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Analysis of Spinning Spacecraft with Wire Booms Part 1: Derivation of Nonlinear Dynamics

AuthorKemp, Brian; McGee, Timothy; Shankar, Uday;
KeywordsRBSP; Van Allen Probes
AbstractAlgebraic expressions for the governing equations of motion are developed to describe a spinning spacecraft with flexible appendages. Two limiting cases are investigated: appendages that are self-restoring and appendages that require spacecraft motion to restore. Solar panels have sufficient root stiffness to self-restore perturbations. Radial wire antennae have little intrinsic root stiffness and require centripetal acceleration from spacecraft rotations to restore perturbations. External forces applied for attitude corrections can displace spacecraft appendages from their steady-state position. The Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP) satellite is used as an example to explore numerical results for several maneuvers.
Year of Publication2009
Number of Pages
Date Published08/2009