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Found 1116 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 151 through 200


The Relation Between Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves and Plasmapause: Case and Statistical Studies

Abstract Observationally, electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves are often terminated at the outer boundary of the plasmasphere boundary layer (PBL, i.e., plasmapause). Physics of this empirical relation is not well established. In this study, two categories of ECH waves are shown by their different behaviors near PBL. For Category I, all bands of ECH waves terminate at PBL because the density ratio (nh/nc) between hot and cold electrons decreases dramatically across PBL. For Category II, ECH waves, especially the lower harmonic bands, can be excited deeper inside the plasmasphere because nh/nc gradually decreases across PBL. A statistical study using Van Allen Probes observation is performed for these two categories. We find that the two categories of ECH waves are preferred to occur at nightside and dawnside. The two categories of ECH waves may be separated by the wave intensity outside the PBL or nh/nc with the threshold on the order of 10−10–10−9 (V/m)2 and 10−2, respectively.

Liu, Xu; Chen, Lunjin; Xia, Zhiyang;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2020GL087365

two types of ECH wave; Plasmapause; instability; excitation and attenuation mechanism; statistical characteristics of two types of ECH wave; Van Allen Probes

Whistler Mode Quasiperiodic Emissions: Contrasting Van Allen Probes and DEMETER Occurrence Rates

Abstract Quasiperiodic emissions are magnetospheric whistler mode waves at frequencies between about 0.5 and 4 kHz which exhibit a nearly periodic time modulation of the wave intensity. We use large data sets of events observed by the Van Allen Probes in the equatorial region at larger radial distances and by the low-altitude DEMETER spacecraft. While Van Allen Probes observe the events at all local times and longitudes, DEMETER observations are limited nearly exclusively to the daytime and significantly less frequent at the longitudes of the South Atlantic Anomaly. Further, while the events observed by Van Allen Probes are smoothly distributed over seasons with only mild maxima in spring/autumn, DEMETER occurrence rate has a single pronounced minimum in July. The apparent inconsistency is explained by considering a nondipolar Earth s magnetic field and significant background wave intensities which in these cases prevent the quasiperiodic events from being identified in DEMETER data.

Němec, F.; Santolik, O.; Hospodarsky, G.; Hajoš, M.; Demekhov, A.; Kurth, W.; Parrot, M.; Hartley, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2020JA027918

quasiperiodic emissions; QP emissions; DEMETER; RBSP; Van Allen Probes

The Effect of Plasma Boundaries on the Dynamic Evolution of Relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons

Abstract Understanding the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons in the Earth s radiation belts during both storm and nonstorm times is a challenging task. The U.S. National Science Foundation s Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) focus group “Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling” has selected two storm time and two nonstorm time events that occurred during the second year of the Van Allen Probes mission for in-depth study. Here, we perform simulations for these GEM challenge events using the 3D Versatile Electron Radiation Belt code. We set up the outer L* boundary using data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and validate the simulation results against satellite observations from both the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and Van Allen Probe missions for 0.9-MeV electrons. Our results show that the position of the plasmapause plays a significant role in the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons. The magnetopause shadowing effect is included by using last closed drift shell, and it is shown to significantly contribute to the dropouts of relativistic electrons at high L*. We perform simulations using four different empirical radial diffusion coefficient models for the GEM challenge events, and the results show that these simulations reproduce the general dynamic evolution of relativistic radiation belt electrons. However, in the events shown here, simulations using the radial diffusion coefficients from Brautigam and Albert (2000) produce the best agreement with satellite observations.

Wang, Dedong; Shprits, Yuri; Zhelavskaya, Irina; Effenberger, Frederic; Castillo, Angelica; Drozdov, Alexander; Aseev, Nikita; Cervantes, Sebastian;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027422

Radiation belt; simulation; relativistic electrons; magnetopause shadowing; Wave-particle interaction; Plasmapause; Van Allen Probes

The Effect of Plasma Boundaries on the Dynamic Evolution of Relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons

Abstract Understanding the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons in the Earth s radiation belts during both storm and nonstorm times is a challenging task. The U.S. National Science Foundation s Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) focus group “Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling” has selected two storm time and two nonstorm time events that occurred during the second year of the Van Allen Probes mission for in-depth study. Here, we perform simulations for these GEM challenge events using the 3D Versatile Electron Radiation Belt code. We set up the outer L* boundary using data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and validate the simulation results against satellite observations from both the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and Van Allen Probe missions for 0.9-MeV electrons. Our results show that the position of the plasmapause plays a significant role in the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons. The magnetopause shadowing effect is included by using last closed drift shell, and it is shown to significantly contribute to the dropouts of relativistic electrons at high L*. We perform simulations using four different empirical radial diffusion coefficient models for the GEM challenge events, and the results show that these simulations reproduce the general dynamic evolution of relativistic radiation belt electrons. However, in the events shown here, simulations using the radial diffusion coefficients from Brautigam and Albert (2000) produce the best agreement with satellite observations.

Wang, Dedong; Shprits, Yuri; Zhelavskaya, Irina; Effenberger, Frederic; Castillo, Angelica; Drozdov, Alexander; Aseev, Nikita; Cervantes, Sebastian;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027422

Radiation belt; simulation; relativistic electrons; magnetopause shadowing; Wave-particle interaction; Plasmapause; Van Allen Probes

Localization of the Source of Quasiperiodic VLF Emissions in the Magnetosphere by Using Simultaneous Ground and Space Observations: A Case Study

Abstract We study quasiperiodic very low frequency (VLF) emissions observed simultaneously by Van Allen Probes spacecraft and Kannuslehto and Lovozero ground-based stations on 25 December 2015. Both Van Allen Probes A and B detected quasiperiodic emissions, probably originated from a common source, and observed on the ground. In order to locate possible regions of wave generation, we analyze wave-normal angles with respect to the geomagnetic field, Poynting flux direction, and cyclotron instability growth rate calculated by using the measured phase space density of energetic electrons. We demonstrate that even parallel wave propagation and proper (downward) Poynting flux direction are not sufficient for claiming observations to be in the source region. Agreement between the growth rate and emission bands was obtained for a restricted part of Van Allen Probe A trajectory corresponding to localized enhancement of plasma density with scale of 700 km. We employ spacecraft density data to build a model plasma profile and to calculate ray trajectories from the point of wave detection in space to the ionosphere and examine the possibility of their propagation toward the ground. For the considered event, the wave could propagate toward the ground in the geomagnetic flux tube with enhanced plasma density, which ensured ducted propagation. The region of wave exit was confirmed by the analysis of wave propagation direction at the ground detection point.

Demekhov, A.; Titova, E.; Maninnen, J.; Pasmanik, D.; Lubchich, A.; Santolik, O.; Larchenko, A.; Nikitenko, A.; Turunen, T.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2020JA027776

quasiperiodic VLF emissions; Cyclotron instability; wave propagation; Magnetosphere; whistler mode waves; Van Allen Probes

Localization of the Source of Quasiperiodic VLF Emissions in the Magnetosphere by Using Simultaneous Ground and Space Observations: A Case Study

Abstract We study quasiperiodic very low frequency (VLF) emissions observed simultaneously by Van Allen Probes spacecraft and Kannuslehto and Lovozero ground-based stations on 25 December 2015. Both Van Allen Probes A and B detected quasiperiodic emissions, probably originated from a common source, and observed on the ground. In order to locate possible regions of wave generation, we analyze wave-normal angles with respect to the geomagnetic field, Poynting flux direction, and cyclotron instability growth rate calculated by using the measured phase space density of energetic electrons. We demonstrate that even parallel wave propagation and proper (downward) Poynting flux direction are not sufficient for claiming observations to be in the source region. Agreement between the growth rate and emission bands was obtained for a restricted part of Van Allen Probe A trajectory corresponding to localized enhancement of plasma density with scale of 700 km. We employ spacecraft density data to build a model plasma profile and to calculate ray trajectories from the point of wave detection in space to the ionosphere and examine the possibility of their propagation toward the ground. For the considered event, the wave could propagate toward the ground in the geomagnetic flux tube with enhanced plasma density, which ensured ducted propagation. The region of wave exit was confirmed by the analysis of wave propagation direction at the ground detection point.

