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Found 5 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 5


Improving empirical magnetic field models by fitting to in situ data using an optimized parameter approach

A method for comparing and optimizing the accuracy of empirical magnetic field models using in situ magnetic field measurements is presented. The optimization method minimizes a cost function - τ - that explicitly includes both a magnitude and an angular term. A time span of 21 days, including periods of mild and intense geomagnetic activity, was used for this analysis. A comparison between five magnetic field models (T96, T01S, T02, TS04, TS07) widely used by the community demonstrated that the T02 model was, on average, the most accurate when driven by the standard model input parameters. The optimization procedure, performed in all models except TS07, generally improved the results when compared to unoptimized versions of the models. Additionally, using more satellites in the optimization procedure produces more accurate results. This procedure reduces the number of large errors in the model, i.e. it reduces the number of outliers in the error distribution. The TS04 model shows the most accurate results after the optimization in terms of both the magnitude and direction, when using at least 6 satellites in the fitting. It gave a smaller error than its unoptimized counterpart 57.3\% of the time and outperformed the best unoptimized model (T02) 56.2\% of the time. Its median percentage error in |B| was reduced from 4.54\% to 3.84\%. The difference among the models analyzed, when compared in terms of the median of the error distributions, is not very large. However, the unoptimized models can have very large errors, which are much reduced after the optimization.

Brito, Thiago; Morley, Steven;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 10/2017

YEAR: 2017     DOI: 10.1002/2017SW001702

comparison; Empirical Model; magnetic field model; optimization; Van Allen Probes


Simulation of ULF wave modulated radiation belt electron precipitation during the 17 March 2013 storm

Balloon-borne instruments detecting radiation belt precipitation frequently observe oscillations in the mHz frequency range. Balloons measuring electron precipitation near the poles in the 100 keV to 2.5 MeV energy range, including the MAXIS, MINIS, and most recently the BARREL balloon experiments, have observed this modulation at ULF wave frequencies [e.g. Foat et al., 1998; Millan et al., 2002; Millan, 2011]. Although ULF waves in the magnetosphere are seldom directly linked to increases in electron precipitation since their oscillation periods are much larger than the gyroperiod and the bounce period of radiation belt electrons, test particle simulations show that this interaction is possible [Brito et al., 2012]. 3D simulations of radiation belt electrons were performed to investigate the effect of ULF waves on precipitation. The simulations track the behavior of energetic electrons near the loss cone, using guiding center techniques, coupled with an MHD simulation of the magnetosphere, using the LFM code, during a CME-shock event on 17 March 2013. Results indicate that ULF modulation of precipitation occurs even without the presence of EMIC waves, which are not resolved in the MHD simulation. The arrival of a strong CME-shock, such as the one simulated, disrupts the electric and magnetic fields in the magnetosphere and causes significant changes in both components of momentum, pitch angle and L-shell of radiation belt electrons, which may cause them to precipitate into the loss cone.

Brito, T.; Hudson, M.; Kress, B.; Paral, J.; Halford, A.; Millan, R.; Usanova, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020838

precipitation; Radiation belts; Ulf; ULF modulation


Precipitation and energization of relativistic radiation belt electrons induced by ULF oscillations in the magnetosphere

There is a renewed interest in the study of the radiation belts with the recent launch of the Van Allen Probes satellites. The mechanisms that drive the global response of the radiation belts to geomagnetic storms are not yet well understood. Global simulations using magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model fields as drivers provide a valuable tool for studying the dynamics of these MeV energetic particles. ACE satellite measurements of the MHD solar wind parameters are used as the upstream boundary condition for the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) 3D MHD code calculation of fields, used to drive electrons in 2D and 3D test particle simulations. In this study simulations were performed to investigate energization and loss of energetic radiation belt electrons. The response of the radiation belts to a CME-shock driven storm on January 21, 2005 during the MINIS balloon campaign was investigated, focusing on precipitation mechanisms by which Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves influence the radiation belt population. ULF wave modulation of MeV electron precipitation loss to the atmosphere has been reported in this and other balloon-borne measurements of X-ray bremsstrahlung and was observed in the simulations. Next, a pair of solar wind structures identified as Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR) in solar wind plasma measurements from the ACE satellite were studied during approach to the recent extended solar minimum. Such structures have previously been determined to be geoeffective in producing enhanced outer zone radiation belt electron fluxes, on average greater than at solar maximum. This study provides a comparison of 2D and 3D particle dynamics in MHD simulation fields, incorporating the additional diffusive feature of Shabansky orbit trapping of electrons in the magnetic minima on the dayside above and below the equatorial plane.

