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Found 3 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 3


Spatial Extent of Quasiperiodic Emissions Simultaneously Observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes on 29 November 2018

Recent availability of a considerable amount of satellite and ground-based data has allowed us to analyze rare conjugated events where extremely low and very low frequency waves from the same source region are observed in different locations. Here, we report a quasiperiodic (QP) emission, showing one-to-one correspondence, observed by three satellites in space (Arase and the Van Allen Probes) and a ground station. The main event was on 29 November 2018 from 12:06 to 13:08 UT during geomagnetically quiet times. Using the position of the satellites we estimated the spatial extent of the area where the one-to-one correspondence is observed. We found this to be up to 1.21 Earth s radii by 2.26 hr MLT, in radial and longitudinal directions, respectively. Using simple ray tracing calculations, we discuss the probable source location of these waves. At ∼12:20 UT, changes in the frequency sweep rate of the QP elements are observed at all locations associated with magnetic disturbances. We also discuss temporal changes of the spectral shape of QP observed simultaneously in space and on the ground, suggesting the changes are related to properties of the source mechanisms of the waves. This could be linked to two separate sources or a larger source region with different source intensities (i.e., electron flux). At frequencies below the low hybrid resonance, waves can experience attenuation and/or reflection in the magnetosphere. This could explain the sudden end of the observations at the spacecraft, which are moving away from the area where waves can propagate.

Martinez-Calderon, C.; Němec, F.; Katoh, Y.; Shiokawa, K.; Kletzing, C.; Hospodarsky, G.; Santolik, O.; Kasahara, Y.; Matsuda, S.; Kumamoto, A.; Tsuchiya, F.; Matsuoka, A.; Shoji, M.; Teramoto, M.; Kurita, S.; Miyoshi, Y.; Ozaki, M.; Nishitani, N.; Oinats, A.; Kurkin, V.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 08/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

VLF/ELF; spatial extent; conjugated events; ERG; RBSP; quasiperiodic emissions; Van Allen Probes


SC-associated electric field variations in the magnetosphere and ionospheric convective flows

We examine magnetic and electric field perturbations associated with a sudden commencement (SC), caused by an interplanetary (IP) shock passing over the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere on 16 February 2013. The SC was identified in the magnetic and electric field data measured at THEMIS-E (THE-E: MLT = 12.4, L = 6.3), Van Allen Probe-A (VAP-A: MLT = 3.2, L = 5.1), and Van Allen Probe-B (VAP-B: MLT = 0.2. L= 4.9) in the magnetosphere. During the SC interval, THE-E observed a dawnward-then-duskward electric (E) field perturbation around noon, while VAP-B observed a duskward E-field perturbation around midnight. VAP-A observed a dawnward-then-duskward E-field perturbation in the postmidnight sector, but the duration and magnitude of the dawnward E-perturbation are much shorter and weaker than that at THE-E. That is, the E-field signature changes with local time during the SC interval. The SuperDARN radar data indicate that the ionospheric plasma motions during the SC are mainly due to the E-field variations observed in space. This indicates that the SC-associated E-field in space plays a significant role in determining the dynamic variations of the ionospheric convection flow. By comparing previous SC MHD simulations and our observations, we suggest that the E-field variations observed at the spacecraft are produced by magnetospheric convection flows due to deformation of the magnetosphere as the IP shock sweeps the magnetopause.

Kim, S.-I.; Kim, K.-H.; Kwon, H.-J.; Jin, H.; Lee, E.; Jee, G.; Nishitani, N.; Hori, T.; Lester, M.; Wygant, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2017

YEAR: 2017     DOI: 10.1002/2017JA024611

electric field; Sudden commencement; Van Allen Probes


Azimuthal flow bursts in the Inner Plasma Sheet and Possible Connection with SAPS and Plasma Sheet Earthward Flow Bursts

We have combined radar observations and auroral images obtained during the PFISR Ion Neutral Observations in the Thermosphere campaign to show the common occurrence of westward moving, localized auroral brightenings near the auroral equatorward boundary and to show their association with azimuthally moving flow bursts near or within the SAPS region. These results indicate that the SAPS region, rather than consisting of relatively stable proton precipitation and westward flows, can have rapidly varying flows, with speeds varying from ~100 m/s to ~1 km/s in just a few minutes. The auroral brightenings are associated with bursts of weak electron precipitation that move westward with the westward flow bursts and extend into the SAPS region. Additionally, our observations show evidence that the azimuthally moving flow bursts often connect to earthward (equatorward in the ionosphere) plasma sheet flow bursts. This indicates that rather than stopping or bouncing, some flow bursts turn azimuthally after reaching the inner plasma sheet and lead to the bursts of strong azimuthal flow. Evidence is also seen for a general guiding of the flow bursts by the large-scale convection pattern, flow bursts within the duskside convection being azimuthally turned to the west and those within the dawn cell being turned toward the east. The possibility that the SAPS-region flow structures considered here may be connected to localized flow enhancements from the polar cap that cross the nightside auroral poleward boundary and lead to flow bursts within the plasma sheet warrants further consideration.

Lyons, L.; Nishimura, Y.; Gallardo-Lacourt, B.; Nicolls, M.; Chen, S.; Hampton, D.; Bristow, W.; Ruohoniemi, J.; Nishitani, N.; Donovan, E.; Angelopoulos, V.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021023

aurora; convection; Flow bursts; plasma sheet; SAPS; streamers