Demekhov, A.; Titova, E.; Maninnen, J.; Pasmanik, D.; Lubchich, A.; Santolik, O.; Larchenko, A.; Nikitenko, A.; Turunen, T.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2020JA027776

quasiperiodic VLF emissions; Cyclotron instability; wave propagation; Magnetosphere; whistler mode waves; Van Allen Probes

Global ENA Imaging and In Situ Observations of Substorm Dipolarization on 10 August 2016

This paper presents the first combined use of data from Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS), Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers (TWINS), and Van Allen Probes (RBSP) to study the 10 August 2016 magnetic dipolarization. We report the first correlation of MMS tail observations with TWINS energetic neutral atom (ENA) images of the ring current (RC). We analyze 15-min, 1° TWINS 2 images in 1–50 keV energy bins. To characterize the high-altitude RC we extract peak ENA flux from L= 2.5 to 5 in the postmidnight sector. We estimate peak low-altitude ion flux from ENAs near the Earth s limb. For a local perspective, we use spin-averaged proton fluxes from the RBSP A Helium Oxygen Proton Electron (HOPE) spectrometer. We find that the 1000 UT dipolarization triggered an abrupt and significant increase in low-altitude ions and a gradual but modest increase in the high-altitude RC. The relative strength and timing of the low versus high-altitude flux indicate that the dipolarization isotropized the injected ions and initially filled the loss cone. The substorm injection brought cooler ions in from the magnetotail, reducing the peak energy at both low and high altitudes. The post-dipolarization low-altitude flux exhibited a decay rate dispersion favoring longer decay times at lower energies, possibly caused by growth of the low energy RC providing enhanced flux into the loss cone. A variety of finer scale local injection structures were observed in the high-altitude RC both before and after the dipolarization, and the average system level RC intensity increased after 1000 UT.

Goldstein, J.; Valek, P.; McComas, D.; Redfern, J.; Spence, H.; Skoug, R.; Larsen, B.; Reeves, G.; Nakamura, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

substorm dipolarization; cross-scale physics; imaging; multipoint in situ; ring current

Global ENA Imaging and In Situ Observations of Substorm Dipolarization on 10 August 2016

This paper presents the first combined use of data from Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS), Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers (TWINS), and Van Allen Probes (RBSP) to study the 10 August 2016 magnetic dipolarization. We report the first correlation of MMS tail observations with TWINS energetic neutral atom (ENA) images of the ring current (RC). We analyze 15-min, 1° TWINS 2 images in 1–50 keV energy bins. To characterize the high-altitude RC we extract peak ENA flux from L= 2.5 to 5 in the postmidnight sector. We estimate peak low-altitude ion flux from ENAs near the Earth s limb. For a local perspective, we use spin-averaged proton fluxes from the RBSP A Helium Oxygen Proton Electron (HOPE) spectrometer. We find that the 1000 UT dipolarization triggered an abrupt and significant increase in low-altitude ions and a gradual but modest increase in the high-altitude RC. The relative strength and timing of the low versus high-altitude flux indicate that the dipolarization isotropized the injected ions and initially filled the loss cone. The substorm injection brought cooler ions in from the magnetotail, reducing the peak energy at both low and high altitudes. The post-dipolarization low-altitude flux exhibited a decay rate dispersion favoring longer decay times at lower energies, possibly caused by growth of the low energy RC providing enhanced flux into the loss cone. A variety of finer scale local injection structures were observed in the high-altitude RC both before and after the dipolarization, and the average system level RC intensity increased after 1000 UT.

Goldstein, J.; Valek, P.; McComas, D.; Redfern, J.; Spence, H.; Skoug, R.; Larsen, B.; Reeves, G.; Nakamura, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

substorm dipolarization; cross-scale physics; imaging; multipoint in situ; ring current

Bayesian Inference of Quasi-Linear Radial Diffusion Parameters using Van Allen Probes

The Van Allen radiation belts in the magnetosphere have been extensively studied using models based on radial diffusion theory, which is derived from a quasi-linear approach with prescribed inner and outer boundary conditions. The 1D diffusion model requires the knowledge of a diffusion coefficient and an electron loss timescale, which is typically parameterized in terms of various quantities such as the spatial (L) coordinate or a geomagnetic index (e.g., Kp). These terms are typically empirically derived, not directly measurable, and hence are not known precisely, due to the inherent nonlinearity of the process and the variable boundary conditions. In this work, we demonstrate a probabilistic approach by inferring the values of the diffusion and loss term parameters, along with their uncertainty, in a Bayesian framework, where identification is obtained using the Van Allen Probe measurements. Our results show that the probabilistic approach statistically improves the performance of the model, compared to the empirical parameterization employed in the literature.

Sarma, Rakesh; Chandorkar, Mandar; Zhelavskaya, Irina; Shprits, Yuri; Drozdov, Alexander; Camporeale, Enrico;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

radial diffusion; Magnetosphere; Bayesian inference; Van Allen radiation belt; Van Allen Probes

Bayesian Inference of Quasi-Linear Radial Diffusion Parameters using Van Allen Probes

The Van Allen radiation belts in the magnetosphere have been extensively studied using models based on radial diffusion theory, which is derived from a quasi-linear approach with prescribed inner and outer boundary conditions. The 1D diffusion model requires the knowledge of a diffusion coefficient and an electron loss timescale, which is typically parameterized in terms of various quantities such as the spatial (L) coordinate or a geomagnetic index (e.g., Kp). These terms are typically empirically derived, not directly measurable, and hence are not known precisely, due to the inherent nonlinearity of the process and the variable boundary conditions. In this work, we demonstrate a probabilistic approach by inferring the values of the diffusion and loss term parameters, along with their uncertainty, in a Bayesian framework, where identification is obtained using the Van Allen Probe measurements. Our results show that the probabilistic approach statistically improves the performance of the model, compared to the empirical parameterization employed in the literature.

Sarma, Rakesh; Chandorkar, Mandar; Zhelavskaya, Irina; Shprits, Yuri; Drozdov, Alexander; Camporeale, Enrico;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

radial diffusion; Magnetosphere; Bayesian inference; Van Allen radiation belt; Van Allen Probes

The Relation Between Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves and Plasmapause: Case and Statistical Studies

Observationally, electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves are often terminated at the outer boundary of the plasmasphere boundary layer (PBL, i.e., plasmapause). Physics of this empirical relation is not well established. In this study, two categories of ECH waves are shown by their different behaviors near PBL. For Category I, all bands of ECH waves terminate at PBL because the density ratio (nh/nc) between hot and cold electrons decreases dramatically across PBL. For Category II, ECH waves, especially the lower harmonic bands, can be excited deeper inside the plasmasphere because nh/nc gradually decreases across PBL. A statistical study using Van Allen Probes observation is performed for these two categories. We find that the two categories of ECH waves are preferred to occur at nightside and dawnside. The two categories of ECH waves may be separated by the wave intensity outside the PBL or nh/nc with the threshold on the order of 10−10–10−9 (V/m)2 and 10−2, respectively.

Liu, Xu; Chen, Lunjin; Xia, Zhiyang;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

two types of ECH wave; Plasmapause; instability; excitation and attenuation mechanism; statistical characteristics of two types of ECH wave; Van Allen Probes

Whistler Mode Quasiperiodic Emissions: Contrasting Van Allen Probes and DEMETER Occurrence Rates

Quasiperiodic emissions are magnetospheric whistler mode waves at frequencies between about 0.5 and 4 kHz which exhibit a nearly periodic time modulation of the wave intensity. We use large data sets of events observed by the Van Allen Probes in the equatorial region at larger radial distances and by the low-altitude DEMETER spacecraft. While Van Allen Probes observe the events at all local times and longitudes, DEMETER observations are limited nearly exclusively to the daytime and significantly less frequent at the longitudes of the South Atlantic Anomaly. Further, while the events observed by Van Allen Probes are smoothly distributed over seasons with only mild maxima in spring/autumn, DEMETER occurrence rate has a single pronounced minimum in July. The apparent inconsistency is explained by considering a nondipolar Earth s magnetic field and significant background wave intensities which in these cases prevent the quasiperiodic events from being identified in DEMETER data.

Němec, F.; Santolik, O.; Hospodarsky, G.; Hajoš, M.; Demekhov, A.; Kurth, W.; Parrot, M.; Hartley, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

quasiperiodic emissions; QP emissions; DEMETER; RBSP; Van Allen Probes

The Effect of Plasma Boundaries on the Dynamic Evolution of Relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons

Understanding the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons in the Earth s radiation belts during both storm and nonstorm times is a challenging task. The U.S. National Science Foundation s Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) focus group “Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling” has selected two storm time and two nonstorm time events that occurred during the second year of the Van Allen Probes mission for in-depth study. Here, we perform simulations for these GEM challenge events using the 3D Versatile Electron Radiation Belt code. We set up the outer L* boundary using data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and validate the simulation results against satellite observations from both the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and Van Allen Probe missions for 0.9-MeV electrons. Our results show that the position of the plasmapause plays a significant role in the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons. The magnetopause shadowing effect is included by using last closed drift shell, and it is shown to significantly contribute to the dropouts of relativistic electrons at high L*. We perform simulations using four different empirical radial diffusion coefficient models for the GEM challenge events, and the results show that these simulations reproduce the general dynamic evolution of relativistic radiation belt electrons. However, in the events shown here, simulations using the radial diffusion coefficients from Brautigam and Albert (2000) produce the best agreement with satellite observations.

