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Statistical study of the storm-time radiation belt evolution during Van Allen Probes era: CME- versus CIR-driven storms

AuthorShen, Xiao-Chen; Hudson, Mary; Jaynes, Allison; Shi, Quanqi; Tian, Anmin; Claudepierre, Seth; Qin, Mu-Rong; Zong, Qiu-Gang; Sun, Wei-Jie;
KeywordsCIR-driven storm; CME-driven storm; outer radiation belt; Van Allen Probes
AbstractCME- or CIR-driven storms can change the electron distributions in the radiation belt dramatically, which can in turn affect the spacecraft in this region or induce geomagnetic effects. The Van Allen Probes twin spacecraft, launched on 30 August 2012, orbit near the equatorial plane and across a wide range of L* with apogee at 5.8 RE and perigee at 620 km. Electron data from Van Allen Probes MagEIS and REPT instruments have been binned every six hours at L*=3 (defined as 2.5
Year of Publication2017
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Number of Pages
Date Published07/2017