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Found 1197 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 751 through 800


Evolution of chorus emissions into plasmaspheric hiss observed by Van Allen Probes

The two classes of whistler mode waves (chorus and hiss) play different roles in the dynamics of radiation belt energetic electrons. Chorus can efficiently accelerate energetic electrons, and hiss is responsible for the loss of energetic electrons. Previous studies have proposed that chorus is the source of plasmaspheric hiss, but this still requires an observational confirmation because the previously observed chorus and hiss emissions were not in the same frequency range in the same time. Here we report simultaneous observations form Van Allen Probes that chorus and hiss emissions occurred in the same range \~300\textendash1500 Hz with the peak wave power density about 10-5 nT2/Hz during a weak storm on 3 July 2014. Chorus emissions propagate in a broad region outside the plasmapause. Meanwhile, hiss emissions are confined inside the plasmasphere, with a higher intensity and a broader area at a lower frequency. A sum of bi-Maxwellian distribution is used to model the observed anisotropic electron distributions and to evaluate the instability of waves. A three-dimensional ray tracing simulation shows that a portion of chorus emission outside the plasmasphere can propagate into the plasmasphere and evolve into plasmaspheric hiss. Moreover, hiss waves below 1 kHz are more intense and propagate over a broader area than those above 1 kHz, consistent with the observation. The current results can explain distributions of the observed hiss emission and provide a further support for the mechanism of evolution of chorus into hiss emissions.

Zhou, Qinghua; Xiao, Fuliang; Yang, Chang; Liu, Si; He, Yihua; Wygant, J.; Baker, D.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Funsten, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022366

chorus waves; Plasmaspheric Hiss; RBSP results; Van Allen Probes

Evolution of chorus emissions into plasmaspheric hiss observed by Van Allen Probes

The two classes of whistler mode waves (chorus and hiss) play different roles in the dynamics of radiation belt energetic electrons. Chorus can efficiently accelerate energetic electrons, and hiss is responsible for the loss of energetic electrons. Previous studies have proposed that chorus is the source of plasmaspheric hiss, but this still requires an observational confirmation because the previously observed chorus and hiss emissions were not in the same frequency range in the same time. Here we report simultaneous observations form Van Allen Probes that chorus and hiss emissions occurred in the same range \~300\textendash1500 Hz with the peak wave power density about 10-5 nT2/Hz during a weak storm on 3 July 2014. Chorus emissions propagate in a broad region outside the plasmapause. Meanwhile, hiss emissions are confined inside the plasmasphere, with a higher intensity and a broader area at a lower frequency. A sum of bi-Maxwellian distribution is used to model the observed anisotropic electron distributions and to evaluate the instability of waves. A three-dimensional ray tracing simulation shows that a portion of chorus emission outside the plasmasphere can propagate into the plasmasphere and evolve into plasmaspheric hiss. Moreover, hiss waves below 1 kHz are more intense and propagate over a broader area than those above 1 kHz, consistent with the observation. The current results can explain distributions of the observed hiss emission and provide a further support for the mechanism of evolution of chorus into hiss emissions.

Zhou, Qinghua; Xiao, Fuliang; Yang, Chang; Liu, Si; He, Yihua; Wygant, J.; Baker, D.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Funsten, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022366

chorus waves; Plasmaspheric Hiss; RBSP results; Van Allen Probes

Multispacecraft Observations and Modeling of the June 22/23, 2015 Geomagnetic Storm

The magnetic storm of June 22-23, 2015 was one of the largest in the current solar cycle. We present in situ observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) and the Van Allen Probes (VAP) in the magnetotail, field-aligned currents from AMPERE, and ionospheric flow data from DMSP. Our real-time space weather alert system sent out a \textquotedblleftred alert\textquotedblright, correctly predicting Kp indices greater than 8. We show strong outflow of ionospheric Oxygen, dipolarizations in the MMS magnetometer data, and dropouts in the particle fluxes seen by the MMS FPI instrument suite. At ionospheric altitudes, the AMPERE data show highly variable currents exceeding 20 MA. We present numerical simulations with the BATS-R-US global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model linked with the Rice Convection Model (RCM). The model predicted the magnitude of the dipolarizations, and varying polar cap convection patterns, which were confirmed by DMSP measurements.

Reiff, P.; Daou, A.; Sazykin, S; Nakamura, R.; Hairston, M.; Coffey, V.; Chandler, M.; Anderson, B.; Russell, C.; Welling, D.; Fuselier, S.; Genestreti, K.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL069154

Dipolarization; Geomagnetic storm; MMS; prediction; simulation; Space weather; Van Allen Probes

Multispacecraft Observations and Modeling of the June 22/23, 2015 Geomagnetic Storm

The magnetic storm of June 22-23, 2015 was one of the largest in the current solar cycle. We present in situ observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) and the Van Allen Probes (VAP) in the magnetotail, field-aligned currents from AMPERE, and ionospheric flow data from DMSP. Our real-time space weather alert system sent out a \textquotedblleftred alert\textquotedblright, correctly predicting Kp indices greater than 8. We show strong outflow of ionospheric Oxygen, dipolarizations in the MMS magnetometer data, and dropouts in the particle fluxes seen by the MMS FPI instrument suite. At ionospheric altitudes, the AMPERE data show highly variable currents exceeding 20 MA. We present numerical simulations with the BATS-R-US global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model linked with the Rice Convection Model (RCM). The model predicted the magnitude of the dipolarizations, and varying polar cap convection patterns, which were confirmed by DMSP measurements.

Reiff, P.; Daou, A.; Sazykin, S; Nakamura, R.; Hairston, M.; Coffey, V.; Chandler, M.; Anderson, B.; Russell, C.; Welling, D.; Fuselier, S.; Genestreti, K.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL069154

Dipolarization; Geomagnetic storm; MMS; prediction; simulation; Space weather; Van Allen Probes

New Chorus Wave Properties Near the Equator from Van Allen Probes Wave Observations

The chorus wave properties are evaluated using Van Allen Probes data in the Earth\textquoterights equatorial magnetosphere. Two distinct modes of lower band chorus are identified: a quasi-parallel mode and a quasi-electrostatic mode, whose wave normal direction is close to the resonance cone. Statistical results indicate that the quasi-electrostatic (quasi-parallel) mode preferentially occurs during relatively quiet (disturbed) geomagnetic activity at lower (higher) L shells. Although the magnetic intensity of the quasi-electrostatic mode is considerably weaker than the quasi-parallel mode, their electric intensities are comparable. A newly identified feature of the quasi-electrostatic mode is that its frequency peaks at higher values compared to the quasi-parallel mode that exhibits a broad frequency spectrum. Moreover, upper band chorus wave normal directions vary between 0\textdegree and the resonance cone and become more parallel as geomagnetic activity increases. Our new findings suggest that chorus-driven energetic electron dynamics needs a careful examination by considering the properties of these two distinct modes.