Wang, Dedong; Shprits, Yuri; Zhelavskaya, Irina; Effenberger, Frederic; Castillo, Angelica; Drozdov, Alexander; Aseev, Nikita; Cervantes, Sebastian;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

Radiation belt; simulation; relativistic electrons; magnetopause shadowing; Wave-particle interaction; Plasmapause; Van Allen Probes

The Effect of Plasma Boundaries on the Dynamic Evolution of Relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons

Understanding the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons in the Earth s radiation belts during both storm and nonstorm times is a challenging task. The U.S. National Science Foundation s Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) focus group “Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling” has selected two storm time and two nonstorm time events that occurred during the second year of the Van Allen Probes mission for in-depth study. Here, we perform simulations for these GEM challenge events using the 3D Versatile Electron Radiation Belt code. We set up the outer L* boundary using data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and validate the simulation results against satellite observations from both the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and Van Allen Probe missions for 0.9-MeV electrons. Our results show that the position of the plasmapause plays a significant role in the dynamic evolution of relativistic electrons. The magnetopause shadowing effect is included by using last closed drift shell, and it is shown to significantly contribute to the dropouts of relativistic electrons at high L*. We perform simulations using four different empirical radial diffusion coefficient models for the GEM challenge events, and the results show that these simulations reproduce the general dynamic evolution of relativistic radiation belt electrons. However, in the events shown here, simulations using the radial diffusion coefficients from Brautigam and Albert (2000) produce the best agreement with satellite observations.

Wang, Dedong; Shprits, Yuri; Zhelavskaya, Irina; Effenberger, Frederic; Castillo, Angelica; Drozdov, Alexander; Aseev, Nikita; Cervantes, Sebastian;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

Radiation belt; simulation; relativistic electrons; magnetopause shadowing; Wave-particle interaction; Plasmapause; Van Allen Probes

Localization of the Source of Quasiperiodic VLF Emissions in the Magnetosphere by Using Simultaneous Ground and Space Observations: A Case Study

We study quasiperiodic very low frequency (VLF) emissions observed simultaneously by Van Allen Probes spacecraft and Kannuslehto and Lovozero ground-based stations on 25 December 2015. Both Van Allen Probes A and B detected quasiperiodic emissions, probably originated from a common source, and observed on the ground. In order to locate possible regions of wave generation, we analyze wave-normal angles with respect to the geomagnetic field, Poynting flux direction, and cyclotron instability growth rate calculated by using the measured phase space density of energetic electrons. We demonstrate that even parallel wave propagation and proper (downward) Poynting flux direction are not sufficient for claiming observations to be in the source region. Agreement between the growth rate and emission bands was obtained for a restricted part of Van Allen Probe A trajectory corresponding to localized enhancement of plasma density with scale of 700 km. We employ spacecraft density data to build a model plasma profile and to calculate ray trajectories from the point of wave detection in space to the ionosphere and examine the possibility of their propagation toward the ground. For the considered event, the wave could propagate toward the ground in the geomagnetic flux tube with enhanced plasma density, which ensured ducted propagation. The region of wave exit was confirmed by the analysis of wave propagation direction at the ground detection point.

Demekhov, A.; Titova, E.; Maninnen, J.; Pasmanik, D.; Lubchich, A.; Santolik, O.; Larchenko, A.; Nikitenko, A.; Turunen, T.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

quasiperiodic VLF emissions; Cyclotron instability; wave propagation; Magnetosphere; whistler mode waves; Van Allen Probes

Localization of the Source of Quasiperiodic VLF Emissions in the Magnetosphere by Using Simultaneous Ground and Space Observations: A Case Study

We study quasiperiodic very low frequency (VLF) emissions observed simultaneously by Van Allen Probes spacecraft and Kannuslehto and Lovozero ground-based stations on 25 December 2015. Both Van Allen Probes A and B detected quasiperiodic emissions, probably originated from a common source, and observed on the ground. In order to locate possible regions of wave generation, we analyze wave-normal angles with respect to the geomagnetic field, Poynting flux direction, and cyclotron instability growth rate calculated by using the measured phase space density of energetic electrons. We demonstrate that even parallel wave propagation and proper (downward) Poynting flux direction are not sufficient for claiming observations to be in the source region. Agreement between the growth rate and emission bands was obtained for a restricted part of Van Allen Probe A trajectory corresponding to localized enhancement of plasma density with scale of 700 km. We employ spacecraft density data to build a model plasma profile and to calculate ray trajectories from the point of wave detection in space to the ionosphere and examine the possibility of their propagation toward the ground. For the considered event, the wave could propagate toward the ground in the geomagnetic flux tube with enhanced plasma density, which ensured ducted propagation. The region of wave exit was confirmed by the analysis of wave propagation direction at the ground detection point.

Demekhov, A.; Titova, E.; Maninnen, J.; Pasmanik, D.; Lubchich, A.; Santolik, O.; Larchenko, A.; Nikitenko, A.; Turunen, T.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

quasiperiodic VLF emissions; Cyclotron instability; wave propagation; Magnetosphere; whistler mode waves; Van Allen Probes

Radial Response of Outer Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons During Enhancement Events at Geostationary Orbit

Abstract Forecasting relativistic electron fluxes at geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) has been a long-term goal of the scientific community, and significant advances have been made in the past, but the relation to the interior of the radiation belts, that is, to lower L-shells, is still not clear. In this work we have identified 60 relativistic electron enhancement events at GEO to study the radial response of outer belt fluxes and the correlation between the fluxes at GEO and those at lower L-shells. The enhancement events occurred between 1 October 2012 and 31 December 2017 and were identified using Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 15 >2 MeV fluxes at GEO, which we have used to characterize the radial response of the radiation belt, by comparing to fluxes measured by the Van Allen probes Energetic Particle, Composition and Thermal Plasma Suite Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope (ECT-REPT) between 2.55.0 and generally similar for L>4.5. Post-enhancement maximum fluxes show a remarkable correlation for all L>4.0 although the magnitude of the pre-existing fluxes on the outer belt plays a significant role and makes the ratio of pre-enhancement to post-enhancement fluxes less predictable in the region 4.0

Pinto, Victor; Bortnik, Jacob; Moya, Pablo; Lyons, Larry; Sibeck, David; Kanekal, Shrikanth; Spence, Harlan; Baker, Daniel;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027660

Radiation belts; relativistic electrons; geosynchronous orbit; Outer Belt; flux correlation; enhancement events; Van Allen Probes

Radial Response of Outer Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons During Enhancement Events at Geostationary Orbit

Abstract Forecasting relativistic electron fluxes at geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) has been a long-term goal of the scientific community, and significant advances have been made in the past, but the relation to the interior of the radiation belts, that is, to lower L-shells, is still not clear. In this work we have identified 60 relativistic electron enhancement events at GEO to study the radial response of outer belt fluxes and the correlation between the fluxes at GEO and those at lower L-shells. The enhancement events occurred between 1 October 2012 and 31 December 2017 and were identified using Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 15 >2 MeV fluxes at GEO, which we have used to characterize the radial response of the radiation belt, by comparing to fluxes measured by the Van Allen probes Energetic Particle, Composition and Thermal Plasma Suite Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope (ECT-REPT) between 2.55.0 and generally similar for L>4.5. Post-enhancement maximum fluxes show a remarkable correlation for all L>4.0 although the magnitude of the pre-existing fluxes on the outer belt plays a significant role and makes the ratio of pre-enhancement to post-enhancement fluxes less predictable in the region 4.0

Pinto, Victor; Bortnik, Jacob; Moya, Pablo; Lyons, Larry; Sibeck, David; Kanekal, Shrikanth; Spence, Harlan; Baker, Daniel;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027660

Radiation belts; relativistic electrons; geosynchronous orbit; Outer Belt; flux correlation; enhancement events; Van Allen Probes

A Multi-Instrument Approach to Determining the Source-Region Extent of EEP-Driving EMIC Waves

Abstract Recent years have seen debate regarding the ability of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves to drive EEP (energetic electron precipitation) into the Earth s atmosphere. Questions still remain regarding the energies and rates at which these waves are able to interact with electrons. Many studies have attempted to characterize these interactions using simulations; however, these are limited by a lack of precise information regarding the spatial scale size of EMIC activity regions. In this study we examine a fortuitous simultaneous observation of EMIC wave activity by the RBSP-B and Arase satellites in conjunction with ground-based observations of EEP by a subionospheric VLF network. We describe a simple method for determining the longitudinal extent of the EMIC source region based on these observations, calculating a width of 0.75 hr MLT and a drift rate of 0.67 MLT/hr. We describe how this may be applied to other similar EMIC wave events.

