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RadFET Dosimeters in the Belt: the Van Allen Probes on Day 365

AuthorHolmes-Siedle, A.; Goldsten, J.; Maurer, R.; Peplowski, P.;
KeywordsVan Allen Probes
AbstractVan Allen Probes A and B, launched more than a year ago (in August 2012), carried 16 p-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor Radiation-sensitive Field Effect Transistors (RadFET)s into an orbit designed by NASA to probe the heart of the trapped-radiation belts. Nearly 350 days of in situ measurements from the Engineering Radiation Monitor (ERM) (1) demonstrated strong variations of dose rates with time, (2) revealed a critical correlation between the ERM RadFET dosimeters and the ERM Faraday cup data on charged particles, and (3) permitted the mapping of the belts by measuring variation with orbit altitude. This paper provides an update on early results given in a NSREC2012 paper along with details and discussion of the RadFET dosimetry data analyzed .
Year of Publication2014
JournalIEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
Number of Pages948-954
Date Published04/2014