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Van Allen Probes Observations of Prompt MeV Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration in Non-Linear Interactions with VLF Chorus

AuthorFoster, J.; Erickson, P.; Omura, Y.; Baker, D.; Kletzing, C.; Claudepierre, S.;
Keywordsnonlinear acceleration; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; VLF chorus; wave particle interactions
AbstractPrompt recovery of MeV electron populations in the post-storm core of the outer terrestrial radiation belt involves local acceleration of a seed population of energetic electrons in interactions with VLF chorus waves. Electron interactions during the generation of VLF rising tones are strongly non-linear, such that a fraction of the relativistic electrons at resonant energies are trapped by waves, leading to significant non-adiabatic energy exchange. Through detailed examination of VLF chorus and electron fluxes observed by Van Allen Probes, we investigate the efficiency of non-linear processes for acceleration of electrons to MeV energies. We find through subpacket analysis of chorus waveforms that electrons with initial energy 100s keV - 3 MeV can be accelerated by 50 keV - 200 keV in resonant interactions with a single VLF rising tone on a time scale of 10-100 msec.
Year of Publication2016
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Number of Pages
Date Published12/2016