Hendry, A.; Santolik, O.; Miyoshi, Y.; Matsuoka, A.; Rodger, C.; Clilverd, M.; Kletzing, C.; Shoji, M.; Shinohara, I.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 03/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086599

EMIC waves; electron precipitation; subionospheric VLF; Van Allen Probes; AARDDVARK; Arase

Fine Harmonic Structure of Equatorial Noise with a Quasiperiodic Modulation

Abstract Equatorial noise emissions (fast magnetosonic waves) are electromagnetic waves observed routinely in the equatorial region of the inner magnetosphere. They propagate with wave vectors nearly perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field; that is, they are limited to frequencies below the lower hybrid frequency. The waves are generated by instabilities of ring-like proton distribution functions, which result in their fine harmonic structure with intensity maxima close to harmonics of the proton cyclotron frequency in the source region. Although most equatorial noise emissions are continuous in time, some events exhibit a clear quasiperiodic time modulation of the wave intensity, with typical modulation periods on the order of minutes. We analyze 72 such events (17 observed by the Cluster spacecraft, 55 observed by the Van Allen Probes spacecraft) for which high-resolution data were available. The analysis of the observed harmonic structure allows us to determine source radial distances of the events. It is found that the calculated source radial distances are generally close to the radial distances where the events were observed. The harmonic numbers where the events are generated range between about 12 and 30. Two events for which the spacecraft passed through the generation region were identified and analyzed. No simultaneous ultra-low-frequency magnetic field pulsations and no periodic plasma number density variations were observed. Although the in situ measured proton distribution functions were shown to be responsible for the wave growth, an insufficient resolution of the particle instruments prevented us from detecting a quasiperiodic modulation possibly present in the particle data.

Němec, F.; Tomori, A.; Santolik, O.; Boardsen, S.; Hospodarsky, G.; Kurth, W.; Pickett, J.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027509

equatorial noise; Fast Magnetosonic Waves; quasiperiodic modulation; Van Allen Probes

Fine Harmonic Structure of Equatorial Noise with a Quasiperiodic Modulation

Abstract Equatorial noise emissions (fast magnetosonic waves) are electromagnetic waves observed routinely in the equatorial region of the inner magnetosphere. They propagate with wave vectors nearly perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field; that is, they are limited to frequencies below the lower hybrid frequency. The waves are generated by instabilities of ring-like proton distribution functions, which result in their fine harmonic structure with intensity maxima close to harmonics of the proton cyclotron frequency in the source region. Although most equatorial noise emissions are continuous in time, some events exhibit a clear quasiperiodic time modulation of the wave intensity, with typical modulation periods on the order of minutes. We analyze 72 such events (17 observed by the Cluster spacecraft, 55 observed by the Van Allen Probes spacecraft) for which high-resolution data were available. The analysis of the observed harmonic structure allows us to determine source radial distances of the events. It is found that the calculated source radial distances are generally close to the radial distances where the events were observed. The harmonic numbers where the events are generated range between about 12 and 30. Two events for which the spacecraft passed through the generation region were identified and analyzed. No simultaneous ultra-low-frequency magnetic field pulsations and no periodic plasma number density variations were observed. Although the in situ measured proton distribution functions were shown to be responsible for the wave growth, an insufficient resolution of the particle instruments prevented us from detecting a quasiperiodic modulation possibly present in the particle data.

Němec, F.; Tomori, A.; Santolik, O.; Boardsen, S.; Hospodarsky, G.; Kurth, W.; Pickett, J.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027509

equatorial noise; Fast Magnetosonic Waves; quasiperiodic modulation; Van Allen Probes

The Role of the Dynamic Plasmapause in Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux Enhancement

Abstract The plasmasphere is a highly dynamic toroidal region of cold, dense plasma around Earth. Plasma waves exist both inside and outside this region and can contribute to the loss and acceleration of high energy outer radiation belt electrons. Early observational studies found an apparent correlation on long time scales between the observed inner edge of the outer radiation belt and the modeled innermost plasmapause location. More recent work using high-resolution Van Allen Probes data has found a more complex relationship. For this study, we determine the standoff distance of the location of maximum electron flux of the outer belt MeV electrons from the plasmapause following rapid enhancement events. We find that the location of the outer radiation belt based on maximum electron flux is consistently outside the plasmapause, with a peak radial standoff distance of ∆L ~ 1. We discuss the implications this result has for acceleration mechanisms.

Bruff, M.; Jaynes, A.; Zhao, H.; Goldstein, J.; Malaspina, D.; Baker, D.; Kanekal, S.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 03/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2020GL086991

Plasmapause; outer radiation belt; Magnetosphere; chorus waves; Van Allen Probes

Analysis of Electric and Magnetic Lightning-Generated Wave Amplitudes Measured by the Van Allen Probes

Abstract We provide a statistical analysis of both electric and magnetic field wave amplitudes of very low frequency lightning-generated waves (LGWs) based on the equivalent of 11.5 years of observations made by the Van Allen Probes encompassing ~24.6 × 106 survey mode measurements. We complement this analysis with data from the ground-based World Wide Lightning Location Network to explore differences between satellite and ground-based measurements. LGW mean amplitudes are found to be low compared with other whistler mode waves (1 ± 1.6 pT and 19 ± 59 μV/m). Extreme events (1/5,000) can reach 100 pT and contributes strongly to the mean power below L = 2. We find excellent correlations between World Wide Lightning Location Network-based power and wave amplitudes in space at various longitudes. We reveal strong dayside ionospheric damping of the LGW electric field. LGW amplitudes drop for L < 2, contrary to the Earth s intense equatorial lightning activity. We conclude that it is difficult for equatorial LGW to propagate and remain at L < 2.

Ripoll, J.-F.; Farges, T.; Malaspina, D.; Lay, E.; Cunningham, G.; Hospodarsky, G.; Kletzing, C.; Wygant, J.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 03/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2020GL087503

lightning-generated waves; electric wave power; magnetic wave power; WWLLN database; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Global Simulation of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Wave Instability in a Storm-Time Magnetosphere

Abstract Electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves are electrostatic emissions between the ECHs and play a dominant role for precipitating energetic electrons in the magnetotail. Statistically, the ECH wave intensity is stronger at nightside and dawnside than at dayside and duskside. In this study, we, for the first time, simulate the global ECH wave evolution during a geomagnetic storm event using Ring current Atmosphere interactions Model with Self-Consistent Magnetic field (RAM-SCB) combined with a linear growth rate solver. We find that the simulation results are generally consistent with the statistical and real-time observations. The ECH wave instability is much stronger at nightside and dawnside, compared to the instability at dayside and duskside. Before a geomagnetic storm (quiet time), the unstable regions of the ECH waves lie beyond with a weak instability level. During the main phase of a geomagnetic storm, the unstable regions can extend to a lower altitude ( ) with a strong instability level. During the recovery phase, the unstable regions return to . We also find that the inner boundary of unstable ECH wave regions is coincident with the plasmapause location during the whole geomagnetic storm event.

Liu, Xu; Chen, Lunjin; Engel, Miles; Jordanova, Vania;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 02/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

ECH wave global instability; RAM-SCB model; Geomagnetic storm; Van Allen Probes

Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation

Plasmaspheric hiss is an important whistler-mode emission shaping the Van Allen radiation belt environment. How the plasmaspheric hiss waves are generated, propagate, and dissipate remains under intense debate. With the five spacecraft of Van Allen Probes, Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (Arase), and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites missions at widely spaced locations, we present here the first comprehensive observations of hiss waves growing from the substorm-injected electron instability, spreading within the plasmasphere, and dissipating over a large spatial scale. During substorms, hot electrons were injected energy-dispersively into the plasmasphere near the dawnside and, probably through a combination of linear and nonlinear cyclotron resonances, generated whistler-mode waves with globally drifting frequencies. These waves were able to propagate from the dawnside to the noonside, with the frequency-drifting feature retained. Approximately 5 hr of magnetic local time away from the source region in the dayside sector, the wave power was dissipated to urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl60110:grl60110-math-0001 of its original level.

Liu, Nigang; Su, Zhenpeng; Gao, Zhonglei; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Shinohara, Iku; Kasahara, Yoshiya; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Kumamoto, Atsushi; Matsuda, Shoya; Shoji, Masafumi; Mitani, Takefumi; Takashima, Takeshi; Kazama, Yoichi; Wang, Bo-Jhou; Wang, Shiang-Yu; Jun, Chae-Woo; Chang, Tzu-Fang; W. Y. Tam, Sunny; Kasahara, Satoshi; Yokota, Shoichiro; Keika, Kunihiro; Hori, Tomoaki; Matsuoka, Ayako;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086040

plasmasphere; Plasmaspheric Hiss; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; Wave Dissipation; wave generation; wave propagation

Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation

Plasmaspheric hiss is an important whistler-mode emission shaping the Van Allen radiation belt environment. How the plasmaspheric hiss waves are generated, propagate, and dissipate remains under intense debate. With the five spacecraft of Van Allen Probes, Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (Arase), and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites missions at widely spaced locations, we present here the first comprehensive observations of hiss waves growing from the substorm-injected electron instability, spreading within the plasmasphere, and dissipating over a large spatial scale. During substorms, hot electrons were injected energy-dispersively into the plasmasphere near the dawnside and, probably through a combination of linear and nonlinear cyclotron resonances, generated whistler-mode waves with globally drifting frequencies. These waves were able to propagate from the dawnside to the noonside, with the frequency-drifting feature retained. Approximately 5 hr of magnetic local time away from the source region in the dayside sector, the wave power was dissipated to urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl60110:grl60110-math-0001 of its original level.