Li, W.; Santolik, O.; Bortnik, J.; Thorne, R.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Hospodarsky, G.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL068780

Chorus wave; oblique; quasi-electrostatic; quasi-parallel; Van Allen Probes; wave normal angles

O + Ion Conic and Plasma Sheet Dynamics Observed by Van Allen Probe Satellites during the 1 June 2013 Magnetic Storm

The Van Allen Probe satellites were near apogee in the late evening local time sector during the 1 June 2013 magnetic storm\textquoterights main phase. About an hour after crossing the ring current\textquoterights \textquotedblleftnose structure\textquotedblright into the plasma sheet, the satellites encountered a quasi-periodic sequence of 0.08 - 3 keV O+ ions. Pitch angle distributions of this population consistently peaked nearly anti-parallel to the local magnetic field. We interpret this population as O+ conics originating in the northern ionosphere. Sequences began as fairly steady state conic fluxes with energies in the ~ 80 to 100 eV range. Over about a half hour build-up phase, O+ energies peaked near 1 keV. During subsequent release phases lasting ~ 20 minutes, O+ energies returned to low-energy starting points. We argue these observations reflect repeated formations and dissolutions of downward, magnetically aligned electric fields (ε||) layers trapping O+ conics between mirror points within heating layers below and electrostatic barriers above [Gorney et al., 1985]. Nearly identical variations were observed at the locations of both satellites during 9 of these 13 conic cycles. Phase differences between cycles were observed at both spacecraft during the remaining events. Most \textquotedblleftbuild-up\textquotedblright to \textquotedblleftrelease\textquotedblright phase transitions coincided with AL index minima. However, in situ magnetometer measurements indicate only weak dipolarizations of tail-like magnetic fields. The lack of field-aligned reflected O+ and tail-like magnetic fields suggest that both ionospheres may be active. However, southern hemisphere origin conics cannot be observed since they would be isotropized and accelerated during neutral sheet crossings.

Burke, W.; Erickson, P.; Yang, J.; Foster, J.; Wygant, J.; Reeves, G.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021795

oxygen ion conics; plasma sheet dynamics; Van Allen Probes

O + Ion Conic and Plasma Sheet Dynamics Observed by Van Allen Probe Satellites during the 1 June 2013 Magnetic Storm

The Van Allen Probe satellites were near apogee in the late evening local time sector during the 1 June 2013 magnetic storm\textquoterights main phase. About an hour after crossing the ring current\textquoterights \textquotedblleftnose structure\textquotedblright into the plasma sheet, the satellites encountered a quasi-periodic sequence of 0.08 - 3 keV O+ ions. Pitch angle distributions of this population consistently peaked nearly anti-parallel to the local magnetic field. We interpret this population as O+ conics originating in the northern ionosphere. Sequences began as fairly steady state conic fluxes with energies in the ~ 80 to 100 eV range. Over about a half hour build-up phase, O+ energies peaked near 1 keV. During subsequent release phases lasting ~ 20 minutes, O+ energies returned to low-energy starting points. We argue these observations reflect repeated formations and dissolutions of downward, magnetically aligned electric fields (ε||) layers trapping O+ conics between mirror points within heating layers below and electrostatic barriers above [Gorney et al., 1985]. Nearly identical variations were observed at the locations of both satellites during 9 of these 13 conic cycles. Phase differences between cycles were observed at both spacecraft during the remaining events. Most \textquotedblleftbuild-up\textquotedblright to \textquotedblleftrelease\textquotedblright phase transitions coincided with AL index minima. However, in situ magnetometer measurements indicate only weak dipolarizations of tail-like magnetic fields. The lack of field-aligned reflected O+ and tail-like magnetic fields suggest that both ionospheres may be active. However, southern hemisphere origin conics cannot be observed since they would be isotropized and accelerated during neutral sheet crossings.

Burke, W.; Erickson, P.; Yang, J.; Foster, J.; Wygant, J.; Reeves, G.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021795

oxygen ion conics; plasma sheet dynamics; Van Allen Probes

Reproducing the observed energy-dependent structure of Earth s electron radiation belts during storm recovery with an event-specific diffusion model

We present dynamic simulations of energy-dependent losses in the radiation belt " slot region" and the formation of the two-belt structure for the quiet days after the March 1st storm. The simulations combine radial diffusion with a realistic scattering model, based data-driven spatially and temporally-resolved whistler mode hiss wave observations from the Van Allen Probes satellites. The simulations reproduce Van Allen Probes observations for all energies and L-shells (2 to 6) including (a) the strong energy-dependence to the radiation belt dynamics (b) an energy-dependent outer boundary to the inner zone that extends to higher L-shells at lower energies and (c) an " S-shaped" energy-dependent inner boundary to the outer zone that results from the competition between diffusive radial transport and losses. We find that the characteristic energy-dependent structure of the radiation belts and slot region is dynamic and can be formed gradually in ~15 days, although the " S-shape" can also be reproduced by assuming equilibrium conditions. The highest energy electrons (E > 300 keV) of the inner region of the outer belt (L ~ 4-5) also constantly decay, demonstrating that hiss wave scattering affects the outer belt during times of extended plasmasphere. Through these simulations, we explain the full structure in energy and L-shell of the belts and the slot formation by hiss scattering during storm recovery. We show the power and complexity of looking dynamically at the effects over all energies and L-shells and the need for using data-driven and event-specific conditions.

Ripoll, J.; Reeves, G.; Cunningham, G.; Loridan, V.; Denton, M.; ik, O.; Kurth, W.; Kletzing, C.; Turner, D.; Henderson, M.; Ukhorskiy, A;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL068869

electron lifetimes; electron losses; hiss waves; Radiation belts; Slot region; Van Allen Probes; wave particle interactions

Simulation of energy-dependent electron diffusion processes in the Earth\textquoterights outer radiation belt

The radial and local diffusion processes induced by various plasma waves govern the highly energetic electron dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts, causing distinct characteristics in electron distributions at various energies. In this study, we present our simulation results of the energetic electron evolution during a geomagnetic storm using the University of California, Los Angeles 3-D diffusion code. Following the plasma sheet electron injections, the electrons at different energy bands detected by the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) and Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) instruments on board the Van Allen Probes exhibit a rapid enhancement followed by a slow diffusive movement in differential energy fluxes, and the radial extent to which electrons can penetrate into depends on energy with closer penetration toward the Earth at lower energies than higher energies. We incorporate radial diffusion, local acceleration, and loss processes due to whistler mode wave observations to perform a 3-D diffusion simulation. Our simulation results demonstrate that chorus waves cause electron flux increase by more than 1 order of magnitude during the first 18 h, and the subsequent radial extents of the energetic electrons during the storm recovery phase are determined by the coupled radial diffusion and the pitch angle scattering by EMIC waves and plasmaspheric hiss. The radial diffusion caused by ULF waves and local plasma wave scattering are energy dependent, which lead to the observed electron flux variations with energy dependences. This study suggests that plasma wave distributions in the inner magnetosphere are crucial for the energy-dependent intrusions of several hundred keV to several MeV electrons.

