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Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons by Two-Band Plasmaspheric Hiss Waves

AuthorHe, Zhaoguo; Yan, Qi; Zhang, Xiaoping; Yu, Jiang; Ma, Yonghui; Cao, Yong; Cui, Jun;
Keywordstwo-band hiss; radiation belt electron; loss; Van Allen Probes
AbstractA two-band plasmaspheric hiss consisting of a low-frequency band (normal hiss with the frequency below 2 kHz) and a high-frequency band (locally generated hiss with the frequency up to 10 kHz) was observed on 6 January 2014 by the Van Allen Probes (He et al., 2019, The electron scattering effect driven by this kind of two-band plasmaspheric hiss is evaluated by the quasi-linear diffusion simulation for the first time. Realistic wave characteristic parameters of the two-band plasmaspheric hiss from statistics are adopted for driving our simulation. The pitch angle diffusion rates of the low-frequency band hiss present a “gap” with minimum magnitude at pitch angle αe ∼ 70°, a condition not favoring the transport of large pitch angle electrons toward the loss cone. However, the diffusion rates of the high-frequency band hiss have peak values at αe ∼ 70°, filling up for the “gap” of the low-frequency hiss diffusion rates. The realistic wave-driven electron PSD evolutions demonstrate that the collaborated effect of the low-frequency band and high-frequency band hiss can cause significant precipitation losses of energetic electrons of tens to several hundred keV within 2 days.
Year of Publication2020
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Number of Pagese2020JA028157
Date Published10/2020