Liu, Nigang; Su, Zhenpeng; Gao, Zhonglei; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Shinohara, Iku; Kasahara, Yoshiya; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Kumamoto, Atsushi; Matsuda, Shoya; Shoji, Masafumi; Mitani, Takefumi; Takashima, Takeshi; Kazama, Yoichi; Wang, Bo-Jhou; Wang, Shiang-Yu; Jun, Chae-Woo; Chang, Tzu-Fang; W. Y. Tam, Sunny; Kasahara, Satoshi; Yokota, Shoichiro; Keika, Kunihiro; Hori, Tomoaki; Matsuoka, Ayako;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086040

plasmasphere; Plasmaspheric Hiss; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; Wave Dissipation; wave generation; wave propagation

Determining plasmaspheric density from the upper hybrid resonance and from the spacecraft potential: How do they compare?

The plasmasphere is a critical region of the magnetosphere. It is important for the evolution of Earth\textquoterights radiation belts. Waves in the plasmasphere interior (hiss) and vicinity (EMIC, chorus) help control the acceleration and loss of radiation belt particles. Thus, understanding the extent, structure, content, and dynamics of the plasmasphere is crucial to understanding radiation belt losses. The Van Allen Probes mission uses two methods to determine the total plasma density. First, the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) frequency can provide electron density; this determination is the most accurate and robust. However, it requires significant analysis and is challenging during geomagnetically active times: it becomes difficult to interpret the wave spectrum, and the amount of available data is severely limited. Second, the spacecraft potential is a proxy for the plasma density. These high resolution measurements are available with high duty cycle. However, environmental effects can limit the accuracy of this method. The relation between spacecraft potential and density is empirical, requiring an independent density measurement and repeated checks. We perform a quantitative comparison of these two in situ techniques during the first 3.5 years of the Van Allen Probes mission. We show how to calibrate potential-based density measurements using only publicly available wave-derived densities to provide high fidelity results even if upper hybrid measurements are sparse or unavailable. We quantify the level of uncertainty to expect from potential-derived density data. Our approach can be applied to any in situ spacecraft mission where reliable absolute density and spacecraft potential data are available.

Jahn, J.-M.; Goldstein, J.; Kurth, W.S.; Thaller, S.; De Pascuale, S.; Wygant, J.; Reeves, G.D.; Spence, H.E.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026860

cold plasma density; plasmasphere; spacecraft charging; Van Allen Probes; wave resonances

Determining plasmaspheric density from the upper hybrid resonance and from the spacecraft potential: How do they compare?

The plasmasphere is a critical region of the magnetosphere. It is important for the evolution of Earth\textquoterights radiation belts. Waves in the plasmasphere interior (hiss) and vicinity (EMIC, chorus) help control the acceleration and loss of radiation belt particles. Thus, understanding the extent, structure, content, and dynamics of the plasmasphere is crucial to understanding radiation belt losses. The Van Allen Probes mission uses two methods to determine the total plasma density. First, the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) frequency can provide electron density; this determination is the most accurate and robust. However, it requires significant analysis and is challenging during geomagnetically active times: it becomes difficult to interpret the wave spectrum, and the amount of available data is severely limited. Second, the spacecraft potential is a proxy for the plasma density. These high resolution measurements are available with high duty cycle. However, environmental effects can limit the accuracy of this method. The relation between spacecraft potential and density is empirical, requiring an independent density measurement and repeated checks. We perform a quantitative comparison of these two in situ techniques during the first 3.5 years of the Van Allen Probes mission. We show how to calibrate potential-based density measurements using only publicly available wave-derived densities to provide high fidelity results even if upper hybrid measurements are sparse or unavailable. We quantify the level of uncertainty to expect from potential-derived density data. Our approach can be applied to any in situ spacecraft mission where reliable absolute density and spacecraft potential data are available.

Jahn, J.-M.; Goldstein, J.; Kurth, W.S.; Thaller, S.; De Pascuale, S.; Wygant, J.; Reeves, G.D.; Spence, H.E.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026860

cold plasma density; plasmasphere; spacecraft charging; Van Allen Probes; wave resonances

Direct evidence of the pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons induced by EMIC waves

In this study, we analyze an EMIC wave event of rising tone elements recorded by the Van Allen Probes. The pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons exhibit a direct response to the two elements of EMIC waves: at the intermediate pitch angle the fluxes are lower and at the low pitch angle the fluxes are higher than those when no EMIC was observed. In particular, the observed changes in the pitch angle distributions are most likely to be caused by nonlinear wave particle interaction. The calculation of the minimum resonant energy and a test particle simulation based on the observed EMIC waves support the role of the nonlinear wave-particle interaction in the pitch angle scattering. This study provides direct evidence for the nonlinear pitch angle scattering of electrons by EMIC waves.

Zhu, Hui; Chen, Lunjin; Claudepierre, Seth; Zheng, Liheng;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL085637

EMIC waves; nonlinear wave-particle interaction; pitch angle scattering; Van Allen Probes

Direct evidence of the pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons induced by EMIC waves

In this study, we analyze an EMIC wave event of rising tone elements recorded by the Van Allen Probes. The pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons exhibit a direct response to the two elements of EMIC waves: at the intermediate pitch angle the fluxes are lower and at the low pitch angle the fluxes are higher than those when no EMIC was observed. In particular, the observed changes in the pitch angle distributions are most likely to be caused by nonlinear wave particle interaction. The calculation of the minimum resonant energy and a test particle simulation based on the observed EMIC waves support the role of the nonlinear wave-particle interaction in the pitch angle scattering. This study provides direct evidence for the nonlinear pitch angle scattering of electrons by EMIC waves.

Zhu, Hui; Chen, Lunjin; Claudepierre, Seth; Zheng, Liheng;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL085637

EMIC waves; nonlinear wave-particle interaction; pitch angle scattering; Van Allen Probes

Episodic Occurrence of Field-Aligned Energetic Ions on the Dayside

The tens of kiloelectron volt ions observed in the ring current region at L ~ 3\textendash7 generally have pancake pitch angle distributions, that is, peaked at 90\textdegree. However, in this study, by using the Van Allen Probe observations on the dayside, unexpectedly, we have found that about 5\% time, protons with energies of ~30 to 50 keV show two distinct populations, having an additional field-aligned population overlapping with the original pancake population. The newly appearing field-aligned populations have higher occurrence rates at ~12\textendash16 magnetic local time during geomagnetically active times. In particular, we have studied eight such events in detail and found that the source regions are located around 12 to 18 magnetic local time which coincides with our statistical result. Based on the ionospheric and geosynchronous observations, it is suggested that these energetic ions with field-aligned pitch angle distributions probably are accelerated near postnoon in association with ionospheric disturbances that are triggered by tail injections.

Yue, Chao; Bortnik, Jacob; Zou, Shasha; Nishimura, Yukitoshi; Foster, John; Coppeans, Thomas; Ma, Qianli; Zong, Qiugang; Hull, A.; Henderson, Mike; Reeves, Geoffrey; Spence, Harlan;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086384

Van Allen Probes

Episodic Occurrence of Field-Aligned Energetic Ions on the Dayside

The tens of kiloelectron volt ions observed in the ring current region at L ~ 3\textendash7 generally have pancake pitch angle distributions, that is, peaked at 90\textdegree. However, in this study, by using the Van Allen Probe observations on the dayside, unexpectedly, we have found that about 5\% time, protons with energies of ~30 to 50 keV show two distinct populations, having an additional field-aligned population overlapping with the original pancake population. The newly appearing field-aligned populations have higher occurrence rates at ~12\textendash16 magnetic local time during geomagnetically active times. In particular, we have studied eight such events in detail and found that the source regions are located around 12 to 18 magnetic local time which coincides with our statistical result. Based on the ionospheric and geosynchronous observations, it is suggested that these energetic ions with field-aligned pitch angle distributions probably are accelerated near postnoon in association with ionospheric disturbances that are triggered by tail injections.