Ma, Q.; Li, W.; Thorne, R.; Nishimura, Y.; Zhang, X.-J.; Reeves, G.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Hospodarsky, G.; Henderson, M.; Spence, H.; Baker, D.; Blake, J.; Fennell, J.; Angelopoulos, V.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022507

electron acceleration and loss; energy-dependent diffusion; radial diffusion; radiation belt simulation; Van Allen Probes

Simulation of energy-dependent electron diffusion processes in the Earth\textquoterights outer radiation belt

The radial and local diffusion processes induced by various plasma waves govern the highly energetic electron dynamics in the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts, causing distinct characteristics in electron distributions at various energies. In this study, we present our simulation results of the energetic electron evolution during a geomagnetic storm using the University of California, Los Angeles 3-D diffusion code. Following the plasma sheet electron injections, the electrons at different energy bands detected by the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) and Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) instruments on board the Van Allen Probes exhibit a rapid enhancement followed by a slow diffusive movement in differential energy fluxes, and the radial extent to which electrons can penetrate into depends on energy with closer penetration toward the Earth at lower energies than higher energies. We incorporate radial diffusion, local acceleration, and loss processes due to whistler mode wave observations to perform a 3-D diffusion simulation. Our simulation results demonstrate that chorus waves cause electron flux increase by more than 1 order of magnitude during the first 18 h, and the subsequent radial extents of the energetic electrons during the storm recovery phase are determined by the coupled radial diffusion and the pitch angle scattering by EMIC waves and plasmaspheric hiss. The radial diffusion caused by ULF waves and local plasma wave scattering are energy dependent, which lead to the observed electron flux variations with energy dependences. This study suggests that plasma wave distributions in the inner magnetosphere are crucial for the energy-dependent intrusions of several hundred keV to several MeV electrons.

Ma, Q.; Li, W.; Thorne, R.; Nishimura, Y.; Zhang, X.-J.; Reeves, G.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Hospodarsky, G.; Henderson, M.; Spence, H.; Baker, D.; Blake, J.; Fennell, J.; Angelopoulos, V.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022507

electron acceleration and loss; energy-dependent diffusion; radial diffusion; radiation belt simulation; Van Allen Probes

A statistical study of proton pitch angle distributions measured by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)

A statistical study of ring current-energy proton pitch angle distributions (PADs) in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere is reported here. The data are from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) on board the Van Allen Probe B spacecraft from January 1, 2013 to April 15, 2015. By fitting the data to the functional form sinnα, where α is the proton pitch angle, we examine proton PADs at the energies 50, 100, 180, 328 and 488 keV in the L-shell range from L = 2.5 to L = 6. Three PAD types are classified: trapped (90\textdegree peaked), butterfly and isotropic. The proton PAD dependence on the particle energy, MLT, L-shell, and geomagnetic activity are analyzed in detail. The results show a strong dependence of the proton PADs on MLT. On the nightside, the n values outside the plasmapause are clearly lower than those inside the plasmapause. At higher energies and during intense magnetic activity, nightside butterfly PADs can be observed at L-shells down to the vicinity of the plasmapause. The averaged n values on the dayside are larger than on the nightside. A maximum of the averagedn values occurs around L = 4.5 in the postnoon sector (12 - 16MLT). The averaged n values show a dawn-dusk asymmetry with lower values on the dawnside at high L-shells, which is consistent with previous studies of butterfly PADs. The MLT dependence of the proton PADs becomes more distinct with increasing particle energy. These features suggest that drift-shell splitting coupled with a radial flux gradient play an important role in the formation of PADs, particularly at L > ~ 4.5

Shi, Run; Summers, Danny; Ni, Binbin; Manweiler, Jerry; Mitchell, Donald; Lanzerotti, Louis;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022140

proton pitch angle distributions; Van Allen Probes

A statistical study of proton pitch angle distributions measured by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)

A statistical study of ring current-energy proton pitch angle distributions (PADs) in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere is reported here. The data are from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) on board the Van Allen Probe B spacecraft from January 1, 2013 to April 15, 2015. By fitting the data to the functional form sinnα, where α is the proton pitch angle, we examine proton PADs at the energies 50, 100, 180, 328 and 488 keV in the L-shell range from L = 2.5 to L = 6. Three PAD types are classified: trapped (90\textdegree peaked), butterfly and isotropic. The proton PAD dependence on the particle energy, MLT, L-shell, and geomagnetic activity are analyzed in detail. The results show a strong dependence of the proton PADs on MLT. On the nightside, the n values outside the plasmapause are clearly lower than those inside the plasmapause. At higher energies and during intense magnetic activity, nightside butterfly PADs can be observed at L-shells down to the vicinity of the plasmapause. The averaged n values on the dayside are larger than on the nightside. A maximum of the averagedn values occurs around L = 4.5 in the postnoon sector (12 - 16MLT). The averaged n values show a dawn-dusk asymmetry with lower values on the dawnside at high L-shells, which is consistent with previous studies of butterfly PADs. The MLT dependence of the proton PADs becomes more distinct with increasing particle energy. These features suggest that drift-shell splitting coupled with a radial flux gradient play an important role in the formation of PADs, particularly at L > ~ 4.5

Shi, Run; Summers, Danny; Ni, Binbin; Manweiler, Jerry; Mitchell, Donald; Lanzerotti, Louis;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022140

proton pitch angle distributions; Van Allen Probes

Storm-time dynamics of ring current protons: Implications for the long-term energy budget in the inner magnetosphere

Our investigation of the long-term ring current proton pressure evolution in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere based on Van Allen Probes data shows drastically different behavior of the low- and high- energy components of the ring current proton population with respect to theSYM-H index variation. We found that while the low-energy component of the protons (<80 keV) is strongly governed by convective timescales and is very well correlated with the absolute value of SYM-H index, the high-energy component (>100 keV) varies on much longer timescales and shows either no correlation or anticorrelation with the absolute value of SYM-H index. Our study also shows that the contributions of the low- and high- energy protons to the inner magnetosphere energy content are comparable. Thus, our results conclusively demonstrate that proton dynamics, and as a result the energy budget in the inner magnetosphere, do not vary strictly on storm time timescales as those are defined by the SYM-H index.

