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Found 8 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 8


Rapid loss of relativistic electrons by EMIC waves in the outer radiation belt observed by Arase, Van Allen Probes, and the PWING ground stations

There has been increasing evidence for pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons by electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. Theoretical studies have predicted that the loss time scale of MeV electrons by EMIC waves can be very fast, suggesting that MeV electron fluxes rapidly decrease in association with the EMIC wave activity. This study reports on a unique event of MeV electron loss induced by EMIC waves based on Arase, Van Allen Probes, and ground-based network observations. Arase observed a signature of MeV electron loss by EMIC waves, and the satellite and ground-based observations constrained spatial-temporal variations of the EMIC wave activity during the loss event. Multi-satellite observation of MeV electron fluxes showed that ~2.5 MeV electron fluxes substantially decreased within a few tens of minutes where the EMIC waves were present. The present study provides an observational estimate of the loss time scale of MeV electrons by EMIC waves.

Kurita, S.; Miyoshi, Y.; Shiokawa, K.; Higashio, N.; Mitani, T.; Takashima, T.; Matsuoka, A.; Shinohara, I.; Kletzing, C.; Blake, J.; Claudepierre, S.; Connors, M.; Oyama, S.; Nagatsuma, T.; Sakaguchi, K.; Baishev, D.; Otsuka, Y.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2018

YEAR: 2018     DOI: 10.1029/2018GL080262

EMIC waves; loss; PWING project; Radiation belt; The Arase satellite; Van Allen Probes


CIMI simulations with newly developed multi-parameter chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models

Numerical simulation studies of the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts are important to understand the acceleration and loss of energetic electrons. The Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (CIMI) model considers the effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on the radiation belts to obtain plausible results. The CIMI model incorporates pitch angle, energy, and cross diffusion of electrons, due to chorus and plasmaspheric hiss waves. These parameters are calculated using statistical wave distribution models of chorus and plasmaspheric hiss amplitudes. However, currently these wave distribution models are based only on a single parameter, geomagnetic index (AE), and could potentially underestimate the wave amplitudes. Here we incorporate recently developed multi-parameter chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models based on geomagnetic index and solar wind parameters. We then perform CIMI simulations for two geomagnetic storms and compare the flux enhancement of MeV electrons with data from the Van Allen Probes and Akebono satellites. We show that the relativistic electron fluxes calculated with multi-parameter wave models resembles the observations more accurately than the relativistic electron fluxes calculated with single-parameter wave models. This indicates that wave models based on a combination of geomagnetic index and solar wind parameters are more effective as inputs to radiation belt models.

Aryan, Homayon; Sibeck, David; Bin Kang, Suk-; Balikhin, Michael; Fok, Mei-Ching; Agapitov, Oleksiy; Komar, Colin; Kanekal, Shrikanth; Nagai, Tsugunobu;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 08/2017

YEAR: 2017     DOI: 10.1002/2017JA024159

Chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models; CIMI numerical simulations; Geomagnetic storm events; Radiation belt electron flux enhancements; Van Allen Probes; VLF waves; Wave-particle interaction

A multi-spacecraft event study of Pc5 ultra low frequency waves in the magnetosphere and their external drivers

We investigate a quiet-time event of magnetospheric Pc5 ultra low frequency (ULF) waves and their likely external drivers using multiple spacecraft observations. Enhancements of electric and magnetic field perturbations in two narrow frequency bands, 1.5-2 mHz and 3.5-4 mHz, were observed over a large radial distance range from r ~5 to 11 RE. During the first half of this event, perturbations were mainly observed in the transverse components and only in the 3.5-4 mHz band. In comparison, enhancements were stronger during the second half in both transverse and compressional components and in both frequency bands. No indication of field line resonances was found for these magnetic field perturbations. Perturbations in these two bands were also observed in the magnetosheath, but not in the solar wind dynamic pressure perturbations. For the first interval, good correlations between the flow perturbations in the magnetosphere and magnetosheath and an indirect signature for Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) vortices suggest K-H surface waves as the driver. For the second interval, good correlations are found between the magnetosheath dynamic pressure perturbations, magnetopause deformation, and magnetospheric waves, all in good correspondence to IMF discontinuities. The characteristics of these perturbations can be explained by being driven by foreshock perturbations resulting from these IMF discontinuities. This event shows that even during quiet periods, KH-unstable magnetopause and ion foreshock perturbations can combine to create a highly dynamic magnetospheric ULF wave environment.

Wang, Chih-Ping; Thorne, Richard; Liu, Terry; Hartinger, Michael; Nagai, Tsugunobu; Angelopoulos, Vassilis; Wygant, John; Breneman, Aaron; Kletzing, Craig; Reeves, Geoffrey; Claudepierre, Seth; Spence, Harlan;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2017

YEAR: 2017     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA023610

IMF discontinuity; inner magnetosphere; Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices; magnetosheath; Pc5 waves; plasma sheet; Van Allen Probes


Prediction of MeV electron fluxes throughout the outer radiation belt using multivariate autoregressive models

