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Found 4 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 4


Global distribution of reversed energy spectra of ring current protons based on Van Allen Probes observations

Abstract Energy spectra of ring current protons are crucial to understanding the ring current dynamics. Based on high-quality Van Allen Probes RBSPICE measurements, we investigate the global distribution of the reversed proton energy spectra using the 2013-2019 RBSPICE datasets. The reversed proton energy spectra are characterized by the distinct flux minima around 50 - 100 keV and flux maxima around 200 - 400 keV. Our results show that the reversed proton energy spectrum is prevalent inside the plasmasphere, with the occurrence rates > 90\% at L ∼2 - 4 during geomagnetically quiet periods. Its occurrence also manifests a significant decrease trend with increasing L-shell and enhanced geomagnetic activity. It is indicated that the substorm-associated and/or convection processes are likely to lead to the disappearances of the reversed spectra. These results provide important clues for exploring the underlying physical mechanisms responsible for the formation and evolution of reversed proton energy spectra.

Juan, Yi; Song, Fu; Binbin, Ni; Xudong, Gu; Hua, Man; Xiang, Zheng; Cao, Xing; Shi, Run; Zhao, Yiwen;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 01/2021

YEAR: 2021     DOI:

Van Allen Probes


Oxygen cyclotron harmonic waves observed by the Van Allen Probes

Fine structured multiple-harmonic electromagnetic emissions at frequencies around the equatorial oxygen cyclotron harmonics are observed by Van Allen Probe A outside the core plasmasphere (L~5) off the magnetic equator (MLAT~-7.5\textdegree) during a magnetic storm. We find that the multiple-harmonic emissions have their PSD peaks at 2~8 equatorial oxygen gyro-harmonics (f~nfO+, n=2~8) while the fundamental mode (n=1) is absent, implying that the harmonic waves are generated near the equator and propagate into the observation region. Additionally these electromagnetic emissions are linear polarized. Different from the equatorial noise emission propagating very obliquely, these emissions have moderate wave normal angles (about 40\textdegree~60\textdegree) which predominately become larger as the harmonic number increases. Considering their frequency and wave normal angle characteristics, it is suggested that these multiple-harmonic emissions might play an important role in the dynamic variation of radiation belt electrons.

Xiongdong, Yu; Zhigang, Yuan; Dedong, Wang; Shiyong, Huang; Haimeng, Li; Tao, Yu; Zheng, Qiao;

Published by: Science China: Earth Sciences      Published on: 03/2017

YEAR: 2017     DOI: 10.1007/s11430-016-9024-3

Oxygen Cyclotron Harmonic Waves; Radiation belt; Ring current ions; Van Allen Probes

Oxygen cyclotron harmonic waves observed by the Van Allen Probes

Fine structured multiple-harmonic electromagnetic emissions at frequencies around the equatorial oxygen cyclotron harmonics are observed by Van Allen Probe A outside the core plasmasphere (L~5) off the magnetic equator (MLAT~-7.5\textdegree) during a magnetic storm. We find that the multiple-harmonic emissions have their PSD peaks at 2~8 equatorial oxygen gyro-harmonics (f~nfO+, n=2~8) while the fundamental mode (n=1) is absent, implying that the harmonic waves are generated near the equator and propagate into the observation region. Additionally these electromagnetic emissions are linear polarized. Different from the equatorial noise emission propagating very obliquely, these emissions have moderate wave normal angles (about 40\textdegree~60\textdegree) which predominately become larger as the harmonic number increases. Considering their frequency and wave normal angle characteristics, it is suggested that these multiple-harmonic emissions might play an important role in the dynamic variation of radiation belt electrons.

Xiongdong, Yu; Zhigang, Yuan; Dedong, Wang; Shiyong, Huang; Haimeng, Li; Tao, Yu; Zheng, Qiao;

Published by: Science China: Earth Sciences      Published on: 03/2017

YEAR: 2017     DOI: 10.1007/s11430-016-9024-3

Oxygen Cyclotron Harmonic Waves; Radiation belt; Ring current ions; Van Allen Probes


Nonlinear subcyclotron resonance as a formationmechanism for gaps in banded chorus

An interesting characteristic of magnetospheric chorus is the presence of a frequency gap at ω≃0.5Ωe, where Ωe is the electron cyclotron angular frequency. Recent chorus observations sometimes show additional gaps near 0.3Ωe and 0.6Ωe. Here we present a novel nonlinear mechanism for the formation of these gaps using Hamiltonian theory and test particle simulations in a homogeneous, magnetized, collisionless plasma. We find that an oblique whistler wave with frequency at a fraction of the electron cyclotron frequency can resonate with electrons, leading to effective energy exchange between the wave and particles.

Fu, Xiangrong; Guo, Zehua; Dong, Chuanfei; Gary, Peter;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064182

banded chorus; nonlinear theory; subcyclotron resonance