Brito, Thiago;

Published by:       Published on:

YEAR: 2014     DOI:

0373:Geophysics; 0607:Electromagnetics; 0725:Atmospheric sciences; Atmospheric sciences; Earth sciences; Electromagnetics; Energization; Geophysics; precipitation; Pure sciences; Radiation belts; Ulf


Energetic radiation belt electron precipitation showing ULF modulation

1] The energization and loss processes for energetic radiation belt electrons are not yet well understood. Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves have been correlated with both enhancement in outer zone radiation belt electron flux and modulation of precipitation loss to the atmosphere. This study considers the effects of ULF waves in the Pc-4 to Pc-5 period range (45 s\textendash600 s) on electron loss to the atmosphere on a time scale of several minutes. Global simulations using magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model fields as drivers provide a valuable tool for studying the dynamics of these \~MeV energetic particles. ACE satellite measurements of the MHD solar wind parameters are used as the upstream boundary condition for the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) 3D MHD code calculation of fields, used to drive electrons in a 3D test particle simulation that keeps track of attributes like energy, pitch-angle and L-shell. The simulation results are compared with balloon observations obtained during the January 21, 2005 CME-shock event. Rapid loss of 20 keV to 1.5 MeV electrons was detected by balloon-borne measurements ofbremsstrahlungX-rays during the MINIS campaign following the shock arrival at Earth. The global precipitation response of the radiation belts to this CME-shock driven storm was investigated focusing on their interaction with ULF waves. A primary cause for the precipitation modulation seen in both the simulation and the MINIS campaign is suggested based on the lowering of mirror points due to compressional magnetic field oscillations.

Brito, T.; Woodger, L.; Hudson, M.; MILLAN, R;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2012

YEAR: 2012     DOI: 10.1029/2012GL053790

Charged particle motion and acceleration; Energetic particles: precipitating; Radiation belts; wave-particle interactions

Radiation belt 2D and 3D simulations for CIR-driven storms during Carrington Rotation 2068

As part of the International Heliospheric Year, the Whole Heliosphere Interval, Carrington Rotation 2068, from March 20 to April 16, 2008 was chosen as an internationally coordinated observing and modeling campaign. A pair of solar wind structures identified as Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR), characteristic of the declining phase of the solar cycle and solar minimum, was identified in solar wind plasma measurements from the ACE satellite. Such structures have previously been determined to be geoeffective in producing enhanced outer zone radiation belt electron fluxes, on average greater than at solar maximum. MHD fields from the Coupled Magnetosphere\textendashIonosphere\textendashThermosphere (CMIT) model driven by ACE solar wind measurements at L1 have been used to drive both 2D and 3D weighted test particle simulations of electron dynamics for the CIR subset of the month-long CMIT fields. Dropout in electron flux at geosynchronous orbit and enhancement during recovery phase, characteristic of CIR-driven storms, is seen in these moderate (Dstmin=-56, -33 nT) events, while the two CIRs were characterized by increased solar wind velocity in the 650\textendash750 km/s range. The first beginning March 26 produced a greater enhancement in IMF Bz southward and stronger magnetospheric convection, leading to a greater radiation belt electron response at GOES. This study provides the first comparison of 2D and 3D particle dynamics in MHD simulation fields, incorporating the additional diffusive feature of Shebansky orbit trapping of electrons in the magnetic minima on the dayside above and below the equatorial plane. Overall loss occurs during the main phase for 2D and 3D simulations, while incorporation of plasmasheet injection in 2D runs produces a moderate enhancement for the March 26\textendash30 storm, less than observed at GOES, and recovery to initial flux levels as seen for the April 4\textendash7 storm.

Hudson, M.; Brito, Thiago; Elkington, Scot; Kress, Brian; Li, Zhao; Wiltberger, Mike;

Published by: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics      Published on: 07/2012

YEAR: 2012     DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2012.03.017

Magnetosphere; Modeling; Radiation belts; Solar wind
