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Comprehensive analysis of the flux dropout during 7-8 November 2008 storm using multi-satellites observations and RBE model

AuthorHwang, J.; Choi, E.-J.; Park, J.-S.; Fok, M.-C.; Lee, D.-Y.; Kim, K.-C.; Shin, D.-K.; Usanova, M.; Reeves, G.;
Keywordsatmospheric precipitation; flux dropout; Geomagnetic storm; magneopause shadowing; Radiation belt; RBE model
AbstractWe investigate an electron flux dropout during a weak storm on 7\textendash8 November 2008, with Dst minimum value being -37 nT. During this period, two clear dropouts were observed on GOES 11 > 2 MeV electrons. We also find a simultaneous dropout in the subrelativistic electrons recorded by Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms probes in the outer radiation belt. Using the Radiation Belt Environment model, we try to reproduce the observed dropout features in both relativistic and subrelativistic electrons. We found that there are local time dependences in the dropout for both observation and simulation in subrelativistic electrons: (1) particle loss begins from nightside and propagates into dayside and (2) resupply starts from near dawn magnetic local time and propagates into the dayside following electron drift direction. That resupply of the particles might be caused by substorm injections due to enhanced convection. We found a significant precipitation in hundreds keV electrons during the dropout. We observe electromagnetic ion cyclotron and chorus waves both on the ground and in space. We find the drift shells are opened near the beginning of the first dropout. The dropout in MeV electrons at GEO might therefore be initiated due to the magnetopause shadowing, and the followed dropout in hundreds keV electrons might be the result of the combination of magnetopause shadowing and precipitation loss into the Earth\textquoterights atmosphere.
Year of Publication2015
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Number of Pages
Date Published05/2015