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Found 435 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 401 through 435


A Long-Lived Relativistic Electron Storage Ring Embedded in Earth\textquoterights Outer Van Allen Belt

Since their discovery more than 50 years ago, Earth\textquoterights Van Allen radiation belts have been considered to consist of two distinct zones of trapped, highly energetic charged particles. The outer zone is composed predominantly of megaelectron volt (MeV) electrons that wax and wane in intensity on time scales ranging from hours to days, depending primarily on external forcing by the solar wind. The spatially separated inner zone is composed of commingled high-energy electrons and very energetic positive ions (mostly protons), the latter being stable in intensity levels over years to decades. In situ energy-specific and temporally resolved spacecraft observations reveal an isolated third ring, or torus, of high-energy (>2 MeV) electrons that formed on 2 September 2012 and persisted largely unchanged in the geocentric radial range of 3.0 to ~3.5 Earth radii for more than 4 weeks before being disrupted (and virtually annihilated) by a powerful interplanetary shock wave passage.

Baker, D.; Kanekal, S.; Hoxie, V.; Henderson, M.; Li, X.; Spence, H.; Elkington, S.; Friedel, R.; Goldstein, J.; Hudson, M.; Reeves, G.; Thorne, R.; Kletzing, C.; Claudepierre, S.;

Published by: Science      Published on: 04/2013

YEAR: 2013     DOI: 10.1126/science.1233518

RBSP; Van Allen Probes

A Long-Lived Relativistic Electron Storage Ring Embedded in Earth\textquoterights Outer Van Allen Belt

Since their discovery more than 50 years ago, Earth\textquoterights Van Allen radiation belts have been considered to consist of two distinct zones of trapped, highly energetic charged particles. The outer zone is composed predominantly of megaelectron volt (MeV) electrons that wax and wane in intensity on time scales ranging from hours to days, depending primarily on external forcing by the solar wind. The spatially separated inner zone is composed of commingled high-energy electrons and very energetic positive ions (mostly protons), the latter being stable in intensity levels over years to decades. In situ energy-specific and temporally resolved spacecraft observations reveal an isolated third ring, or torus, of high-energy (>2 MeV) electrons that formed on 2 September 2012 and persisted largely unchanged in the geocentric radial range of 3.0 to ~3.5 Earth radii for more than 4 weeks before being disrupted (and virtually annihilated) by a powerful interplanetary shock wave passage.

Baker, D.; Kanekal, S.; Hoxie, V.; Henderson, M.; Li, X.; Spence, H.; Elkington, S.; Friedel, R.; Goldstein, J.; Hudson, M.; Reeves, G.; Thorne, R.; Kletzing, C.; Claudepierre, S.;

Published by: Science      Published on: 04/2013

YEAR: 2013     DOI: 10.1126/science.1233518

RBSP; Van Allen Probes

Rapid acceleration of protons upstream of earthward propagating dipolarization fronts

[1] Transport and acceleration of ions in the magnetotail largely occurs in the form of discrete impulsive events associated with a steep increase of the tail magnetic field normal to the neutral plane (Bz), which are referred to as dipolarization fronts. The goal of this paper is to investigate how protons initially located upstream of earthward moving fronts are accelerated at their encounter. According to our analytical analysis and simplified two-dimensional test-particle simulations of equatorially mirroring particles, there are two regimes of proton acceleration: trapping and quasi-trapping, which are realized depending on whether the front is preceded by a negative depletion in Bz. We then use three-dimensional test-particle simulations to investigate how these acceleration processes operate in a realistic magnetotail geometry. For this purpose we construct an analytical model of the front which is superimposed onto the ambient field of the magnetotail. According to our numerical simulations, both trapping and quasi-trapping can produce rapid acceleration of protons by more than an order of magnitude. In the case of trapping, the acceleration levels depend on the amount of time particles stay in phase with the front which is controlled by the magnetic field curvature ahead of the front and the front width. Quasi-trapping does not cause particle scattering out of the equatorial plane. Energization levels in this case are limited by the number of encounters particles have with the front before they get magnetized behind it.

Ukhorskiy, A; Sitnov, M.; Merkin, V.; Artemyev, A.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2013

YEAR: 2013     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.50452

RBSP; Van Allen Probes


Modeling ring current ion and electron dynamics and plasma instabilities during a high-speed stream driven storm

1] The temporal and spatial development of the ring current is evaluated during the 23\textendash26 October 2002 high-speed stream (HSS) storm, using a kinetic ring current-atmosphere interactions model with self-consistent magnetic field (RAM-SCB). The effects of nondipolar magnetic field configuration are investigated on both ring current ion and electron dynamics. As the self-consistent magnetic field is depressed at large (>4RE) radial distances on the nightside during the storm main phase, the particles\textquoteright drift velocities increase, the ion and electron fluxes are reduced and the ring current is confined closer to Earth. In contrast to ions, the electron fluxes increase closer to Earth and the fractional electron energy reaches \~20\% near storm peak due to better electron trapping in a nondipolar magnetic field. The ring current contribution to Dst calculated using Biot-Savart integration differs little from the DPS relation except during quiet time. RAM-SCB simulations underestimate |SYM-H| minimum by \~25\% but reproduce very well the storm recovery phase. Increased anisotropies develop in the ion and electron velocity distributions in a self-consistent magnetic field due to energy dependent drifts, losses, and dispersed injections. There is sufficient free energy to excite whistler mode chorus, electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC), and magnetosonic waves in the equatorial magnetosphere. The linear growth rate of whistler mode chorus intensifies in the postmidnight to noon sector, EMIC waves are predominantly excited in the afternoon to midnight sector, and magnetosonic waves are excited over a broad MLT range both inside and outside the plasmasphere. The wave growth rates in a dipolar magnetic field have significantly smaller magnitude and spatial extent.

