of Electron Flux Oscillations as Observed by MagEIS in Response to Broadband ULF Waves. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, e2020JA027798. (Original work published May 2020)
Bruff, M., Jaynes, A., Zhao, H., Goldstein, J., Malaspina, D., Baker, D., et al. (2020). The Role of the Dynamic Plasmapause in Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux Enhancement. Geophysical Research Letters, 47. (Original work published March 2020)
Hudson, M., Brito, T., Elkington, S., Kress, B., Li, Z., & Wiltberger, M. (2012). Radiation belt 2D and 3D simulations for CIR-driven storms during Carrington Rotation 2068. Journal Of Atmospheric And Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 83, 51-62. (Original work published July 2012)
Crabtree, C., Rudakov, L., Ganguli, G., Mithaiwala, M., Galinsky, V., & Shevchenko, V. (2012). Weak turbulence in the magnetosphere: Formation of whistler wave cavity by nonlinear scattering. Physics Of Plasmas, 19, 032903. (Original work published January 2012)
Schultz, C. (2013). Dynamics of the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 94, 509-509. (Original work published December 2013)
Palo, S., Gerhardt, D., Li, X., Blum, L., Schiller, Q., & Kohnert, R. (2014). One year of on-orbit performance of the Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE). In . Boulder, CO, USA: IEEE. (Original work published January 2014)
Wang, X., Malaspina, D., Ergun, R., & M., H. \. (2014). Photoelectron-mediated spacecraft potential fluctuations. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 1094-1101. (Original work published February 2014)