Gkioulidou, Matina; Ukhorskiy, A.; Mitchell, D.; Lanzerotti, L.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL068013

energy budget; Geomagnetic storms; inner magnetosphere; ring current; Van Allen Probes

Structure and Evolution of Electron "Zebra Stripes" in the Inner Radiation Belt

Zebra stripes\textquotedblright are newly found energetic electron energy-spatial (L shell) distributed structure with an energy between tens to a few hundreds keV in the inner radiation belt. Using high-quality measurements of electron fluxes from Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) on board the twin Van Allen Probes, we carry out case and statistical studies from April 2013 to April 2014 to study the structural and evolutionary characteristics of zebra stripes below L = 3. It is revealed that the zebra stripes can be transformed into evenly spaced patterns in the electron drift frequency coordinate: the detrended logarithmic fluxes in each L shell region can be well described by sinusoidal functions of drift frequency. The \textquotedblleftwave number\textquotedblright of this sinusoidal function, which corresponds to the reciprocal of the gap between two adjacent peaks in the drift frequency coordinate, increases in proportion to real time. Further, these structural and evolutionary characteristics of zebra stripes can be reproduced by an analytic model of the evolution of the particle distribution under a single monochromatic or static azimuthal electric field. It is shown that the essential ingredient for the formation of multiple zebra stripes is the periodic drift of particles. The amplitude of the zebra stripes shows a good positive correlation with Kp index, which indicates that the generation mechanism of zebra stripes should be related to geomagnetic activities

Liu, Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Foster, J.; Rankin, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022077

electric field; energetic electrons; particle dynamic; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; zebra stripes

Using the cold plasma dispersion relation and whistler-mode waves to quantify the antenna sheath impedance of the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument

Cold plasma theory and parallel wave propagation are often assumed when approximating the whistler mode magnetic field wave power from electric field observations. The current study is the first to include the wave normal angle from the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science package on board the Van Allen Probes in the conversion factor, thus allowing for the accuracy of these assumptions to be quantified. Results indicate that removing the assumption of parallel propagation does not significantly affect calculated plasmaspheric hiss wave powers. Hence, the assumption of parallel propagation is valid. For chorus waves, inclusion of the wave normal angle in the conversion factor leads to significant alterations in the distribution of wave power ratios (observed/ calculated); the percentage of overestimates decreases, the percentage of underestimates increases, and the spread of values is significantly reduced. Calculated plasmaspheric hiss wave powers are, on average, a good estimate of those observed, whereas calculated chorus wave powers are persistently and systematically underestimated. Investigation of wave power ratios (observed/calculated), as a function of frequency and plasma density, reveals a structure consistent with signal attenuation via the formation of a plasma sheath around the Electric Field and Waves spherical double probes instrument. A simple, density-dependent model is developed in order to quantify this effect of variable impedance between the electric field antenna and the plasma interface. This sheath impedance model is then demonstrated to be successful in significantly improving agreement between calculated and observed power spectra and wave powers.

Hartley, D.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Bounds, S.; Averkamp, T.; Hospodarsky, G.; Wygant, J.; Bonnell, J.; ik, O.; Watt, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022501

EFW; EMFISIS; Plasmaspheric Hiss; sheath impedance; Van Allen Probes; whistler mode chorus

BARREL observations of a Solar Energetic Electron and Solar Energetic Proton event

During the second Balloon Array for Radiation Belt Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) campaign two solar energetic proton (SEP) events were observed. Although BARREL was designed to observe X-rays created during electron precipitation events, it is sensitive to X-rays from other sources. The gamma lines produced when energetic protons hit the upper atmosphere are used in this paper to study SEP events. During the second SEP event starting on 7 January 2014 and lasting \~ 3 days, which also had a solar energetic electron (SEE) event occurring simultaneously, BARREL had 6 payloads afloat spanning all MLT sectors and L-values. Three payloads were in a tight array (\~ 2 hrs in MLT and \~ 2 Δ L) inside the inner magnetosphere and at times conjugate in both L and MLT with the Van Allen Probes (approximately once per day). The other three payloads mapped to higher L-values with one payload on open field lines for the entire event while the other two appear to be crossing from open to closed field lines. Using the observations of the SEE and SEP events, we are able to map the open-closed boundary. Halford et al. [2015] demonstrated how BARREL can monitor electron precipitation following an ICME-shock impact at Earth while in this study we look at the SEP event precursor to the arrival of the ICME-Shock in our cradle-to-grave view: from flare, to SEE and SEP events, to radiation belt electron precipitation.

Halford, A.; McGregor, S.; Hudson, M.; Millan, R.; Kress, B.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022462

BARREL; electron precipitation; proton precipitation; Solar Energetic Electrons; Solar Energetic Protons; Solar storm; Van Allen Probes

A neural network approach for identifying particle pitch angle distributions in Van Allen Probes data

Analysis of particle pitch angle distributions (PADs) has been used as a means to comprehend a multitude of different physical mechanisms that lead to flux variations in the Van Allen belts and also to particle precipitation into the upper atmosphere. In this work we developed a neural network-based data clustering methodology that automatically identifies distinct PAD types in an unsupervised way using particle flux data. One can promptly identify and locate three well-known PAD types in both time and radial distance, namely, 90\textdegree peaked, butterfly, and flattop distributions. In order to illustrate the applicability of our methodology, we used relativistic electron flux data from the whole month of November 2014, acquired from the Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope instrument on board the Van Allen Probes, but it is emphasized that our approach can also be used with multiplatform spacecraft data. Our PAD classification results are in reasonably good agreement with those obtained by standard statistical fitting algorithms. The proposed methodology has a potential use for Van Allen belt\textquoterights monitoring.

Souza, V.; Vieira, L.; Medeiros, C.; Da Silva, L.; Alves, L.; Koga, D.; Sibeck, D.; Walsh, B.; Kanekal, S.; Jauer, P.; Rockenbach, M.; Dal Lago, A.; Silveira, M.; Marchezi, J.; Mendes, O.; Gonzalez, W.; Baker, D.;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 04/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015SW001349

pitch angle distributions; self-organizing maps; Van Allen belt\textquoterights monitoring; Van Allen Probes

Ring current electron dynamics during geomagnetic storms based on the Van Allen Probes measurements

Based on comprehensive measurements from Helium, Oxygen, Proton, and Electron Mass Spectrometer Ion Spectrometer, Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope, and Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment instruments on the Van Allen Probes, comparative studies of ring current electrons and ions are performed and the role of energetic electrons in the ring current dynamics is investigated. The deep injections of tens to hundreds of keV electrons and tens of keV protons into the inner magnetosphere occur frequently; after the injections the electrons decay slowly in the inner belt but protons in the low L region decay very fast. Intriguing similarities between lower energy protons and higher-energy electrons are also found. The evolution of ring current electron and ion energy densities and energy content are examined in detail during two geomagnetic storms, one moderate and one intense. The results show that the contribution of ring current electrons to the ring current energy content is much smaller than that of ring current ions (up to ~12\% for the moderate storm and ~7\% for the intense storm), and <35 keV electrons dominate the ring current electron energy content at the storm main phases. Though the electron energy content is usually much smaller than that of ions, the enhancement of ring current electron energy content during the moderate storm can get to ~30\% of that of ring current ions, indicating a more dynamic feature of ring current electrons and important role of electrons in the ring current buildup. The ring current electron energy density is also shown to be higher at midnight and dawn while lower at noon and dusk.