Jordanova, V.; Welling, D.; Zaharia, S.; Chen, L.; Thorne, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 09/2012

YEAR: 2012     DOI: 10.1029/2011JA017433

Radiation Belt Storm Probe Spacecraft and Impact of Environment on Spacecraft Design

NASA\textquoterights Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP) is an Earth-orbiting mission scheduled to launch in September 2012 and is the next science mission in NASA\textquoterights Living with a Star Program. The RBSP mission will investigate, characterize and understand the physical dynamics of the radiation belts, and the influence of the sun on the earth\textquoterights environment, by measuring particles, electric and magnetic fields and waves that comprise the geospace. The mission is composed of two identically instrumented spinning spacecraft in an elliptical orbit around earth from 600 km perigee to 30,000 km apogee at 10 degree inclination to provide full sampling of the Van Allen radiation belts. The twin spacecraft will follow slightly different orbits and will lap each other 4 times per year; this offers simultaneous measurements over a range of spacecraft separation distances. A description of the spacecraft environment is provided along with spacecraft and subsystem key characteristics and accommodations that protect sensitive spacecraft electronics and support operations in the harsh radiation belt environment.

Kirby, Karen; Bushman, Stewart; Butler, Michael; Conde, Rich; Fretz, Kristen; Herrmann, Carl; Hill, Adrian; Maurer, Richard; Nichols, Richard; Ottman, Geffrey; Reid, Mark; Rogers, Gabe; Srinivasan, Dipak; Troll, John; Williams, Bruce;

Published by:       Published on: 03/2012

YEAR: 2012     DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2012.6187020

RBSP; Van Allen Probes


Radiation belt storm probes: Resolving fundamental physics with practical consequences

The fundamental processes that energize, transport, and cause the loss of charged particles operate throughout the universe at locations as diverse as magnetized planets, the solar wind, our Sun, and other stars. The same processes operate within our immediate environment, the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts. The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission will provide coordinated two-spacecraft observations to obtain understanding of these fundamental processes controlling the dynamic variability of the near-Earth radiation environment. In this paper we discuss some of the profound mysteries of the radiation belt physics that will be addressed by RBSP and briefly describe the mission and its goals.

Ukhorskiy, Aleksandr; Mauk, Barry; Fox, Nicola; Sibeck, David; Grebowsky, Joseph;

Published by: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics      Published on: 07/2011

YEAR: 2011     DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2010.12.005

Radiation belts; Space weather; Van Allen Probes


Radial transport in the outer radiation belt due to global magnetospheric compressions

Earth\textquoterights outer radiation belt is populated by relativistic electrons that produce a complex dynamical response to varying geomagnetic activity. One fundamental process defining global state of the belt is radial transport of electrons across their drift shells. Radial transport is induced by resonant interaction of electron drift motion with ULF oscillations of electric and magnetic fields and is commonly believed to be a diffusive process. The goal of this paper is the analysis of radial transport due to typical ULF fluctuations in the inner magnetospheric fields. For this purpose a test-particle approach is used in the guiding center approximation. In particular we consider ULF oscillations due to global magnetospheric compressions. It is shown that typical pressure variations induce large-scale fluctuations in magnetic and inductive electric fields that produce a substantial impact on relativistic electrons. Electron motion becomes stochastic due to overlap of electron populations trapped in the vicinities of drift resonances with adjacent harmonics of the field spectrum. It is shown that in spite of the underlying stochasticity the radial diffusion limit is not fully attainable in the outer radiation belt. This is attributed to the fact that phase correlations in electron motion do not have time to decay due to finite size of the system. As a result collective motion of the outer belt electrons can exhibit large deviations from radial diffusion. Solution of the full Liouville\textquoterights equation is required for accurate description of radial transport in the belt.


Published by: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics      Published on: 11/2008

YEAR: 2008     DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2008.07.018

Radial Transport


Dynamic evolution of energetic outer zone electrons due to wave-particle interactions during storms

[1] Relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt are subjected to pitch angle and energy diffusion by chorus, electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC), and hiss waves. Using quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for cyclotron resonance with field-aligned waves, we examine whether the resonant interactions with chorus waves produce a net acceleration or loss of relativistic electrons. We also examine the effect of pitch angle scattering by EMIC and hiss waves during the main and recovery phases of a storm. The numerical simulations show that wave-particle interactions with whistler mode chorus waves with realistic wave spectral properties result in a net acceleration of relativistic electrons, while EMIC waves, which provide very fast scattering near the edge of the loss cone, may be a dominant loss mechanism during the main phase of a storm. In addition, hiss waves are effective in scattering equatorially mirroring electrons and may be an important mechanism of transporting high pitch angle electrons toward the loss cone.

Li, W.; Shprits, Y; Thorne, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 10/2007

YEAR: 2007     DOI: 10.1029/2007JA012368

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

Slot region electron loss timescales due to plasmaspheric hiss and lightning-generated whistlers

[1] Energetic electrons (E > 100 keV) in the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts undergo Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonant interactions with a variety of whistler mode waves leading to pitch angle scattering and subsequent loss to the atmosphere. In this study we assess the relative importance of plasmaspheric hiss and lightning-generated whistlers in the slot region and beyond. Electron loss timescales are determined using the Pitch Angle and energy Diffusion of Ions and Electrons (PADIE) code with global models of the spectral distributions of the wave power based on CRRES observations. Our results show that plasmaspheric hiss propagating at small and intermediate wave normal angles is a significant scattering agent in the slot region and beyond. In contrast, plasmaspheric hiss propagating at large wave normal angles and lightning-generated whistlers do not contribute significantly to radiation belt loss. The loss timescale of 2 MeV electrons due to plasmaspheric hiss propagating at small and intermediate wave normal angles in the center of the slot region (L = 2.5) lies in the range 1\textendash10 days, consistent with recent Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) observations. Wave turbulence in space, which is responsible for the generation plasmaspheric hiss, thus leads to the formation of the slot region. During active periods, losses due to plasmaspheric hiss may occur on a timescale of 1 day or less for a wide range of energies, 200 keV < E < 1 MeV, in the region 3.5 < L < 4.0. Plasmaspheric hiss may thus also be a significant loss process in the inner region of the outer radiation belt during magnetically disturbed periods.

