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Found 4 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 4


Whistlers in the Plasmasphere

Abstract We study packages of VLF whistler-mode waves observed by the Van Allen Probes satellites in the equatorial plasmasphere. We demonstrate that the main mechanism providing localization of these waves inside relatively broad (>1 RE across the ambient magnetic field) magnetospheric regions is a combined effect of the transverse gradients in the plasma density and the ambient magnetic field. The criterion for the wave trapping by these gradients is the same as for the wave trapping inside a high-density duct with a symmetric, Gaussian-like profile of the density in the uniform magnetic field. This criterion can be used to determine the parallel wavelength of the wave with a known frequency trapped by the density and magnetic field inhomogeneities with known parameters. The developed theoretical approach demonstrates a good, quantitative agreement with the observations. The analytical results have been confirmed with comprehensive, time-dependent simulations of the electron-MHD model.

Streltsov, Anatoly;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2021

YEAR: 2021     DOI:

density inhomogeneity; duct; Plasmapause; plasmasphere; VLF waves; whistler; Van Allen Probes


Bayesian Spectral Analysis of Chorus Sub-Elements from the Van Allen Probes

We develop a Bayesian spectral analysis technique that calculates the probability distribution functions of a superposition of wave-modes each described by a linear growth rate, a frequency and a chirp rate. The Bayesian framework has a number of advantages, including 1) reducing the parameter space by integrating over the amplitude and phase of the wave, 2) incorporating the data from each channel to determine the model parameters such as frequency which leads to high resolution results in frequency and time, 3) the ability to consider the superposition of waves where the wave-parameters are closely spaced, 4) the ability to directly calculate the expectation value of wave parameters without resorting to ensemble averages, 5) the ability to calculate error bars on model parameters. We examine one rising-tone chorus element in detail from a disturbed time on November 14, 2012 using burst mode waveform data of the three components of the electric and magnetic field from the EMFISIS instrument on board NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes. The results demonstrate that sub-elements are likely composed of almost linear waves that are nearly parallel propagating with continuously changing wave parameters such as frequency and wave-vector. Between sub-elements the wave parameters of the dominant mode undergoes a discrete change in frequency and wave-vector. Near the boundary of sub-elements multiple waves are observed such that the evolution of the waves is reminiscent of wave-wave processes such as parametric decay or nonlinear induced scattering by particles. These nonlinear processes may affect the saturation of the whistler-mode chorus instability.

Crabtree, Chris; Tejero, Erik; Ganguli, Gurudas; Hospodarsky, George; Kletzing, Craig;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2017

YEAR: 2017     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA023547

Bayesian Spectral; Chorus; Van Allen Probes; whistler


Van Allen Probes observations of cross-scale coupling between electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and higher-frequency wave modes

We present observations of higher-frequency (~50\textendash2500 Hz, ~0.1\textendash0.7 fce) wave modes modulated at the frequency of colocated lower frequency (0.5\textendash2 Hz, on the order of fci) waves. These observations come from the Van Allen Probes Electric Field and Waves instrument\textquoterights burst mode data and represent the first observations of coupling between waves in these frequency ranges. The higher-frequency wave modes, typically whistler mode hiss and chorus or magnetosonic waves, last for a few to a few tens of seconds but are in some cases observed repeatedly over several hours. The higher-frequency waves are observed to be unmodulated before and after the presence of the electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, but when the EMIC waves are present, the amplitude of the higher-frequency waves drops to the instrument noise level once every EMIC wave cycle. Such modulation could significantly impact wave-particle interactions such as acceleration and pitch angle scattering, which are crucial in the formation and depletion of the radiation belts. We present one case study with broadband, high-frequency waves observed to be modulated by EMIC waves repeatedly over a 2 h time span on both spacecraft. Finally, we show two additional case studies where other high-frequency wave modes exhibit similar modulation.

Colpitts, C.; Cattell, C.; Engebretson, M.; Broughton, M.; Tian, S.; Wygant, J.; Breneman, A.; Thaller, S.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL071566

EMIC; Modulation; precipitation; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; wave; whistler


A computational and theoretical investigation of nonlinear wave-particle interactions in oblique whistlers

Most previous work on nonlinear wave-particle interactions between energetic electrons and VLF waves in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere has assumed parallel propagation, the underlying mechanism being nonlinear trapping of cyclotron resonant electrons in a parabolic magnetic field inhomogeneity. Here nonlinear wave-particle interaction in oblique whistlers in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere is investigated. The study is nonself-consistent and assumes an arbitrarily chosen wave field. We employ a \textquotedblleftcontinuous wave\textquotedblright wave field with constant frequency and amplitude, and a model for an individual VLF chorus element. We derive the equations of motion and trapping conditions in oblique whistlers. The resonant particle distribution function, resonant current, and nonlinear growth rate are computed as functions of position and time. For all resonances of order n, resonant electrons obey the trapping equation, and provided the wave amplitude is big enough for the prevailing obliquity, nonlinearity manifests itself by a \textquotedbllefthole\textquotedblright or \textquotedbllefthill\textquotedblright in distribution function, depending on the zero-order distribution function and on position. A key finding is that the n = 1 resonance is relatively unaffected by moderate obliquity up to 25\textdegree, but growth rates roll off rapidly at high obliquity. The n = 1 resonance saturates due to the adiabatic effect and here reaches a maximum growth at ~20 pT, 2000 km from the equator. Damping due to the n = 0 resonance is not subject to adiabatic effects and maximizes at some 8000 km from the equator at an obliquity ~55\textdegree.

Nunn, David; Omura, Yoshiharu;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020898

Chorus; nonlinear process; oblique propagation; simulation; Wave-particle interaction; whistler