Zhao, H.; Li, X.; Baker, D.; Claudepierre, S.; Fennell, J.; Blake, J.; Larsen, B.; Skoug, R.; Funsten, H.; Friedel, R.; Reeves, G.; Spence, H.; Mitchell, D.; Lanzerotti, L.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022358

deep injections; Geomagnetic storms; ring current; ring current energy content; ring current electrons; Van Allen Probes

Ultrarelativistic electron butterfly distributions created by parallel acceleration due to magnetosonic waves

The Van Allen Probe observations during the recovery phase of a large storm that occurred on 17 March 2015 showed that the ultrarelativistic electrons at the inner boundary of the outer radiation belt (L* = 2.6\textendash3.7) exhibited butterfly pitch angle distributions, while the inner belt and the slot region also showed evidence of sub-MeV electron butterfly distributions. Strong magnetosonic waves were observed in the same regions and at the same time periods as these butterfly distributions. Moreover, when these magnetosonic waves extended to higher altitudes (L* = 4.1), the butterfly distributions also extended to the same region. Combining test particle calculations and Fokker-Planck diffusion simulations, we successfully reproduced the formation of the ultrarelativistic electron butterfly distributions, which primarily result from parallel acceleration caused by Landau resonance with magnetosonic waves. The coexistence of ultrarelativistic electron butterfly distributions with magnetosonic waves was also observed in the 24 June 2015 storm, providing further support that the magnetosonic waves play a key role in forming butterfly distributions.

Li, Jinxing; Bortnik, Jacob; Thorne, Richard; Li, Wen; Ma, Qianli; Baker, Daniel; Reeves, Geoffrey; Fennell, Joseph; Spence, Harlan; Kletzing, Craig; Kurth, William; Hospodarsky, George; Angelopoulos, Vassilis; Blake, Bernard.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022370

butterfly distributions; Landau resonance; magnetosonic waves; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes

Charged particle behavior in the growth and damping stages of ultralow frequency waves: theory and Van Allen Probes observations

Ultralow frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves in Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere can accelerate charged particles via a process called drift resonance. In the conventional drift-resonance theory, a default assumption is that the wave growth rate is time-independent, positive, and extremely small. However, this is not the case for ULF waves in the real magnetosphere. The ULF waves must have experienced an earlier growth stage when their energy was taken from external and/or internal sources, and as time proceeds the waves have to be damped with a negative growth rate. Therefore, a more generalized theory on particle behavior during different stages of ULF wave evolution is required. In this paper, we introduce a time-dependent imaginary wave frequency to accommodate the growth and damping of the waves in the drift-resonance theory, so that the wave-particle interactions during the entire wave lifespan can be studied. We then predict from the generalized theory particle signatures during different stages of the wave evolution, which are consistent with observations from Van Allen Probes. The more generalized theory, therefore, provides new insights into ULF wave evolution and wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere.

Zhou, Xu-Zhi; Wang, Zi-Han; Zong, Qiu-Gang; Rankin, Robert; Kivelson, Margaret; Chen, Xing-Ran; Blake, Bernard; Wygant, John; Kletzing, Craig;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022447

drift resonance; Radiation belt; ULF waves; Van Allen Probes; wave growth and damping; Wave-particle interaction

Charged particle behavior in the growth and damping stages of ultralow frequency waves: theory and Van Allen Probes observations

Ultralow frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves in Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere can accelerate charged particles via a process called drift resonance. In the conventional drift-resonance theory, a default assumption is that the wave growth rate is time-independent, positive, and extremely small. However, this is not the case for ULF waves in the real magnetosphere. The ULF waves must have experienced an earlier growth stage when their energy was taken from external and/or internal sources, and as time proceeds the waves have to be damped with a negative growth rate. Therefore, a more generalized theory on particle behavior during different stages of ULF wave evolution is required. In this paper, we introduce a time-dependent imaginary wave frequency to accommodate the growth and damping of the waves in the drift-resonance theory, so that the wave-particle interactions during the entire wave lifespan can be studied. We then predict from the generalized theory particle signatures during different stages of the wave evolution, which are consistent with observations from Van Allen Probes. The more generalized theory, therefore, provides new insights into ULF wave evolution and wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere.

Zhou, Xu-Zhi; Wang, Zi-Han; Zong, Qiu-Gang; Rankin, Robert; Kivelson, Margaret; Chen, Xing-Ran; Blake, Bernard; Wygant, John; Kletzing, Craig;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022447

drift resonance; Radiation belt; ULF waves; Van Allen Probes; wave growth and damping; Wave-particle interaction

Charged particle behavior in the growth and damping stages of ultralow frequency waves: theory and Van Allen Probes observations

Ultralow frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves in Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere can accelerate charged particles via a process called drift resonance. In the conventional drift-resonance theory, a default assumption is that the wave growth rate is time-independent, positive, and extremely small. However, this is not the case for ULF waves in the real magnetosphere. The ULF waves must have experienced an earlier growth stage when their energy was taken from external and/or internal sources, and as time proceeds the waves have to be damped with a negative growth rate. Therefore, a more generalized theory on particle behavior during different stages of ULF wave evolution is required. In this paper, we introduce a time-dependent imaginary wave frequency to accommodate the growth and damping of the waves in the drift-resonance theory, so that the wave-particle interactions during the entire wave lifespan can be studied. We then predict from the generalized theory particle signatures during different stages of the wave evolution, which are consistent with observations from Van Allen Probes. The more generalized theory, therefore, provides new insights into ULF wave evolution and wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere.

Zhou, Xu-Zhi; Wang, Zi-Han; Zong, Qiu-Gang; Rankin, Robert; Kivelson, Margaret; Chen, Xing-Ran; Blake, Bernard; Wygant, John; Kletzing, Craig;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016JA022447

drift resonance; Radiation belt; ULF waves; Van Allen Probes; wave growth and damping; Wave-particle interaction

Inward diffusion and loss of radiation belt protons

Radiation belt protons in the kinetic energy range 24 to 76 MeV are being measured by the Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope on each of the two Van Allen Probes. Data have been processed for the purpose of studying variability in the trapped proton intensity during October 2013 to August 2015. For the lower energies (≲32 MeV), equatorial proton intensity near L = 2 showed a steady increase that is consistent with inward diffusion of trapped solar protons, as shown by positive radial gradients in phase space density at fixed values of the first two adiabatic invariants. It is postulated that these protons were trapped with enhanced efficiency during the 7 March 2012 solar proton event. A model that includes radial diffusion, along with known trapped proton source and loss processes, shows that the observed average rate of increase near L = 2 is predicted by the same model diffusion coefficient that is required to form the entire proton radiation belt, down to low L, over an extended (\~103 year) interval. A slower intensity decrease for lower energies near L = 1.5 may also be caused by inward diffusion, though it is faster than predicted by the model. Higher-energy (≳40 MeV) protons near the L = 1.5 intensity maximum are from cosmic ray albedo neutron decay. Their observed intensity is lower than expected by a factor \~2, but the discrepancy is resolved by adding an unspecified loss process to the model with a mean lifetime \~120 years.