Meredith, Nigel; Horne, Richard; Glauert, Sarah; Anderson, Roger;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 08/2007

YEAR: 2007     DOI: 10.1029/2007JA012413

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

Refilling of the slot region between the inner and outer electron radiation belts during geomagnetic storms

[1] Energetic electrons (>=50 keV) are injected into the slot region (2 < L < 4) between the inner and outer radiation belts during the early recovery phase of geomagnetic storms. Enhanced convection from the plasma sheet can account for the storm-time injection at lower energies but does not explain the rapid appearance of higher-energy electrons (>=150 keV). The effectiveness of either radial diffusion (driven by enhanced ULF waves) or local acceleration (during interactions with enhanced whistler mode chorus emissions), as a potential source for refilling the slot at higher energies, is analyzed for observed conditions during the early recovery phase of the 10 October 1990 storm. We demonstrate that local acceleration, driven by observed chorus emissions, can account for the rapid enhancement in 200\textendash700 keV electrons in the outer slot region near L = 3.3. Radial diffusion is much less effective but may partially contribute to the flux enhancement at lower L. Subsequent outward expansion of the plasmapause during the storm recovery phase effectively terminates local wave acceleration in the slot and prevents acceleration to energies higher than \~700 keV. A statistical analysis of energetic electron flux enhancements and wave and plasma properties over the entire CRRES mission supports the concept of local wave acceleration as a dominant process for refilling the slot during the main and early recovery phase of storms. For moderate storms, the injection process naturally becomes less effective at energies >=1 MeV, due to the longer wave acceleration times and additional precipitation loss from scattering by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves. However, during extreme events when the plasmapause remains compressed for several days, conditions may occur to allow wave acceleration to multi-MeV energies at locations normally associated with the slot.

Thorne, R.; Shprits, Y; Meredith, N.; Horne, R.; Li, W.; Lyons, L.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 06/2007

YEAR: 2007     DOI: 10.1029/2006JA012176

Shock-Induced Transport. Slot Refilling and Formation of New Belts.

Refilling of the slot region between the inner and outer electron radiation belts during geomagnetic storms

[1] Energetic electrons (>=50 keV) are injected into the slot region (2 < L < 4) between the inner and outer radiation belts during the early recovery phase of geomagnetic storms. Enhanced convection from the plasma sheet can account for the storm-time injection at lower energies but does not explain the rapid appearance of higher-energy electrons (>=150 keV). The effectiveness of either radial diffusion (driven by enhanced ULF waves) or local acceleration (during interactions with enhanced whistler mode chorus emissions), as a potential source for refilling the slot at higher energies, is analyzed for observed conditions during the early recovery phase of the 10 October 1990 storm. We demonstrate that local acceleration, driven by observed chorus emissions, can account for the rapid enhancement in 200\textendash700 keV electrons in the outer slot region near L = 3.3. Radial diffusion is much less effective but may partially contribute to the flux enhancement at lower L. Subsequent outward expansion of the plasmapause during the storm recovery phase effectively terminates local wave acceleration in the slot and prevents acceleration to energies higher than \~700 keV. A statistical analysis of energetic electron flux enhancements and wave and plasma properties over the entire CRRES mission supports the concept of local wave acceleration as a dominant process for refilling the slot during the main and early recovery phase of storms. For moderate storms, the injection process naturally becomes less effective at energies >=1 MeV, due to the longer wave acceleration times and additional precipitation loss from scattering by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves. However, during extreme events when the plasmapause remains compressed for several days, conditions may occur to allow wave acceleration to multi-MeV energies at locations normally associated with the slot.

Thorne, R.; Shprits, Y; Meredith, N.; Horne, R.; Li, W.; Lyons, L.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 06/2007

YEAR: 2007     DOI: 10.1029/2006JA012176

Shock-Induced Transport. Slot Refilling and Formation of New Belts.

Review of radiation belt relativistic electron losses

We present a brief review of radiation belt electron losses which are vitally important for controlling the dynamics of the radiation belts. A historical overview of early observations is presented, followed by a brief description of important known electron loss mechanisms. We describe key theoretical results and observations related to pitch-angle scattering by resonant interaction with plasmaspheric hiss, whistler-mode chorus and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, and review recent work on magnetopause losses. In particular, we attempt to organize recent observational data by loss mechanism and their relative importance to the overall rate of loss. We conclude by suggesting future observational and theoretical work that would contribute to our understanding of this important area of radiation belt research.


Published by: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics      Published on: 03/2007

YEAR: 2007     DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2006.06.019

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves


Observation of two distinct, rapid loss mechanisms during the 20 November 2003 radiation belt dropout event

The relativistic electron dropout event on 20 November 2003 is studied using data from a number of satellites including SAMPEX, HEO, ACE, POES, and FAST. The observations suggest that the dropout may have been caused by two separate mechanisms that operate at high and low L-shells, respectively, with a separation at L \~ 5. At high L-shells (L > 5), the dropout is approximately independent of energy and consistent with losses to the magnetopause aided by the Dst effect and outward radial diffusion which can deplete relativistic electrons down to lower L-shells. At low L-shells (L < 5), the dropout is strongly energy-dependent, with the higher-energy electrons being affected most. Moreover, large precipitation bands of both relativistic electrons and energetic protons are observed at low L-shells which are consistent with intense pitch angle scattering driven by electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and may result in a rapid loss of relativistic electrons near the plasmapause in the dusk sector or in plumes of enhanced density.