Yue, Chao; Bortnik, Jacob; Zou, Shasha; Nishimura, Yukitoshi; Foster, John; Coppeans, Thomas; Ma, Qianli; Zong, Qiugang; Hull, A.; Henderson, Mike; Reeves, Geoffrey; Spence, Harlan;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086384

Van Allen Probes

Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation

Abstract Plasmaspheric hiss is an important whistler-mode emission shaping the Van Allen radiation belt environment. How the plasmaspheric hiss waves are generated, propagate, and dissipate remains under intense debate. With the five spacecraft of Van Allen Probes, Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (Arase), and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites missions at widely spaced locations, we present here the first comprehensive observations of hiss waves growing from the substorm-injected electron instability, spreading within the plasmasphere, and dissipating over a large spatial scale. During substorms, hot electrons were injected energy-dispersively into the plasmasphere near the dawnside and, probably through a combination of linear and nonlinear cyclotron resonances, generated whistler-mode waves with globally drifting frequencies. These waves were able to propagate from the dawnside to the noonside, with the frequency-drifting feature retained. Approximately 5 hr of magnetic local time away from the source region in the dayside sector, the wave power was dissipated to of its original level.

Liu, Nigang; Su, Zhenpeng; Gao, Zhonglei; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Shinohara, Iku; Kasahara, Yoshiya; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Kumamoto, Atsushi; Matsuda, Shoya; Shoji, Masafumi; Mitani, Takefumi; Takashima, Takeshi; Kazama, Yoichi; Wang, Bo-Jhou; Wang, Shiang-Yu; Jun, Chae-Woo; Chang, Tzu-Fang; W. Y. Tam, Sunny; Kasahara, Satoshi; Yokota, Shoichiro; Keika, Kunihiro; Hori, Tomoaki; Matsuoka, Ayako;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on:

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086040

Plasmaspheric Hiss; Radiation belt; plasmasphere; wave generation; wave propagation; Wave Dissipation

Comprehensive Observations of Substorm-Enhanced Plasmaspheric Hiss Generation, Propagation, and Dissipation

Abstract Plasmaspheric hiss is an important whistler-mode emission shaping the Van Allen radiation belt environment. How the plasmaspheric hiss waves are generated, propagate, and dissipate remains under intense debate. With the five spacecraft of Van Allen Probes, Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (Arase), and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites missions at widely spaced locations, we present here the first comprehensive observations of hiss waves growing from the substorm-injected electron instability, spreading within the plasmasphere, and dissipating over a large spatial scale. During substorms, hot electrons were injected energy-dispersively into the plasmasphere near the dawnside and, probably through a combination of linear and nonlinear cyclotron resonances, generated whistler-mode waves with globally drifting frequencies. These waves were able to propagate from the dawnside to the noonside, with the frequency-drifting feature retained. Approximately 5 hr of magnetic local time away from the source region in the dayside sector, the wave power was dissipated to of its original level.

Liu, Nigang; Su, Zhenpeng; Gao, Zhonglei; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Shinohara, Iku; Kasahara, Yoshiya; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Kumamoto, Atsushi; Matsuda, Shoya; Shoji, Masafumi; Mitani, Takefumi; Takashima, Takeshi; Kazama, Yoichi; Wang, Bo-Jhou; Wang, Shiang-Yu; Jun, Chae-Woo; Chang, Tzu-Fang; W. Y. Tam, Sunny; Kasahara, Satoshi; Yokota, Shoichiro; Keika, Kunihiro; Hori, Tomoaki; Matsuoka, Ayako;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on:

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086040

Plasmaspheric Hiss; Radiation belt; plasmasphere; wave generation; wave propagation; Wave Dissipation


Effects of Solar Wind Plasma Flow and Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Spatial Structure of Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts

Based on the statistical data measured by Van Allen Probes from 2012 to 2016, we analyzed the effects of solar wind plasma flow and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on the spatial distribution of Earth\textquoterights radiation belt electrons (>100 keV). The statistical results indicate that the increases in solar wind plasma density and flow speed can exert different effects on the spatial structure of the radiation belts. The high solar wind plasma density (>6 cm-3)/flow pressure (>2.5 nPa) and a large southward IMF (Bz < -6 nT) usually appear in the front of high-speed solar wind streams (> 450 km/s), and they tend to narrow the outer radiation belt but broaden the slot region. In contrast, the increase in solar wind flow speed can broaden the outer radiation belt but narrows the slot region. When the solar wind speed exceeds 500 km/s, the outer radiation belt electrons can penetrate into the slot region (L < 3) and even enter the inner radiation belt (L < 2). The lower-energy electrons penetrate into the deeper (smaller-L) region than the higher-energy electrons.

Li, L.Y.; Yang, S.S.; Cao, J.B.; Yu, J.; Luo, X.Y.; Blake, J.B.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027284

Changes in The Spatial Structure of Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts; Increase in Solar Wind Plasma Density; Increase in Solar Wind Plasma Flow Speed; Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field; Southward interplanetary magnetic field; Van Allen Probes

Multiharmonic Toroidal Standing Alfv\ en Waves in the Midnight Sector Observed During a Geomagnetically Quiet Period

Excitation of toroidal mode standing Alfv\ en waves in the midnight sector of the inner magnetosphere in association with substorms is well documented, but studies are sparse on dayside sources for the waves. This paper reports observation of midnight toroidal waves by the Van Allen Probe B spacecraft during a geomagnetically quiet period on 12\textemdash13 May 2013. The spacecraft detected toroidal waves excited at odd harmonics below 30 mHz as it moved within the plasmasphere from ~2100 magnetic local time (MLT) to ~0030 MLT through midnight in the dipole L range 4.2\textemdash6.1. The frequencies and the relationship between the electric and magnetic field components of the waves are consistent with theoretical toroidal waves for a reflecting ionosphere. At the time of the nightside toroidal waves, compressional waves were observed by geostationary satellites located on the dayside, and the amplitudes of both types of waves varied with the cone angle of the interplanetary magnetic field. The nightside toroidal waves were likely driven by fast mode waves that resulted from transmission of upstream ultralow frequency waves into the magnetosphere. Ground magnetometers located near the footprint of the spacecraft did not detect toroidal waves.

Takahashi, Kazue; Vellante, Massimo; Del Corpo, Alfredo; Claudepierre, Seth; Kletzing, Craig; Wygant, John; Koga, Kiyokazu;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027370

Ion foreshock; Nightside magnetosphere; Toroidal Alfven waves; Van Allen Probe; Van Allen Probes

Multiharmonic Toroidal Standing Alfv\ en Waves in the Midnight Sector Observed During a Geomagnetically Quiet Period

Excitation of toroidal mode standing Alfv\ en waves in the midnight sector of the inner magnetosphere in association with substorms is well documented, but studies are sparse on dayside sources for the waves. This paper reports observation of midnight toroidal waves by the Van Allen Probe B spacecraft during a geomagnetically quiet period on 12\textemdash13 May 2013. The spacecraft detected toroidal waves excited at odd harmonics below 30 mHz as it moved within the plasmasphere from ~2100 magnetic local time (MLT) to ~0030 MLT through midnight in the dipole L range 4.2\textemdash6.1. The frequencies and the relationship between the electric and magnetic field components of the waves are consistent with theoretical toroidal waves for a reflecting ionosphere. At the time of the nightside toroidal waves, compressional waves were observed by geostationary satellites located on the dayside, and the amplitudes of both types of waves varied with the cone angle of the interplanetary magnetic field. The nightside toroidal waves were likely driven by fast mode waves that resulted from transmission of upstream ultralow frequency waves into the magnetosphere. Ground magnetometers located near the footprint of the spacecraft did not detect toroidal waves.

Takahashi, Kazue; Vellante, Massimo; Del Corpo, Alfredo; Claudepierre, Seth; Kletzing, Craig; Wygant, John; Koga, Kiyokazu;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027370

Ion foreshock; Nightside magnetosphere; Toroidal Alfven waves; Van Allen Probe; Van Allen Probes

On the Observation of Electrostatic Harmonics Associated With EMIC Waves

In this study, we report two events of electrostatic harmonics associated with electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves recorded by the Van Allen Probes. Based on the wave and plasma measurements, the wave features are investigated and the possible generation mechanism is discussed. The frequencies of these electrostatic emissions are at the integer and fractional frequencies of the fundamental EMIC waves, which can be across and above the local proton gyrofrequencies. When the frequencies increase, the electric power spectral densities of the electrostatic waves decrease, and their durations become shorter. Considering the bidirectional propagation of the fundamental EMIC waves, we propose that wave-wave resonance probably accounts for the generation of the observed electrostatic emissions. The calculation of cross bicoherence index supports this scenario. This study analyzes a type of electrostatic harmonic wave associated with EMIC waves, essentially different from the electromagnetic harmonics reported before, and provides new insight into the evolution of EMIC waves.

