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Found 1 entries in the Bibliography.

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Nonlinear subcyclotron resonance as a formationmechanism for gaps in banded chorus

An interesting characteristic of magnetospheric chorus is the presence of a frequency gap at ω≃0.5Ωe, where Ωe is the electron cyclotron angular frequency. Recent chorus observations sometimes show additional gaps near 0.3Ωe and 0.6Ωe. Here we present a novel nonlinear mechanism for the formation of these gaps using Hamiltonian theory and test particle simulations in a homogeneous, magnetized, collisionless plasma. We find that an oblique whistler wave with frequency at a fraction of the electron cyclotron frequency can resonate with electrons, leading to effective energy exchange between the wave and particles.

Fu, Xiangrong; Guo, Zehua; Dong, Chuanfei; Gary, Peter;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064182

banded chorus; nonlinear theory; subcyclotron resonance