Bortnik, J.; Thorne, R.; O\textquoterightBrien, T.; Green, J.; Strangeway, R.; Shprits, Y; Baker, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 12/2006

YEAR: 2006     DOI: 10.1029/2006JA011802

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

Outward radial diffusion driven by losses at magnetopause

Loss mechanisms responsible for the sudden depletions of the outer electron radiation belt are examined based on observations and radial diffusion modeling, with L*-derived boundary conditions. SAMPEX data for October\textendashDecember 2003 indicate that depletions often occur when the magnetopause is compressed and geomagnetic activity is high, consistent with outward radial diffusion for L* > 4 driven by loss to the magnetopause. Multichannel Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO) satellite observations show that depletions at higher L occur at energies as low as a few hundred keV, which excludes the possibility of the electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave-driven pitch angle scattering and loss to the atmosphere at L* > 4. We further examine the viability of the outward radial diffusion loss by comparing CRRES observations with radial diffusion model simulations. Model-data comparison shows that nonadiabatic flux dropouts near geosynchronous orbit can be effectively propagated by the outward radial diffusion to L* = 4 and can account for the main phase depletions of outer radiation belt electron fluxes.

Shprits, Y; Thorne, R.; Friedel, R.; Reeves, G.; Fennell, J.; Baker, D.; Kanekal, S.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 11/2006

YEAR: 2006     DOI: 10.1029/2006JA011657

Magnetopause Losses

Storm time evolution of the outer radiation belt: Transport and losses

During geomagnetic storms the magnetic field of the inner magnetosphere exhibits large-scale variations over timescales from minutes to days. Being mainly controlled by the magnetic field the motion of relativistic electrons of the outer radiation belt can be highly susceptible to its variations. This paper investigates evolution of the outer belt during the 7 September 2002 storm. Evolution of electron phase space density is calculated with the use of a test-particle simulation in storm time magnetic and electric fields. The results show that storm time intensification of the ring current produces a large impact on the belt. In contrast to the conventional Dst effect the dominant effects are nonadiabatic and lead to profound and irreversible transformations of the belt. The diamagnetic influence of the partial ring current leads to expansion of electron drift orbits such that their paths intersect the magnetopause leading to rapid electron losses. About 2.5 hr after the storm onset most of the electrons outside L = 5 are lost. The partial ring current pressure also leads to an electron trap in the dayside magnetosphere where electrons stay on closed dayside drift orbits for as long as 11 hours. These sequestered electrons are reinjected into the outer belt due to partial recovery of the ring current. The third adiabatic invariant of these electrons exhibits rapid jumps and changes sign. These jumps produce localized peaks in the L*-profile of electron phase space density which have previously been considered as an observable indication of local electron acceleration.

Ukhorskiy, A; Anderson, B.; Brandt, P.; Tsyganenko, N.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 11/2006

YEAR: 2006     DOI: 10.1029/2006JA011690

Magnetopause Losses

Energetic outer zone electron loss timescales during low geomagnetic activity

Following enhanced magnetic activity the fluxes of energetic electrons in the Earth\textquoterights outer radiation belt gradually decay to quiet-time levels. We use CRRES observations to estimate the energetic electron loss timescales and to identify the principal loss mechanisms. Gradual loss of energetic electrons in the region 3.0 <= L <= 5.0 occurs during quiet periods (Kp < 3-) following enhanced magnetic activity on timescales ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 days for 214 keV electrons to 5.5 to 6.5 days for 1.09 MeV electrons. The intervals of decay are associated with large average values of the ratio fpe/fce (>7), indicating that the decay takes place in the plasmasphere. We compute loss timescales for pitch-angle scattering by plasmaspheric hiss using the PADIE code with wave properties based on CRRES observations. The resulting timescales suggest that pitch angle scattering by plasmaspheric hiss propagating at small or intermediate wave normal angles is responsible for electron loss over a wide range of energies and L shells. The region where hiss dominates loss is energy-dependent, ranging from 3.5 <= L <= 5.0 at 214 keV to 3.0 <= L <= 4.0 at 1.09 MeV. Plasmaspheric hiss at large wave normal angles does not contribute significantly to the loss rates. At E = 1.09 MeV the loss timescales are overestimated by a factor of \~5 for 4.5 <= L <= 5.0. We suggest that resonant wave-particle interactions with EMIC waves, which become important at MeV energies for larger L (L > \~4.5), may play a significant role in this region.

Meredith, Nigel; Horne, Richard; Glauert, Sarah; Thorne, Richard; Summers, D.; Albert, Jay; Anderson, Roger;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 05/2006

YEAR: 2006     DOI: 10.1029/2005JA011516

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

Energetic outer zone electron loss timescales during low geomagnetic activity

Following enhanced magnetic activity the fluxes of energetic electrons in the Earth\textquoterights outer radiation belt gradually decay to quiet-time levels. We use CRRES observations to estimate the energetic electron loss timescales and to identify the principal loss mechanisms. Gradual loss of energetic electrons in the region 3.0 <= L <= 5.0 occurs during quiet periods (Kp < 3-) following enhanced magnetic activity on timescales ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 days for 214 keV electrons to 5.5 to 6.5 days for 1.09 MeV electrons. The intervals of decay are associated with large average values of the ratio fpe/fce (>7), indicating that the decay takes place in the plasmasphere. We compute loss timescales for pitch-angle scattering by plasmaspheric hiss using the PADIE code with wave properties based on CRRES observations. The resulting timescales suggest that pitch angle scattering by plasmaspheric hiss propagating at small or intermediate wave normal angles is responsible for electron loss over a wide range of energies and L shells. The region where hiss dominates loss is energy-dependent, ranging from 3.5 <= L <= 5.0 at 214 keV to 3.0 <= L <= 4.0 at 1.09 MeV. Plasmaspheric hiss at large wave normal angles does not contribute significantly to the loss rates. At E = 1.09 MeV the loss timescales are overestimated by a factor of \~5 for 4.5 <= L <= 5.0. We suggest that resonant wave-particle interactions with EMIC waves, which become important at MeV energies for larger L (L > \~4.5), may play a significant role in this region.