Zhu, Hui; Chen, Lunjin;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL085528

EMIC waves; Harmonics; Van Allen Probes

Particle Dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts: Review of Current Research and Open Questions

The past decade transformed our observational understanding of energetic particle processes in near-Earth space. An unprecedented suite of observational systems were in operation including the Van Allen Probes, Arase, MMS, THEMIS, Cluster, GPS, GOES, and LANL-GEO magnetospheric missions. They were supported by conjugate low-altitude measurements on spacecraft, balloons, and ground-based arrays. Together these significantly improved our ability to determine and quantify the mechanisms that control the build-up and subsequent variability of energetic particle intensities in the inner magnetosphere. The high-quality data from NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes are the most comprehensive in-situ measurements ever taken in the near-Earth space radiation environment. These observations, coupled with recent advances in radiation belt theory and modeling, including dramatic increases in computational power, has ushered in a new era, perhaps a \textquotedblleftgolden era,\textquotedblright in radiation belt research. We have edited a Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Science Special Collection dedicated to Particle Dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts in which we gather the most recent scientific findings and understanding of this important region of geospace. This collection includes the results presented at the American Geophysical Union Chapman International Conference in Cascais, Portugal (03/2018) and many other recent and relevant contributions. The present article introduces and review the context, current research, and main questions that motivate modern radiation belt research divided into the following topics: (1) particle acceleration and transport, (2) particle loss, (3) the role of nonlinear processes, (4) new radiation belt modeling capabilities and the quantification of model uncertainties, and (5) laboratory plasma experiments.

Ripoll, Jean-Francois; Claudepierre, Seth; Ukhorskiy, Sasha; Colpitts, Chris; Li, Xinlin; Fennell, Joe; Crabtree, Chris;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026735

inner magnetosphere; laboratory plasma experiments; Particle acceleration; particle loss; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Particle Dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts: Review of Current Research and Open Questions

The past decade transformed our observational understanding of energetic particle processes in near-Earth space. An unprecedented suite of observational systems were in operation including the Van Allen Probes, Arase, MMS, THEMIS, Cluster, GPS, GOES, and LANL-GEO magnetospheric missions. They were supported by conjugate low-altitude measurements on spacecraft, balloons, and ground-based arrays. Together these significantly improved our ability to determine and quantify the mechanisms that control the build-up and subsequent variability of energetic particle intensities in the inner magnetosphere. The high-quality data from NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes are the most comprehensive in-situ measurements ever taken in the near-Earth space radiation environment. These observations, coupled with recent advances in radiation belt theory and modeling, including dramatic increases in computational power, has ushered in a new era, perhaps a \textquotedblleftgolden era,\textquotedblright in radiation belt research. We have edited a Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Science Special Collection dedicated to Particle Dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts in which we gather the most recent scientific findings and understanding of this important region of geospace. This collection includes the results presented at the American Geophysical Union Chapman International Conference in Cascais, Portugal (03/2018) and many other recent and relevant contributions. The present article introduces and review the context, current research, and main questions that motivate modern radiation belt research divided into the following topics: (1) particle acceleration and transport, (2) particle loss, (3) the role of nonlinear processes, (4) new radiation belt modeling capabilities and the quantification of model uncertainties, and (5) laboratory plasma experiments.

Ripoll, Jean-Francois; Claudepierre, Seth; Ukhorskiy, Sasha; Colpitts, Chris; Li, Xinlin; Fennell, Joe; Crabtree, Chris;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026735

inner magnetosphere; laboratory plasma experiments; Particle acceleration; particle loss; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Particle Dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts: Review of Current Research and Open Questions

The past decade transformed our observational understanding of energetic particle processes in near-Earth space. An unprecedented suite of observational systems were in operation including the Van Allen Probes, Arase, MMS, THEMIS, Cluster, GPS, GOES, and LANL-GEO magnetospheric missions. They were supported by conjugate low-altitude measurements on spacecraft, balloons, and ground-based arrays. Together these significantly improved our ability to determine and quantify the mechanisms that control the build-up and subsequent variability of energetic particle intensities in the inner magnetosphere. The high-quality data from NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes are the most comprehensive in-situ measurements ever taken in the near-Earth space radiation environment. These observations, coupled with recent advances in radiation belt theory and modeling, including dramatic increases in computational power, has ushered in a new era, perhaps a \textquotedblleftgolden era,\textquotedblright in radiation belt research. We have edited a Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Science Special Collection dedicated to Particle Dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts in which we gather the most recent scientific findings and understanding of this important region of geospace. This collection includes the results presented at the American Geophysical Union Chapman International Conference in Cascais, Portugal (03/2018) and many other recent and relevant contributions. The present article introduces and review the context, current research, and main questions that motivate modern radiation belt research divided into the following topics: (1) particle acceleration and transport, (2) particle loss, (3) the role of nonlinear processes, (4) new radiation belt modeling capabilities and the quantification of model uncertainties, and (5) laboratory plasma experiments.

Ripoll, Jean-Francois; Claudepierre, Seth; Ukhorskiy, Sasha; Colpitts, Chris; Li, Xinlin; Fennell, Joe; Crabtree, Chris;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026735

inner magnetosphere; laboratory plasma experiments; Particle acceleration; particle loss; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Comparison of Van Allen Probes Energetic Electron Data with Corresponding GOES-15 Measurements: 2012-2018

Baker, D.N.; Zhao, H.; Li, X.; Kanekal, S.G.; Jaynes, A.N.; Kress, B.T.; Rodriguez, J.V.; Singer, H.J.; Claudepierre, S.G.; Fennell, J.F.; Hoxie, V.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027331

energetic particles; Magnetosphere:Inner; Magnetospheric configuration; Radiation belts; Space weather; Van Allen Probes

Direct Observation of Subrelativistic Electron Precipitation Potentially Driven by EMIC Waves

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are known to typically cause electron losses into Earth\textquoterights upper atmosphere at >~1 MeV, while the minimum energy of electrons subject to efficient EMIC-driven precipitation loss is unresolved. This letter reports electron precipitation from subrelativistic energies of ~250 keV up to ~1 MeV observed by the Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range and Dynamics (FIREBIRD-II) CubeSats, while two Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) observed proton precipitation nearby. Van Allen Probe A detected EMIC waves (~0.7\textendash2.0 nT) over the similar L shell extent of electron precipitation observed by FIREBIRD-II, albeit with a ~1.6 magnetic local time (MLT) difference. Although plasmaspheric hiss and magnetosonic waves were also observed, quasi-linear calculations indicate that EMIC waves were the most efficient in driving the electron precipitation. Quasi-linear theory predicts efficient precipitation at >0.8\textendash1 MeV (due to H-band EMIC waves), suggesting that other mechanisms are required to explain the observed subrelativistic electron precipitation.

Capannolo, L.; Li, W.; Ma, Q.; Chen, L.; Shen, X.-C.; Spence, H.; Sample, J.; Johnson, A.; Shumko, M.; Klumpar, D.; Redmon, R.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084202

electron precipitation; EMIC waves; FIREBIRD-II; quasi linear theory; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes; wave particle interactions

Direct Observation of Subrelativistic Electron Precipitation Potentially Driven by EMIC Waves

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are known to typically cause electron losses into Earth\textquoterights upper atmosphere at >~1 MeV, while the minimum energy of electrons subject to efficient EMIC-driven precipitation loss is unresolved. This letter reports electron precipitation from subrelativistic energies of ~250 keV up to ~1 MeV observed by the Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range and Dynamics (FIREBIRD-II) CubeSats, while two Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) observed proton precipitation nearby. Van Allen Probe A detected EMIC waves (~0.7\textendash2.0 nT) over the similar L shell extent of electron precipitation observed by FIREBIRD-II, albeit with a ~1.6 magnetic local time (MLT) difference. Although plasmaspheric hiss and magnetosonic waves were also observed, quasi-linear calculations indicate that EMIC waves were the most efficient in driving the electron precipitation. Quasi-linear theory predicts efficient precipitation at >0.8\textendash1 MeV (due to H-band EMIC waves), suggesting that other mechanisms are required to explain the observed subrelativistic electron precipitation.

Capannolo, L.; Li, W.; Ma, Q.; Chen, L.; Shen, X.-C.; Spence, H.; Sample, J.; Johnson, A.; Shumko, M.; Klumpar, D.; Redmon, R.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084202

electron precipitation; EMIC waves; FIREBIRD-II; quasi linear theory; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes; wave particle interactions

Direct Observation of Subrelativistic Electron Precipitation Potentially Driven by EMIC Waves

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are known to typically cause electron losses into Earth\textquoterights upper atmosphere at >~1 MeV, while the minimum energy of electrons subject to efficient EMIC-driven precipitation loss is unresolved. This letter reports electron precipitation from subrelativistic energies of ~250 keV up to ~1 MeV observed by the Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range and Dynamics (FIREBIRD-II) CubeSats, while two Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) observed proton precipitation nearby. Van Allen Probe A detected EMIC waves (~0.7\textendash2.0 nT) over the similar L shell extent of electron precipitation observed by FIREBIRD-II, albeit with a ~1.6 magnetic local time (MLT) difference. Although plasmaspheric hiss and magnetosonic waves were also observed, quasi-linear calculations indicate that EMIC waves were the most efficient in driving the electron precipitation. Quasi-linear theory predicts efficient precipitation at >0.8\textendash1 MeV (due to H-band EMIC waves), suggesting that other mechanisms are required to explain the observed subrelativistic electron precipitation.