Selesnick, R.; Baker, D.; Jaynes, A.; Li, X.; Kanekal, S.; Hudson, M.; Kress, B.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022154

protons; radial diffusion; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes

A Statistical Study of Whistler Waves Observed by Van Allen Probes (RBSP) and Lightning Detected by WWLLN

Lightning-generated whistler waves are electromagnetic plasma waves in the very low frequency (VLF) band, which play an important role in the dynamics of radiation belt particles. In this paper, we statistically analyze simultaneous waveform data from the Van Allen Probes (Radiation Belt Storm Probes, RBSP) and global lightning data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Data were obtained between July to September 2013 and between March and April 2014. For each day during these periods, we predicted the most probable 10 min for which each of the two RBSP satellites would be magnetically conjugate to lightning producing regions. The prediction method uses integrated WWLLN stroke data for that day obtained during the three previous years. Using these predicted times for magnetic conjugacy to lightning activity regions, we recorded high time resolution, burst mode waveform data. Here we show that whistlers are observed by the satellites in more than 80\% of downloaded waveform data. About 22.9\% of the whistlers observed by RBSP are one-to-one coincident with source lightning strokes detected by WWLLN. About 40.1\% more of whistlers are found to be one-to-one coincident with lightning if source regions are extended out 2000 km from the satellites footpoints. Lightning strokes with far-field radiated VLF energy larger than about 100 J are able to generate a detectable whistler wave in the inner magnetosphere. One-to-one coincidences between whistlers observed by RBSP and lightning strokes detected by WWLLN are clearly shown in the L shell range of L = 1\textendash3. Nose whistlers observed in July 2014 show that it may be possible to extend this coincidence to the region of L>=4.

Zheng, Hao; Holzworth, Robert; Brundell, James; Jacobson, Abram; Wygant, John; Hospodarsky, George; Mozer, Forrest; Bonnell, John;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022010

lightnting; RBSP; Van Allen Probes; VLF; whistler wave

Storm-time dynamics of ring current protons: Implications for the long-term energy budget in the inner magnetosphere

Our investigation of the long-term ring current proton pressure evolution in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere based on Van Allen Probes data shows drastically different behavior of the low- and high- energy components of the ring current proton population with respect to the Sym-H index variation. We found that while the low-energy component of the protons (<80 keV) is strongly governed by convective timescales and is very well correlated with the absolute value of Sym-H index, the high-energy component (>100 keV) varies on much longer timescales and shows either no or anti-correlation with the absolute value of Sym-H index. Our study also shows that the contributions of the low- and high- energy protons to the inner magnetosphere energy content are comparable. Thus, our results conclusively demonstrate that proton dynamics, and as a result the energy budget in the inner magnetosphere, do not vary strictly on storm-time timescales as those are defined by the Sym-H index.

Gkioulidou, Matina; Ukhorskiy, A.; Mitchell, D.; Lanzerotti, L.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 03/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL068013

energy budget; Geomagnetic storms; inner magnetosphere; ring current; Van Allen Probes

Experimental evidence of drift compressional waves in the magnetosphere: an Ekaterinburg coherent decameter radar case study

A case study of shortwave radar observations of magnetospheric Pc5 ULF waves (wave periods of 150\textendash600 s) that occurred on 26 December 2014 in the nightside magnetosphere during substorm activity is presented. The radar study of waves in the magnetosphere is based on analysis of scattering from field-aligned irregularities of the ionospheric F layer. Variations of their inline image drift velocity at F layer heights are associated with the wave electric field. Analysis of the observations from the Ekaterinburg (EKB) radar shows that the frequency f of the observed wave depends on the azimuthal wave number m (positive correlation of about 0.90): an increase in frequency from 2.5 to 5 mHz corresponds to increased m number from 20 to 80. Of the known types of waves in the magnetosphere corresponding to the Pc5 range, only drift compressional waves have such azimuthal dispersion: the frequency of the drift compressional mode is directly proportional to the azimuthal wave number and the gradient-curvature drift velocity of energetic particles in the magnetic field. This wave has a kinetic nature and represents the most common kind of the compressional modes, demanding for its existence only finite pressure and plasma inhomogeneity across magnetic shells.

Chelpanov, Maksim; Mager, Pavel; Klimushkin, Dmitri; Berngardt, Oleg; Mager, Olga;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022155

kinetic instabilities; ULF waves

The Global Positioning System constellation as a space weather monitor: Comparison of electron measurements with Van Allen Probes data

Energetic electron observations in Earth\textquoterights radiation belts are typically sparse and multi-point studies often rely on serendipitous conjunctions. This paper establishes the scientific utility of the Combined X-ray Dosimeter (CXD), currently flown on 19 satellites in the Global Positioning System (GPS) constellation, by cross-calibrating energetic electron measurements against data from the Van Allen Probes. By breaking our cross-calibration into two parts \textendash one that removes any spectral assumptions from the CXD flux calculation, and one that compares the energy spectra \textendash we first validate the modeled instrument response functions, then the calculated electron fluxes. Unlike previous forward modeling of energetic electron spectra we use a combination of four distributions that, together, capture a wide range of observed spectral shapes. Our two-step approach allowed us to identify, and correct for, small systematic offsets between block IIR and IIF satellites. Using the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) and Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope (REPT) on Van Allen Probes as a \textquotedblleftgold standard\textquotedblright we demonstrate that the CXD instruments are well-understood. A robust statistical analysis shows that CXD and Van Allen Probes fluxes are similar and the measured fluxes from CXD are typically within a factor of 2 of Van Allen Probes at energies ≲4 MeV. We present data from 17 CXD-equipped GPS satellites covering the 2015 \textquotedblleftSt. Patrick\textquoterights Day\textquotedblright geomagnetic storm to illustrate the scientific applications of such a high data density satellite constellation, and therefore demonstrate that the GPS constellation is positioned to enable new insights in inner magnetospheric physics and space weather forecasting.