Meredith, Nigel; Horne, Richard; Glauert, Sarah; Thorne, Richard; Summers, D.; Albert, Jay; Anderson, Roger;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 05/2006

YEAR: 2006     DOI: 10.1029/2005JA011516

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

Phase space density analysis of the outer radiation belt energetic electron dynamics

We present an analysis of the electron phase space density in the Earth\textquoterights outer radiation belt during three magnetically disturbed periods to determine the likely roles of inward radial diffusion and local acceleration in the energization of electrons to relativistic energies. During the recovery phase of the 9 October 1990 storm and the period of prolonged substorms between 11 and 16 September 1990, the relativistic electron phase space density increases substantially and peaks in the phase space density occur in the region 4.0 < L* < 5.5 for values of the first adiabatic invariant, M >= 550 MeV/G, corresponding to energies, E > \~0.8 MeV. The peaks in the phase space density are associated with prolonged substorm activity, enhanced chorus amplitudes, and predominantly low values of the ratio between the electron plasma frequency, fpe, and the electron gyrofrequency, fce (fpe/fce < \~4). The data provide further evidence for a local wave acceleration process in addition to radial diffusion operating in the heart of the outer radiation belt. During the recovery phase of the 9 October 1990 storm the peaks are more pronounced at large M (550 MeV/G) and large Kaufmann K (0.11 equation imageRE) than large M (700 MeV/G) and small K (0.025 equation imageRE), which suggests that radial diffusion is more effective below about 0.7 MeV for 5.0 < L* < 5.5 during this period. At low M (M <= 250 MeV/G), corresponding to energies, E < \~0.8 MeV, there is no evidence for a peak in phase space density and the data are more consistent with inward radial diffusion and losses to the atmosphere by pitch angle scattering. During the 26 August 1990 storm there is a net loss in the relativistic electron phase space density for 3.3 < L* < 6.0. At low M (M <= 250 MeV/G) the phase space density decreases by almost a constant factor and the gradient remains positive for all L*, but at high M (M >= 550 MeV/G) the decrease in phase space density is greater at larger L* and the gradient changes from positive to negative. The data show that it is possible to have inward radial diffusion at low energies and outward radial diffusion at higher energies, which would fill the outer radiation belt.

Iles, Roger; Meredith, Nigel; Fazakerley, Andrew; Horne, Richard;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 03/2006

YEAR: 2006     DOI: 10.1029/2005JA011206

Local Acceleration due to Wave-Particle Interaction


Impact of toroidal ULF waves on the outer radiation belt electrons

Relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt exhibit highly variable complex behavior. Previous studies have established a strong correlation of electron fluxes and the inner magnetospheric ULF waves in the Pc 3\textendash5 frequency range. Resonant interaction of ULF waves with the drift motion of radiation belt electrons violates their third adiabatic invariant and consequently leads to their radial transport. If the wave-particle interaction has a stochastic character, then the electron transport is diffusive. The goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of toroidal ULF waves on radiation belt electrons. The study is based on direct measurements of ULF electric fields on the CRRES spacecraft. We show that the electric fields of inner magnetospheric toroidal ULF waves exhibit high asymmetry in magnetic local time and have narrow-band frequency spectra. Such narrow-band waves can induce radial diffusion of energetic electrons, if an extrinsic stochasticity is introduced in the system. The quasi-periodic variations in the solar wind dynamic pressure are identified as a possible source of extrinsic stochasticity. In the asymmetric magnetic field, drifting electrons can interact with both azimuthal and radial electric field components. We derive analytically and then calculate numerically the diffusion rates associated with azimuthal and radial electric field components of the waves. It is shown that even under highly disturbed geomagnetic conditions, when the background field asymmetry is large, the diffusion rates due to the radial field component are small. At the same time, the resonant scattering of energetic electrons by the azimuthal electric field of the waves provides an efficient form of radial diffusion and therefore can play an important role in the dynamics of the outer radiation belt.

Ukhorskiy, A; Takahashi, K; Anderson, B.; Korth, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 10/2005

YEAR: 2005     DOI: 10.1029/2005JA011017

Radial Transport

Timescale for MeV electron microburst loss during geomagnetic storms

Energetic electrons in the outer radiation belt can resonate with intense bursts of whistler-mode chorus emission leading to microburst precipitation into the atmosphere. The timescale for removal of outer zone MeV electrons during the main phase of the October 1998 magnetic storm has been computed by comparing the rate of microburst loss observed on SAMPEX with trapped flux levels observed on Polar. Effective lifetimes are comparable to a day and are relatively independent of L shell. The lifetimes have also been evaluated by theoretical calculations based on quasi-linear scattering by field-aligned waves. Agreement with the observations requires average wide-band wave amplitudes comparable to 100 pT, which is consistent with the intensity of chorus emissions observed under active conditions. MeV electron scattering is most efficient during first-order cyclotron resonance with chorus emissions at geomagnetic latitudes above 30 degrees. Consequently, the zone of MeV microbursts tends to maximize in the prenoon (0400\textendash1200 MLT) sector, since nightside chorus is more strongly confined to the equator.

Thorne, R.; O\textquoterightBrien, T.; Shprits, Y; Summers, D.; Horne, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 09/2005

YEAR: 2005     DOI: 10.1029/2004JA010882

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

Timescale for MeV electron microburst loss during geomagnetic storms

Energetic electrons in the outer radiation belt can resonate with intense bursts of whistler-mode chorus emission leading to microburst precipitation into the atmosphere. The timescale for removal of outer zone MeV electrons during the main phase of the October 1998 magnetic storm has been computed by comparing the rate of microburst loss observed on SAMPEX with trapped flux levels observed on Polar. Effective lifetimes are comparable to a day and are relatively independent of L shell. The lifetimes have also been evaluated by theoretical calculations based on quasi-linear scattering by field-aligned waves. Agreement with the observations requires average wide-band wave amplitudes comparable to 100 pT, which is consistent with the intensity of chorus emissions observed under active conditions. MeV electron scattering is most efficient during first-order cyclotron resonance with chorus emissions at geomagnetic latitudes above 30 degrees. Consequently, the zone of MeV microbursts tends to maximize in the prenoon (0400\textendash1200 MLT) sector, since nightside chorus is more strongly confined to the equator.

