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Sarno-Smith, L., Liemohn, M., Skoug, R., Larsen, B., Moldwin, M., Katus, R., & Wygant, J. (2016). Local time variations of high-energy plasmaspheric ion pitch angle distributions. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published July 2016)
Liu, H., Zong, Q. -G., Zhou, X. -Z., Fu, S. . Y., Rankin, R., Wang, L. -H., et al. (2016). Compressional ULF wave modulation of energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published May 2016)
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Shekhar, S., Millan, R., & Smith, D. (2017). A Statistical Study of the Spatial Extent of Relativistic Electron Precipitation with Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published October 2017)
Tetrick, S., Engebretson, M., Posch, J., Olson, C., Smith, C., Denton, R., et al. (2017). Location of intense electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave events relative to the plasmapause: Van Allen Probes observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published March 2017)
Demekhov, A., Manninen, J., ik, O., & Titova, E. (2017). Conjugate Ground-Spacecraft Observations of VLF Chorus Elements. Geophysical Research Letters, 735-11. (Original work published December 2017)
Watt, C., Allison, H., Meredith, N., Thompson, R., Bentley, S., Rae, I., et al. (2019). Variability of Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients for Plasmaspheric Hiss. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. (Original work published October 2019)
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