The Van Allen radiation belts surrounding the Earth are filled with MeV-energy electrons. This region poses ionizing radiation risks for spacecraft that operate within it, including those in geostationary (GEO) and medium Earth orbit (MEO). To provide alerts of electron flux enhancements, sixteen prediction models of the electron log-flux variation throughout the equatorial outer radiation belt as a function of the McIlwain L parameter were developed using the multivariate autoregressive model and Kalman filter. Measurements of omni-directional 2.3 MeV electron flux from the Van Allen Probes mission as well as >2 MeV electrons from the GOES-15 spacecraft were used as the predictors. Model explanatory parameters were selected from solar wind parameters, the electron log-flux at GEO, and geomagnetic indices. For the innermost region of the outer radiation belt, the electron flux is best predicted by using the Dst index as the sole input parameter. For the central to outermost regions, at L≧4.8 and L≧5.6, the electron flux is predicted most accurately by including also the solar wind velocity and then the dynamic pressure, respectively. The Dst index is the best overall single parameter for predicting at 3≦L≦6, while for the GEO flux prediction, the KP index is better than Dst. A test calculation demonstrates that the model successfully predicts the timing and location of the flux maximum as much as 2 days in advance, and that the electron flux decreases faster with time at higher L values, both model features consistent with the actually observed behavior.

Sakaguchi, Kaori; Nagatsuma, Tsutomu; Reeves, Geoffrey; Spence, Harlan;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 11/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015SW001254

outer radiation belt; Practical prediction model; Van Allen Probes


The Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model

Simulation studies of the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts and ring current are very useful in understanding the acceleration, transport, and loss of energetic particles. Recently, the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM) and the Radiation Belt Environment (RBE) model were merged to form a Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (CIMI) model. CIMI solves for many essential quantities in the inner magnetosphere, including ion and electron distributions in the ring current and radiation belts, plasmaspheric density, Region 2 currents, convection potential, and precipitation in the ionosphere. It incorporates whistler mode chorus and hiss wave diffusion of energetic electrons in energy, pitch angle, and cross terms. CIMI thus represents a comprehensive model that considers the effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on the radiation belts. We have performed a CIMI simulation for the storm on 5\textendash9 April 2010 and then compared our results with data from the Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers and Akebono satellites. We identify the dominant energization and loss processes for the ring current and radiation belts. We find that the interactions with the whistler mode chorus waves are the main cause of the flux increase of MeV electrons during the recovery phase of this particular storm. When a self-consistent electric field from the CRCM is used, the enhancement of MeV electrons is higher than when an empirical convection model is applied. We also demonstrate how CIMI can be a powerful tool for analyzing and interpreting data from the new Van Allen Probes mission.

Fok, M.-C.; Buzulukova, N; Chen, S.-H.; Glocer, A.; Nagai, T.; Valek, P.; Perez, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020239

inner magnetosphere; magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling; ring current; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Cost and risk analysis of small satellite constellations for earth observation

Distributed Space Missions (DSMs) are gaining momentum in their application to Earth science missions owing to their ability to increase observation sampling in spatial, spectral, temporal and angular dimensions. Past literature from academia and industry have proposed and evaluated many cost models for spacecraft as well as methods for quantifying risk. However, there have been few comprehensive studies quantifying the cost for multiple spacecraft, for small satellites and the cost risk for the operations phase of the project which needs to be budgeted for when designing and building efficient architectures. This paper identifies the three critical problems with the applicability of current cost and risk models to distributed small satellite missions and uses data-based modeling to suggest changes that can be made in some of them to improve applicability. Learning curve parameters to make multiple copies of the same unit, technological complexity based costing and COTS enabled small satellite costing have been studied and insights provided.

Nag, Sreeja; LeMoigne, Jacqueline; de Weck, Olivier;

Published by:       Published on: 03/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2014.6836396

artificial satellites; risk analysis


Comparison between POES energetic electron precipitation observations and riometer absorptions: Implications for determining true precipitation fluxes

Energetic electron precipitation (EEP) impacts the chemistry of the middle atmosphere with growing evidence of coupling to surface temperatures at high latitudes. To better understand this link, it is essential to have realistic observations to properly characterize precipitation and which can be incorporated into chemistry-climate models. The Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) detectors measure precipitating particles but only integral fluxes and only in a fraction of the bounce loss cone. Ground-based riometers respond to precipitation from the whole bounce loss cone; they measure the cosmic radio noise absorption (CNA), a qualitative proxy with scant direct information on the energy flux of EEP. POES observations should have a direct relationship with ΔCNA and comparing the two will clarify their utility in studies of atmospheric change. We determined ionospheric changes produced by the EEP measured by the POES spacecraft in ~250 overpasses of an imaging riometer in northern Finland. The ΔCNA modeled from the POES data is 10\textendash15 times less than the observed ΔCNA when the >30 keV flux is reported as <106 cm-2 s-1 sr-1. Above this level, there is relatively good agreement between the space-based and ground-based measurements. The discrepancy occurs mostly during periods of low geomagnetic activity, and we contend that weak diffusion is dominating the pitch angle scattering into the bounce loss cone at these times. A correction to the calculation using measurements of the trapped flux considerably reduces the discrepancy and provides further support to our hypothesis that weak diffusion leads to underestimates of the EEP.

Rodger, Craig; Kavanagh, Andrew; Clilverd, Mark; Marple, Steve;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2013

YEAR: 2013     DOI: 10.1002/2013JA019439

electron precipitation; POES; Radiation belts; riometery