Thorne, R.; O\textquoterightBrien, T.; Shprits, Y; Summers, D.; Horne, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 09/2005

YEAR: 2005     DOI: 10.1029/2004JA010882

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

Wave acceleration of electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts

The Van Allen radiation belts1 are two regions encircling the Earth in which energetic charged particles are trapped inside the Earth\textquoterights magnetic field. Their properties vary according to solar activity2, 3 and they represent a hazard to satellites and humans in space4, 5. An important challenge has been to explain how the charged particles within these belts are accelerated to very high energies of several million electron volts. Here we show, on the basis of the analysis of a rare event where the outer radiation belt was depleted and then re-formed closer to the Earth6, that the long established theory of acceleration by radial diffusion is inadequate; the electrons are accelerated more effectively by electromagnetic waves at frequencies of a few kilohertz. Wave acceleration can increase the electron flux by more than three orders of magnitude over the observed timescale of one to two days, more than sufficient to explain the new radiation belt. Wave acceleration could also be important for Jupiter, Saturn and other astrophysical objects with magnetic fields.

Horne, Richard; Thorne, Richard; Shprits, Yuri; Meredith, Nigel; Glauert, Sarah; Smith, Andy; Kanekal, Shrikanth; Baker, Daniel; Engebretson, Mark; Posch, Jennifer; Spasojevic, Maria; Inan, Umran; Pickett, Jolene; Decreau, Pierrette;

Published by: Nature      Published on: 09/2005

YEAR: 2005     DOI: 10.1038/nature03939

Local Acceleration due to Wave-Particle Interaction

Wave acceleration of electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts

The Van Allen radiation belts1 are two regions encircling the Earth in which energetic charged particles are trapped inside the Earth\textquoterights magnetic field. Their properties vary according to solar activity2, 3 and they represent a hazard to satellites and humans in space4, 5. An important challenge has been to explain how the charged particles within these belts are accelerated to very high energies of several million electron volts. Here we show, on the basis of the analysis of a rare event where the outer radiation belt was depleted and then re-formed closer to the Earth6, that the long established theory of acceleration by radial diffusion is inadequate; the electrons are accelerated more effectively by electromagnetic waves at frequencies of a few kilohertz. Wave acceleration can increase the electron flux by more than three orders of magnitude over the observed timescale of one to two days, more than sufficient to explain the new radiation belt. Wave acceleration could also be important for Jupiter, Saturn and other astrophysical objects with magnetic fields.

Horne, Richard; Thorne, Richard; Shprits, Yuri; Meredith, Nigel; Glauert, Sarah; Smith, Andy; Kanekal, Shrikanth; Baker, Daniel; Engebretson, Mark; Posch, Jennifer; Spasojevic, Maria; Inan, Umran; Pickett, Jolene; Decreau, Pierrette;

Published by: Nature      Published on: 09/2005

YEAR: 2005     DOI: 10.1038/nature03939

Local Acceleration due to Wave-Particle Interaction

Substorm injections produce sufficient electron energization to account for MeV flux enhancements following some storms

One of the main questions concerning radiation belt research is the origin of very high energy (>1 MeV) electrons following many space storms. Under the hypothesis that the plasma sheet electron population is the source of these electrons, which are convected to the outer radiation belt region during substorms, we estimate the flux of particles generated at geosynchronous orbit. We use the test particle method of following guiding center electrons as they drift in the electromagnetic fields during substorm dipolarization. The dipolarization pulse model electromagnetic fields are taken from the Li et al. (1998) substorm particle injection model. We find that a substorm dipolarization can produce enough electrons within geosynchronous orbit to account for the electrons seen following storms. To do this, we compute transport ratios of plasma sheet electrons, that is, the relative ratio of plasma sheet electrons that are transported and trapped in the inner magnetosphere during substorms, as well as the change in energy of the electrons. Since high fluxes of MeV electrons are only seen following storms and not isolated substorms, it is likely that these electrons may serve as a source population for other energization mechanisms which accelerate the electrons to MeV energies. Furthermore, we do parametric studies of the dipolarization model to understand physically what conditions enable the generation of this source population.

Mithaiwala, M.; Horton, W.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 07/2005

YEAR: 2005     DOI: 10.1029/2004JA010511

Substorm Injections


Time dependent radial diffusion modeling of relativistic electrons with realistic loss rates

Model simulations are compared to the typically observed evolution of MeV electron fluxes during geomagnetic storms to investigate whether radial diffusion alone can account for the observed variability and to estimate the effect of electron lifetimes. We demonstrate that knowledge of lifetimes is crucial for understanding the radial structure of the storm-time radiation belts and their temporal evolution. Our model results suggest that outer zone lifetimes at 1 MeV are on the order of few days during quite-times and less than a day during storm-time conditions. Losses outside plasmasphere should be included in the modeling of electron fluxes since effective lifetimes are much shorter than that of plasmaspheric losses. Simulations with variable outer boundary conditions show that the depletion of the main phase relativistic electron fluxes at L <= 4 can not be explained only by variations in fluxes near geosynchronous orbit and require local lifetimes as short as 0.5 day. Radial diffusion alone is unable to account for either the gradual build up of relativistic electron fluxes or the maxima in phase space density near L = 4 - 5 observed during the recovery phase of many storms, which suggests that an additional local acceleration source is also required.

Shprits, Y; Thorne, R.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 04/2004

YEAR: 2004     DOI: 10.1029/2004GL019591

Radial Transport


Evidence for chorus-driven electron acceleration to relativistic energies from a survey of geomagnetically disturbed periods

We perform a survey of the plasma wave and particle data from the CRRES satellite during 26 geomagnetically disturbed periods to investigate the viability of a local stochastic electron acceleration mechanism to relativistic energies driven by Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonant interactions with whistler mode chorus. Relativistic electron flux enhancements associated with moderate or strong storms may be seen over the whole outer zone (3 < L < 7), typically peaking in the range 4 < L < 5, whereas those associated with weak storms and intervals of prolonged substorm activity lacking a magnetic storm signature (PSALMSS) are typically observed further out in the regions 4 < L < 7 and 4.5 < L < 7, respectively. The most significant relativistic electron flux enhancements are seen outside of the plasmapause and are associated with periods of prolonged substorm activity with AE greater than 100 nT for a total integrated time greater than 2 days or greater than 300 nT for a total integrated time greater than 0.7 days. These events are also associated with enhanced fluxes of seed electrons and enhanced lower-band chorus wave power with integrated lower-band chorus wave intensities of greater than 500 pT2 day. No significant flux enhancements are seen unless the level of substorm activity is sufficiently high. These results are consistent with a local, stochastic, chorus-driven electron acceleration mechanism involving the energization of a seed population of electrons with energies of a few hundred keV to relativistic energies operating on a timescale of the order of days.