Morley, Steven; Sullivan, John; Henderson, Michael; Blake, Bernard; Baker, Daniel;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015SW001339

Global Positioning System; Van Allen Probes

Intense low-frequency chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Fine structures and potential effect on radiation belt electrons

Frequency distribution is a vital factor in determining the contribution of whistler-mode chorus to radiation belt electron dynamics. Chorus is usually considered to occur in the frequency range 0.1\textendash0.8 inline image (with the equatorial electron gyrofrequency inline image). We here report an event of intense low-frequency chorus with nearly half of wave power distributed below 0.1 inline image observed by Van Allen Probe A on 27 August 2014. This emission propagated quasi-parallel to the magnetic field and exhibited hiss-like signatures most of the time. The low-frequency chorus can produce the rapid loss of low-energy (\~0.1 MeV) electrons, different from the normal chorus. For high-energy (>=0.5 MeV) electrons, the low-frequency chorus can yield comparable momentum diffusion to that of the normal chorus, but much stronger (up to 2 orders of magnitude) pitch-angle diffusion near the loss cone.

Gao, Zhonglei; Su, Zhenpeng; Zhu, Hui; Xiao, Fuliang; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Shen, Chao; Wang, Shui;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL067687

Cyclotron resonance; Hiss-like band; Low-frequency chorus; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; Rising tones; Van Allen Probes

Intense low-frequency chorus waves observed by Van Allen Probes: Fine structures and potential effect on radiation belt electrons

Frequency distribution is a vital factor in determining the contribution of whistler-mode chorus to radiation belt electron dynamics. Chorus is usually considered to occur in the frequency range 0.1\textendash0.8 inline image (with the equatorial electron gyrofrequency inline image). We here report an event of intense low-frequency chorus with nearly half of wave power distributed below 0.1 inline image observed by Van Allen Probe A on 27 August 2014. This emission propagated quasi-parallel to the magnetic field and exhibited hiss-like signatures most of the time. The low-frequency chorus can produce the rapid loss of low-energy (\~0.1 MeV) electrons, different from the normal chorus. For high-energy (>=0.5 MeV) electrons, the low-frequency chorus can yield comparable momentum diffusion to that of the normal chorus, but much stronger (up to 2 orders of magnitude) pitch-angle diffusion near the loss cone.

Gao, Zhonglei; Su, Zhenpeng; Zhu, Hui; Xiao, Fuliang; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Shen, Chao; Wang, Shui;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL067687

Cyclotron resonance; Hiss-like band; Low-frequency chorus; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; Rising tones; Van Allen Probes

Reconstructing the magnetosphere from data using radial basis functions

A new method is proposed to derive from data magnetospheric magnetic field configurations without any a priori assumptions on the geometry of electric currents. The approach utilizes large sets of archived satellite data and uses an advanced technique to represent the field as a sum of toroidal and poloidal parts, whose generating potentials Ψ1 and Ψ2 are expanded into series of radial basis functions (RBF) with their nodes regularly distributed over the 3D modeling domain. The method was tested by reconstructing the inner and high-latitude field within geocentric distances up to 12RE on the basis of magnetometer data of Geotail, Polar, Cluster, THEMIS, and Van Allen space probes, taken during 1995\textendash2015. Four characteristic states of the magnetosphere before and during a disturbance have been modeled: a quiet pre-storm period, storm deepening phase with progressively decreasing Sym-H index, the storm maximum around the negative peak of Sym-H, and the recovery phase. Fitting the RBF model to data faithfully resolved contributions to the total magnetic field from all principal sources, including the westward and eastward ring current, the tail current, diamagnetic currents associated with the polar cusps, and the large-scale effect of the field-aligned currents. For two main phase conditions, the model field exhibited a strong dawn-dusk asymmetry of the low-latitude magnetic depression, extending to low altitudes and partly spreading sunward from the terminator plane in the dusk sector. The RBF model was found to resolve even finer details, such as the bifurcation of the innermost tail current. The method can be further developed into a powerful tool for data-based studies of the magnetospheric currents.

Andreeva, Varvara; Tsyganenko, Nikolai;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022242

current systems; magnetospheric modeling; polar cusps; Van Allen Probes

Reconstructing the magnetosphere from data using radial basis functions

A new method is proposed to derive from data magnetospheric magnetic field configurations without any a priori assumptions on the geometry of electric currents. The approach utilizes large sets of archived satellite data and uses an advanced technique to represent the field as a sum of toroidal and poloidal parts, whose generating potentials Ψ1 and Ψ2 are expanded into series of radial basis functions (RBF) with their nodes regularly distributed over the 3D modeling domain. The method was tested by reconstructing the inner and high-latitude field within geocentric distances up to 12RE on the basis of magnetometer data of Geotail, Polar, Cluster, THEMIS, and Van Allen space probes, taken during 1995\textendash2015. Four characteristic states of the magnetosphere before and during a disturbance have been modeled: a quiet pre-storm period, storm deepening phase with progressively decreasing Sym-H index, the storm maximum around the negative peak of Sym-H, and the recovery phase. Fitting the RBF model to data faithfully resolved contributions to the total magnetic field from all principal sources, including the westward and eastward ring current, the tail current, diamagnetic currents associated with the polar cusps, and the large-scale effect of the field-aligned currents. For two main phase conditions, the model field exhibited a strong dawn-dusk asymmetry of the low-latitude magnetic depression, extending to low altitudes and partly spreading sunward from the terminator plane in the dusk sector. The RBF model was found to resolve even finer details, such as the bifurcation of the innermost tail current. The method can be further developed into a powerful tool for data-based studies of the magnetospheric currents.

Andreeva, Varvara; Tsyganenko, Nikolai;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA022242

current systems; magnetospheric modeling; polar cusps; Van Allen Probes

Spacecraft surface charging within geosynchronous orbit observed by the Van Allen Probes

Using the Helium Oxygen Proton Electron (HOPE) and Electric Field and Waves (EFW) instruments from the Van Allen Probes, we explored the relationship between electron energy fluxes in the eV and keV ranges and spacecraft surface charging. We present statistical results on spacecraft charging within geosynchronous orbit by L and MLT. An algorithm to extract the H+ charging line in the HOPE instrument data was developed to better explore intense charging events. Also, this study explored how spacecraft potential relates to electron number density, electron pressure, electron temperature, thermal electron current, and low-energy ion density between 1 and 210 eV. It is demonstrated that it is imperative to use both EFW potential measurements and the HOPE instrument ion charging line for examining times of extreme spacecraft charging of the Van Allen Probes. The results of this study show that elevated electron energy fluxes and high-electron pressures are present during times of spacecraft charging but these same conditions may also occur during noncharging times. We also show noneclipse significant negative charging events on the Van Allen Probes.

