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Found 1 entries in the Bibliography.

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Nonlinear Generation of Electromagnetic Waves through Induced Scattering by Thermal Plasma

We demonstrate the conversion of electrostatic pump waves into electromagnetic waves through nonlinear induced scattering by thermal particles in a laboratory plasma. Electrostatic waves in the whistler branch are launched that propagate near the resonance cone. When the amplitude exceeds a threshold ~5 \texttimes 10-6 times the background magnetic field, wave power is scattered below the pump frequency with wave normal angles (~59\textdegree), where the scattered wavelength reaches the limits of the plasma column. The scattered wave has a perpendicular wavelength that is an order of magnitude larger than the pump wave and longer than the electron skin depth. The amplitude threshold, scattered frequency spectrum, and scattered wave normal angles are in good agreement with theory. The results may affect the analysis and interpretation of space observations and lead to a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the Earth\textquoterights plasma environment.

Tejero, E.; Crabtree, C.; Blackwell, D.; Amatucci, W.; Mithaiwala, M.; Ganguli, G.; Rudakov, L.;

Published by: Scientific Reports      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1038/srep17852

Magnetically confined plasmas; Magnetospheric physics