Meredith, Nigel; Cain, Michelle; Horne, Richard; Thorne, Richard; Summers, D.; Anderson, Roger;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 06/2003

YEAR: 2003     DOI: 10.1029/2002JA009764

Local Acceleration due to Wave-Particle Interaction

Evidence for chorus-driven electron acceleration to relativistic energies from a survey of geomagnetically disturbed periods

We perform a survey of the plasma wave and particle data from the CRRES satellite during 26 geomagnetically disturbed periods to investigate the viability of a local stochastic electron acceleration mechanism to relativistic energies driven by Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonant interactions with whistler mode chorus. Relativistic electron flux enhancements associated with moderate or strong storms may be seen over the whole outer zone (3 < L < 7), typically peaking in the range 4 < L < 5, whereas those associated with weak storms and intervals of prolonged substorm activity lacking a magnetic storm signature (PSALMSS) are typically observed further out in the regions 4 < L < 7 and 4.5 < L < 7, respectively. The most significant relativistic electron flux enhancements are seen outside of the plasmapause and are associated with periods of prolonged substorm activity with AE greater than 100 nT for a total integrated time greater than 2 days or greater than 300 nT for a total integrated time greater than 0.7 days. These events are also associated with enhanced fluxes of seed electrons and enhanced lower-band chorus wave power with integrated lower-band chorus wave intensities of greater than 500 pT2 day. No significant flux enhancements are seen unless the level of substorm activity is sufficiently high. These results are consistent with a local, stochastic, chorus-driven electron acceleration mechanism involving the energization of a seed population of electrons with energies of a few hundred keV to relativistic energies operating on a timescale of the order of days.

Meredith, Nigel; Cain, Michelle; Horne, Richard; Thorne, Richard; Summers, D.; Anderson, Roger;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 06/2003

YEAR: 2003     DOI: 10.1029/2002JA009764

Local Acceleration due to Wave-Particle Interaction

Relativistic electron acceleration and precipitation during resonant interactions with whistler-mode chorus

1] Resonant interactions with whistler-mode chorus waves provide an important process for electron loss and acceleration during storm times. We demonstrate that wave propagation significantly affects the electron scattering rates. We show that stormtime chorus waves outside the plasmapause can scatter equatorial electrons <=60 keV into the loss cone and accelerate trapped electrons up to \~ MeV energies at large pitch-angles. Using ray tracing to map the waves to higher latitudes, we show that the decrease in the ratio between the electron plasma and gyro frequencies, along with the normalized chorus frequency bandwidth, enable much higher energy electrons \~1 MeV to be scattered into the loss cone. We suggest that off equatorial pitch-angle scattering by chorus waves is responsible for relativistic micro-burst precipitation seen on SAMPEX. Off-equatorial scattering at pitch-angles well away from the loss cone also contributes to the acceleration of higher energy >=3 MeV electrons.

Horne, R.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2003

YEAR: 2003     DOI: 10.1029/2003GL016973

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves


The temporal evolution of electron distributions and associated wave activity following substorm injections in the inner magnetosphere

The temporal evolution of electron distributions and associated wave activity following substorm injections in the inner magnetosphere are investigated using data from the CRRES satellite. Equatorial electron distributions and concomitant wave spectra outside the plasmapause on the nightside of the Earth are studied as a function of time since injection determined from the auroral-electrojet index (AE). The electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) wave amplitudes are shown to be very sensitive to small modeling errors in the location of the magnetic equator. They are best understood at the ECH equator, defined by the local maximum in the ECH wave activity in the vicinity of the nominal magnetic equator, suggesting that the ECH equator is a better measure of the location of the true equator. Strong ECH and whistler mode wave amplitudes are associated with the injected distributions and at the ECH equator, in the region 6.0 <= L < 7.0, exponential fits reveal wave amplitude decay time constants of 6.3\textpm1.2 and 4.6\textpm0.7 hours, respectively. Pancake electron distributions are seen to develop from injected distributions that are nearly isotropic in velocity space and, in this region, are seen to form on a similar timescale of approximately 4 hours suggesting that both wave types are involved in their production. The timescale for pancake production and wave decay is comparable with the average time interval between substorm events so that the wave-particle interactions are almost continually present in this region leading to a continual supply of electrons to power the diffuse aurora. In the region 3.8 <= L < 6.0 the timescale for wave decay at the ECH equator is 2.3 \textpm 0.6 and 1.1 \textpm 0.2 hours for ECH waves and whistler mode waves respectively, although the pancakes in this region show no clear evolution as a function of time.

Meredith, Nigel; Horne, Richard; Johnstone, Alan; Anderson, Roger;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 06/2000

YEAR: 2000     DOI: 10.1029/2000JA900010

Substorm Injections


Relativistic theory of wave-particle resonant diffusion with application to electron acceleration in the magnetosphere

Resonant diffusion curves for electron cyclotron resonance with field-aligned electromagnetic R mode and L mode electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are constructed using a fully relativistic treatment. Analytical solutions are derived for the case of a single-ion plasma, and a numerical scheme is developed for the more realistic case of a multi-ion plasma. Diffusion curves are presented, for plasma parameters representative of the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere at locations both inside and outside the plasmapause. The results obtained indicate minimal electron energy change along the diffusion curves for resonant interaction with L mode waves. Intense storm time EMIC waves are therefore ineffective for electron stochastic acceleration, although these waves could induce rapid pitch angle scattering for ≳ 1 MeV electrons near the duskside plasmapause. In contrast, significant energy change can occur along the diffusion curves for interaction between resonant electrons and whistler (R mode) waves. The energy change is most pronounced in regions of low plasma density. This suggests that whistler mode waves could provide a viable mechanism for electron acceleration from energies near 100 keV to above 1 MeV in the region outside the plasmapause during the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms. A model is proposed to account for the observed variations in the flux and pitch angle distribution of relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms by combining pitch angle scattering by intense EMIC waves and energy diffusion during cyclotron resonant interaction with whistler mode chorus outside the plasmasphere.

