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Found 4 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 4


Rapid Precipitation of Relativistic Electron by EMIC Rising-Tone Emissions Observed by the Van Allen Probes

On 23 February 2014, Van Allen Probes sensors observed quite strong electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in the outer dayside magnetosphere. The maximum amplitude was more than 14 nT, comparable to 7\% of the magnitude of the ambient magnetic field. The EMIC waves consisted of a series of coherent rising tone emissions. Rising tones are excited sporadically by energetic protons. At the same time, the probes detected drastic fluctuations in fluxes of MeV electrons. It was found that the electron fluxes decreased by more than 30\% during the 1 min following the observation of each EMIC rising tone emissions. Furthermore, it is concluded that the flux reduction is a nonadiabatic (irreversible) process since holes in the particle flux levels appear as drift echoes with energy dispersion. We examine the process of electron pitch angle scattering by nonlinear wave trapping due to anomalous cyclotron resonance with EMIC rising tone emissions. The energy range of precipitated electrons agrees with the presumed energy for the threshold amplitude for nonlinear wave trapping. This is the first report of rapid precipitation (<1 min) of relativistic electrons by EMIC rising tone emissions and their drift echoes in time observed by spacecraft.

Nakamura, S.; Omura, Y.; Kletzing, C.; Baker, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: May-08-2020

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026772

EMIC waves; Magnetosphere; microburst; nonlinear; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; Wave-particle interaction


Fine structure of whistler-mode hiss in plasmaspheric plumes observed by the Van Allen Probes

We survey 3 years (2013-2015) of data from the Van Allen Probes related to plasmaspheric plume crossing events. We detect 194 plume crossing events, and we find that 97\% of the plumes are accompanied by VLF hiss emissions. The plumes are mainly detected on the duskside or dayside. Careful examination of the hiss spectra reveals that all hiss emissions consist of obvious fine structure. Application of a band pass filter reveals that the fine structure is consistent with the occurrence of discrete wave packets. The hiss data display high coherency. The events are classified by location. Dusk side hiss and night side hiss tend to have extremely high polarization with no chorus at the high-frequency end of the dynamic spectrum. The dusk side hiss has a distinct upper frequency limit. On the other hand, the dawn side hiss has strong chorus elements at the upper hiss frequency which makes the upper frequency limit ambiguous. We show that the structure of whistler-mode hiss is different from artificial random noise. Although noise also has fine spectral characteristics, the polarization and waveform data are totally different from the hiss cases. Our results strongly suggest that whistle-mode hiss in plasmaspheric plumes universally possesses fine structure.

Nakamura, S.; Omura, Y.; Summers, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2018

YEAR: 2018     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA025803

fine structure; hiss; nonlinear; plasmaspheric plume; Van Allen Probes


Nonlinear Bounce Resonances between Magnetosonic Waves and Equatorially Mirroring Electrons

Equatorially mirroring energetic electrons pose an interesting scientific problem, since they generally cannot resonate with any known plasma waves and hence cannot be scattered down to lower pitch angles. Observationally it is well known that the fluxof these equatorial particles does not simply continue to build up indefinitely, and so a mechanism must necessarily exist that transports these particles from a equatorial pitch angle of 90 degrees down to lower values. However this mechanism has not been uniquely identified yet. Here, we investigate the mechanism of bounce resonance with equatorial noise (or fast magnetosonic waves). A test particle simulation is used to examine the effects of monochromatic magnetosonic waves on the equatorially mirroring energetic electrons, with a special interest in characterizing the effectiveness of bounce resonances. Our analysis shows that bounce resonances can occur at the first three harmonics of the bounce frequency (nωb, n = 1 , 2, and 3 ) and can effectively reduce the equatorial pitch angle to values where resonant scattering by whistler-mode waves becomes possible. We demonstrate that the nature of bounce resonance is nonlinear and we propose a nonlinear oscillation model for characterizing bounce resonances using two key parameters, effective wave amplitude \~A and normalized wave number inline image. The threshold for higher harmonic resonance is more strict, favoring higher \~A and inline image and the change in equatorial pitch angle is strongly controlled by inline image. We also investigate the dependence of bounce resonance effects on various physical parameters, including wave amplitude, frequency, wave normal angle and initial phase, plasmadensity, and electron energy. It is found that the effect of bounce resonance is sensitive to the wave normal angle. We suggest that the bounce resonant interaction might lead to an observed pitch angle distribution with a minimum at 90o.

Chen, Lunjin; Maldonado, Armando; Bortnik, Jacob; Thorne, Richard; Li, Jinxing; Dai, Lei; Zhan, Xiaoya;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 06/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021174

bounce resonance; equatorioal noise; magnetosonic waves; nonlinear; Radiation belt; wave particle interaction


Statistical results describing the bandwidth and coherence coefficient of whistler mode waves using THEMIS waveform data

The bandwidths and coherence coefficients of lower band whistler mode waves are analyzed using Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) waveform data for rising tones, falling tones, and hiss-like emissions separately. We also evaluate their dependences on the spatial location, electron density, the ratio of plasma frequency to local electron gyrofrequency (fpe/fce), and the wave amplitude. Our results show that the bandwidth normalized by the local electron gyrofrequency (fce) of rising and falling tones is very narrow (~0.01 fce), smaller than that of the hiss-like emissions (~0.025 fce). Meanwhile, the normalized bandwidth of discrete emissions gradually decreases with increasing wave amplitude, whereas that of hiss-like emissions increases slowly. The coherence coefficient of rising and falling tones is extremely large (~1), while the coherence coefficient of hiss-like emissions is smaller but is still larger than 0.5. For all categories of whistler mode waves, the normalized bandwidth increases at larger L shells. Furthermore, the normalized bandwidth is positively correlated with local fpe/fce but is inversely correlated with the electron density. Interactions between radiation belt electrons and whistler mode waves have been widely described by quasi-linear diffusion theory. Our results suggest that although quasi-linear theory is not entirely applicable for modeling electron interactions with rising and falling tones due to their narrow bandwidth and high coherence coefficient, it is suitable to treat wave-particle interactions between electrons and low-amplitude hiss-like emissions. Moreover, the correlations between the normalized bandwidth of chorus waves (especially the discrete emissions) and other parameters may provide insights for the generation mechanism of chorus waves.

Gao, X.; Li, W.; Thorne, R.; Bortnik, J.; Angelopoulos, V.; Lu, Q.; Tao, X.; Wang, S.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020158

bandwidth; coherence coefficient; nonlinear; quasi-linear; THEMIS; whistler mode waves