Capannolo, L.; Li, W.; Ma, Q.; Chen, L.; Shen, X.-C.; Spence, H.; Sample, J.; Johnson, A.; Shumko, M.; Klumpar, D.; Redmon, R.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084202

electron precipitation; EMIC waves; FIREBIRD-II; quasi linear theory; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes; wave particle interactions

Eastward Propagating Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Triggered by Temporary Outward Gradient of Proton Phase Space Density: Van Allen Probe A Observation

Two wave packets of second harmonic poloidal Pc 4 waves with a wave frequency of ~7 mHz were detected by Van Allen Probe A at a radial distance of ~5.8 RE and magnetic local time of 13 hr near the magnetic equator, where plasmaspheric refilling was in progress. Proton butterfly distributions with energy dispersions were also measured at the same time; the proton fluxes at 10-30 keV oscillated with the same frequency as the Pc 4 waves. Using the ion sounding technique, we find that the Pc 4 waves propagated eastward with an azimuthal wave number (m number) of ~220 and ~260 for each wave packet, respectively. Such eastward propagating high-m (m > 100) waves were seldom reported in previous studies. The condition of drift-bounce resonance is well satisfied for the estimated m numbers in both events. Proton phase space density was also examined to understand the wave excitation mechanism. We obtained temporal variations of the energy and radial gradient of the proton phase space density, and find that temporal intensification of the radial gradient can generate the two wave packets. The cold electron density around the spacecraft apogee was > 100 cm-3 in the present events, and hence the eigen-frequency of the Pc 4 waves became lower. This causes the increase of the m number which satisfies the resonance condition of drift-bounce resonance for 10-30 keV protons, and meets the condition for destabilization due to gyro-kinetic effect.

Yamamoto, K.; e, Nos\; Keika, K.; Hartley, D.P.; Smith, C.W.; MacDowall, R.J.; Lanzerotti, L.J.; Mitchell, D.G.; Spence, H.E.; Reeves, G.D.; Wygant, J.R.; Bonnell, J.W.; Oimatsu, S.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027158

drift-bounce resonance; Geomagnetic storm; plasmasphere; ring current; substorm; ULF wave; Van Allen Probes

Eastward Propagating Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Triggered by Temporary Outward Gradient of Proton Phase Space Density: Van Allen Probe A Observation

Two wave packets of second harmonic poloidal Pc 4 waves with a wave frequency of ~7 mHz were detected by Van Allen Probe A at a radial distance of ~5.8 RE and magnetic local time of 13 hr near the magnetic equator, where plasmaspheric refilling was in progress. Proton butterfly distributions with energy dispersions were also measured at the same time; the proton fluxes at 10-30 keV oscillated with the same frequency as the Pc 4 waves. Using the ion sounding technique, we find that the Pc 4 waves propagated eastward with an azimuthal wave number (m number) of ~220 and ~260 for each wave packet, respectively. Such eastward propagating high-m (m > 100) waves were seldom reported in previous studies. The condition of drift-bounce resonance is well satisfied for the estimated m numbers in both events. Proton phase space density was also examined to understand the wave excitation mechanism. We obtained temporal variations of the energy and radial gradient of the proton phase space density, and find that temporal intensification of the radial gradient can generate the two wave packets. The cold electron density around the spacecraft apogee was > 100 cm-3 in the present events, and hence the eigen-frequency of the Pc 4 waves became lower. This causes the increase of the m number which satisfies the resonance condition of drift-bounce resonance for 10-30 keV protons, and meets the condition for destabilization due to gyro-kinetic effect.

Yamamoto, K.; e, Nos\; Keika, K.; Hartley, D.P.; Smith, C.W.; MacDowall, R.J.; Lanzerotti, L.J.; Mitchell, D.G.; Spence, H.E.; Reeves, G.D.; Wygant, J.R.; Bonnell, J.W.; Oimatsu, S.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027158

drift-bounce resonance; Geomagnetic storm; plasmasphere; ring current; substorm; ULF wave; Van Allen Probes

Eastward Propagating Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Triggered by Temporary Outward Gradient of Proton Phase Space Density: Van Allen Probe A Observation

Two wave packets of second harmonic poloidal Pc 4 waves with a wave frequency of ~7 mHz were detected by Van Allen Probe A at a radial distance of ~5.8 RE and magnetic local time of 13 hr near the magnetic equator, where plasmaspheric refilling was in progress. Proton butterfly distributions with energy dispersions were also measured at the same time; the proton fluxes at 10-30 keV oscillated with the same frequency as the Pc 4 waves. Using the ion sounding technique, we find that the Pc 4 waves propagated eastward with an azimuthal wave number (m number) of ~220 and ~260 for each wave packet, respectively. Such eastward propagating high-m (m > 100) waves were seldom reported in previous studies. The condition of drift-bounce resonance is well satisfied for the estimated m numbers in both events. Proton phase space density was also examined to understand the wave excitation mechanism. We obtained temporal variations of the energy and radial gradient of the proton phase space density, and find that temporal intensification of the radial gradient can generate the two wave packets. The cold electron density around the spacecraft apogee was > 100 cm-3 in the present events, and hence the eigen-frequency of the Pc 4 waves became lower. This causes the increase of the m number which satisfies the resonance condition of drift-bounce resonance for 10-30 keV protons, and meets the condition for destabilization due to gyro-kinetic effect.

Yamamoto, K.; e, Nos\; Keika, K.; Hartley, D.P.; Smith, C.W.; MacDowall, R.J.; Lanzerotti, L.J.; Mitchell, D.G.; Spence, H.E.; Reeves, G.D.; Wygant, J.R.; Bonnell, J.W.; Oimatsu, S.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027158

drift-bounce resonance; Geomagnetic storm; plasmasphere; ring current; substorm; ULF wave; Van Allen Probes

Effects of a Realistic O + Source on Modeling the Ring Current

We use the UNH-IMEF electric field model to simulate the convection of O+ from the near-earth plasma sheet into the ring current during the March 17, 2015 storm. Using Van Allen Probes data from the night side apogee, we reconstruct a realistic O+ source. Modeling this storm using the UNH-IMEF electric field and a dipole magnetic field has previously been found to have good agreement. Using the realistic source along with drift times and charge exchange loss from these results, we model an inbound pass near the peak of the storm where O+ is increasingly dominant over H+. We find that the time-varying realistic O+ source is necessary to reproduce the observed spectral features and the O+ pressure enhancements at low L-shells, while our previous results showed that the H+ was able to be modeled sufficiently with a simple, unchanging boundary condition. Further, our results show that adiabatic convective transport of O+ from the near-earth plasma sheet (L ~6) can explain the observed ring current enhancements.

Menz, A.M.; Kistler, L.M.; Mouikis, C.G.; Spence, H.E.; Henderson, M.G.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026859

Van Allen Probes

How Sudden, Intense Energetic Electron Enhancements Correlate With the Innermost Plasmapause Locations Under Various Solar Wind Drivers and Geomagnetic Conditions

In this report, the relationship between innermost plasmapause locations (Lpp) and initial electron enhancements during both storm and nonstorm (Dst > -30 nT) periods are examined using data from the Van Allen Probes. The geomagnetic storms are classified into coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven and corotating interaction region (CIR)-driven storms to explore their influences on the initial electron enhancements, respectively. We also study nonstorm time electron enhancements and observe frequent, sudden (within two consecutive orbital passes) <400-keV electron enhancements during quiet periods. Our analysis reveals an incredibly cohesive observation that holds regardless of electron energies (~30 keV\textendash2.5 MeV) or geomagnetic conditions: the innermost Lpp is the innermost boundary of the initial energetic electron enhancements. Interestingly, the quantified energy-dependent relationship of the sudden, intense energetic electron enhancements, with respect to the innermost Lpp, also exhibit a very similar trend during both storm and nonstorm periods. In summary, the goal of this report is to provide a comprehensive quantification of this consistent relationship under various geomagnetic conditions, which will also enable better forecast and specification of energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere.

Khoo, L.-Y.; Li, X.; Zhao, H.; Chu, X.; Xiang, Z.; Zhang, K.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027412

energetic electron enhancements; Plasmapause; Radiation Belt Dynamics; Van Allen Probes

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