Summers, D.; Thorne, Richard; Xiao, Fuliang;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 09/1998

YEAR: 1998     DOI: 10.1029/98JA01740

Local Acceleration due to Wave-Particle Interaction

Substorm electron injections: Geosynchronous observations and test particle simulations

We investigate electron acceleration and the flux increases associated with energetic electron injections on the basis of geosynchronous observations and test-electron orbits in the dynamic fields of a three-dimensional MHD simulation of neutral line formation and dipolarization in the magnetotail. This complements an earlier investigation of test protons [Birn et al., 1997b]. In the present paper we consider equatorial orbits only, using the gyrocenter drift approximation. It turns out that this approximation is valid for electrons prior to and during the flux rises observed in the near tail region of the model at all energies considered (\~ 100 eV to 1 MeV). The test particle model reproduces major observed characteristics: a fast flux rise, comparable to that of the ions, and the existence of five categories of dispersionless events, typical for observations at different local times. They consist of dispersionless injections of ions or electrons without accompanying injections of the other species, delayed electron injections and delayed ion injections, and simultaneous two-species injections. As postulated from observations [Birn et al., 1997a], these categories can be attributed to a dawn-dusk displacement of the ion and electron injection boundaries in combination with an earthward motion or expansion. The simulated electron injection region extends farther toward dusk at lower energies (say, below 40 keV) than at higher energies. This explains the existence of observed energetic ion injections that are accompanied by electron flux increases at the lower energies but not by an energetic electron injection at energies above 50 keV. The simulated distributions show that flux increases are limited in energy, as observed. The reason for this limitation and for the differences between the injection regions at different energies is the localization in the dawn-dusk direction of the tail collapse and the associated cross-tail electric field, in combination with a difference in the relative importance of E \texttimes B drift and gradient drifts at different energies. The results demonstrate that the collapsing field region earthward of the neutral line appears to be more significant than the neutral line itself for the acceleration of electrons, particularly for the initial rise of the fluxes and the injection boundary. This is similar to the result obtained for test ions [Birn et al., 1997b].

Birn, J.; Thomsen, M.; Borovsky, J.; Reeves, G.; McComas, D.; Belian, R.; Hesse, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 05/1998

YEAR: 1998     DOI: 10.1029/97JA02635

Substorm Injections

Electron scattering loss in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere 1. Dominant physical processes

Pitch angle diffusion rates due to Coulomb collisions and resonant interactions with plasmaspheric hiss, lightning-induced whistlers and anthropogenic VLF transmissions are computed for inner magnetospheric electrons. The bounce-averaged, quasi-linear pitch angle diffusion coefficients are input into a pure pitch angle diffusion equation to obtain L and energy dependent equilibrium distribution functions and precipitation lifetimes. The relative effects of each scattering mechanism are considered as a function of electron energy and L shell. Model calculations accurately describe the enhanced loss rates in the slot region, as well as reduced scattering in the heavily populated inner radiation belt. Predicted electron distribution function calculations in the slot region display a characteristic \textquotedbllefttop hat\textquotedblright distribution which is supported by observations. Inner zone electron lifetimes based on observed decay rates of the Starfish electron population are in approximate agreement with model predictions.

Abel, Bob; Thorne, Richard;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 02/1998

YEAR: 1998     DOI: 10.1029/97JA02919

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves


Direct Evaluation of the Radial Diffusion Coefficient near L = 6 Due to Electric Field Fluctuations

The radial diffusion coefficient for radiation belt particles near L=6 has been calculated from the measured electric field fluctuations. Simultaneous balloon flights in August 1974 from six auroral zone sites ranging 180\textdegree in magnetic longitude produced the electric field data. The large scale slowly varying ionospheric electric fields from these flights have been mapped to the equator during the quiet magnetic conditions of this campaign. These mapped equatorial electric fields were then Fourier transformed in space and time to produce power spectra of the first two terms of the global azimuthal electric field. From these power spectra the radial diffusion coefficient has been calculated.

Holzworth, R.; Mozer, F.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 06/1979

YEAR: 1979     DOI: 10.1029/JA084iA06p02559

Radial Transport


Equilibrium Structure of Radiation Belt Electrons

The detailed quiet time structure of energetic electrons in the earth\textquoterights radiation belts is explained on the basis of a balance between pitch angle scattering loss and inward radial diffusion from an average outer zone source. Losses are attributed to a combination of classical Coulomb scattering at low L and whistler mode turbulent pitch angle diffusion throughout the outer plasmasphere. Radial diffusion is driven by substorm associated fluctuations of the magnetospheric convection electric field.

Lyons, Lawrence; Thorne, Richard;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 05/1973

YEAR: 1973     DOI: 10.1029/JA078i013p02142

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves


Parasitic Pitch Angle Diffusion of Radiation Belt Particles by Ion Cyclotron Waves

The resonant pitch angle scattering of protons and electrons by ion cyclotron turbulence is investigated. The analysis is analogous to that recently performed for electron interactions with whistler mode waves. The role played by the intense band of ion cyclotron waves, predicted to be generated just within the plasmapause during the decay of the magnetospheric ring current, is evaluated in detail. Loss rates resulting from parasitic interactions with this turbulence are determined for energetic protons and relativistic electrons.

Lyons, Lawrence; Thorne, Richard;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research      Published on: 10/1972

YEAR: 1972     DOI: 10.1029/JA077i028p05608

Local Loss due to VLF/ELF/EMIC Waves

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