
Kletzing, C. (2014). Progress on understanding chorus emissions from data of the electric and magnetic field instrument suite and integrated science (EMFISIS) on the Van Allen Probes. In . Beijing, China: IEEE. (Original work published August 2014)
Foster, J., & Erickson, P. (2014). Prompt energization of relativistic and highly relativistic electrons during a substorm interval. In . Beijing, China: IEEE. (Original work published August 2014)
McCarthy, M., Millan, R., Sample, J., & Smith, D. (2014). Radiation belt losses observed from multiple stratospheric balloons over Antarctica. In . Beijing, China: IEEE. (Original work published August 2014)
Mauk, B., Blake, J., Baker, D., Clemmons, J., Reeves, G., Spence, H., et al. (2014). The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) Investigation and the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission. Space Science Reviews. (Original work published June 2014)
Sarris, T. (2014). Estimates of the power per mode number of broadband ULF waves at geosynchronous orbit. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119, 5539-5550. (Original work published July 2014)
Foster, J. (2014). Imaging the plasmasphere with ground based GPS TEC observations and comparisons with in situ plasmaspheric observations with Van Allen Probes. In . Beijing, China: IEEE. (Original work published August 2014)
Foster, J., & Erickson, P. (2014). Initial observations of plasma waves in the sub-auroral polarization stream with the Van Allen Probes. In . Beijing, China: IEEE. (Original work published August 2014)
Archer, M., & Plaschke, F. (2015). What frequencies of standing surface waves can the subsolar magnetopause support?. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published April 2015)
Lessard, M., Lindgren, E., Engebretson, M., & Weaver, C. (2015). Solar cycle dependence of ion cyclotron wave frequencies. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published April 2015)
Allen, R., Zhang, J., Kistler, L., Spence, H., Lin, R., Klecker, B., et al. (2015). A statistical study of EMIC waves observed by Cluster: 1. Wave properties. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published June 2015)