Sarno-Smith, Lois; Larsen, Brian; Skoug, Ruth; Liemohn, Michael; Breneman, Aaron; Wygant, John; Thomsen, Michelle;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015SW001345

EFW; HOPE; spacecraft charging; surface charging; Van Allen Probes

Spacecraft surface charging within geosynchronous orbit observed by the Van Allen Probes

Using the Helium Oxygen Proton Electron (HOPE) and Electric Field and Waves (EFW) instruments from the Van Allen Probes, we explored the relationship between electron energy fluxes in the eV and keV ranges and spacecraft surface charging. We present statistical results on spacecraft charging within geosynchronous orbit by L and MLT. An algorithm to extract the H+ charging line in the HOPE instrument data was developed to better explore intense charging events. Also, this study explored how spacecraft potential relates to electron number density, electron pressure, electron temperature, thermal electron current, and low-energy ion density between 1 and 210 eV. It is demonstrated that it is imperative to use both EFW potential measurements and the HOPE instrument ion charging line for examining times of extreme spacecraft charging of the Van Allen Probes. The results of this study show that elevated electron energy fluxes and high-electron pressures are present during times of spacecraft charging but these same conditions may also occur during noncharging times. We also show noneclipse significant negative charging events on the Van Allen Probes.

Sarno-Smith, Lois; Larsen, Brian; Skoug, Ruth; Liemohn, Michael; Breneman, Aaron; Wygant, John; Thomsen, Michelle;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015SW001345

EFW; HOPE; spacecraft charging; surface charging; Van Allen Probes

Survey of the Frequency Dependent Latitudinal Distribution of the Fast Magnetosonic Wave Mode from Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Wave Form Receiver Plasma Wave Analysis

We present a statistical survey of the latitudinal structure of the fast magnetosonic wave mode detected by the Van Allen Probes spanning the time interval of 9/21/2012 to 8/1/2014. We show that statistically the latitudinal occurrence of the wave frequency (f) normalized by the local proton cyclotron frequency (fcP) has a distinct funnel shaped appearance in latitude about the magnetic equator similar to that found in case studies. By comparing the observed E/B ratios with the model E/B ratio, using the observed plasma density and background magnetic field magnitude as input to the model E/B ratio, we show that this mode is consistent with the extraordinary (whistler) mode at wave normal angles (θk) near 90\textdegree. Performing polarization analysis on synthetic waveforms composed from a superposition of extra-ordinary mode plane waves with θk randomly chosen between 87 and 90\textdegree, we show that the uncertainty in the derived wave normal is substantially broadened, with a tail extending down to θk of 60\textdegree, suggesting that another approach is necessary to estimate the true distribution of θk. We find that the histograms of the synthetically derived ellipticities and θk are consistent with the observations of ellipticities and θk derived using polarization analysis. We make estimates of the median equatorial θk by comparing observed and model ray tracing frequency dependent probability occurrence with latitude, and give preliminary frequency dependent estimates of the equatorial θk distribution around noon and 4 RE, with the median of ~4 to 7\textdegree from 90\textdegree at f /fcP = 2 and dropping to ~0.5\textdegree from 90\textdegree at f /fcP = 30. The occurrence of waves in this mode peaks around noon near the equator at all radial distances, and we find that the overall intensity of these waves increases with AE*, similar to findings of other studies.

Boardsen, Scott; Hospodarsky, George; Kletzing, Craig; Engebretson, Mark; Pfaff, Robert; Wygant, John; Kurth, William; Averkamp, Terrance; Bounds, Scott; Green, Jim; De Pascuale, Sebastian;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021844

EMFISIS; Fast Magnetosonic Waves; latitudinal distribution; statistical study; Van Allen Probes; wave normal angle

On the Connection Between Microbursts and Nonlinear Electronic Structures in Planetary Radiation Belts

Using a dynamical-system approach, we have investigated the efficiency of large-amplitude whistler waves for causing microburst precipitation in planetary radiation belts by modeling the microburst energy and particle fluxes produced as a result of nonlinear wave\textendashparticle interactions. We show that wave parameters, consistent with large-amplitude oblique whistlers, can commonly generate microbursts of electrons with hundreds of keV-energies as a result of Landau trapping. Relativistic microbursts (>1 MeV) can also be generated by a similar mechanism, but require waves with large propagation angles $\theta _kB\gt 50^\circ $ and phase-speeds $v_\rm\Phi \geqslant c/9$. Using our result for precipitating density and energy fluxes, we argue that holes in the distribution function of electrons near the magnetic mirror point can result in the generation of double layers and electron solitary holes consistent in scales (of the order of Debye lengths) to nonlinear structures observed in the radiation belts by the Van Allen Probes. Our results indicate a relationship between nonlinear electrostatic and electromagnetic structures in the dynamics of planetary radiation belts and their role in the cyclical production of energetic electrons ($E\geqslant 100$ keV) on kinetic timescales, which is much faster than previously inferred.

Osmane, Adnane; , Lynn; Blum, Lauren; Pulkkinen, Tuija;

Published by: The Astrophysical Journal      Published on: 01/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/816/2/51

acceleration of particles; Earth; Plasmas; relativistic processes; solar\textendashterrestrial relations; Van Allen Probes; waves

Determination of the Earth\textquoterights plasmapause location from the CE-3 EUVC images

The Moon-based Extreme Ultraviolet Camera (EUVC) aboard China\textquoterights Chang\textquoterighte-3 (CE-3) mission has successfully imaged the entire Earth\textquoterights plasmasphere for the first time from the side views on lunar surface. An EUVC image on 21 April 2014 is used in this study to demonstrate the characteristics and configurations of the Moon-based EUV imaging and to illustrate the determination algorithm of the plasmapause locations on the magnetic equator. The plasmapause locations determined from all the available EUVC images with the Minimum L Algorithm are quantitatively compared with those extracted from in situ observations (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms, and Radiation Belt Storm Probes). Excellent agreement between the determined plasmapauses seen by EUVC and the extracted ones from other satellites indicates the reliability of the Moon-based EUVC images as well as the determination algorithm. This preliminary study provides an important basis for future investigation of the dynamics of the plasmasphere with the Moon-based EUVC imaging.

He, Fei; Zhang, Xiao-Xin; Chen, Bo; Fok, Mei-Ching;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021863

Chang\textquoterighte-3; EUV imaging; Plasmapause; plasmasphere; reconstruction

Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections

Dipolarizing flux bundles (DFBs) are small flux tubes (typically < 3 RE in XGSM and YGSM) in the nightside magnetosphere that have magnetic field more dipolar than the background. Although DFBs are known to accelerate particles, creating energetic particle injections outside geosynchronous orbit (trans-GEO), the nature of the acceleration mechanism and the importance of DFBs in generating injections inside geosynchronous orbit (cis-GEO) are unclear. Our statistical study of cis-GEO DFBs using data from the Van Allen Probes reveals that just like trans-GEO DFBs, cis-GEO DFBs occur most often in the pre-midnight sector, but their occurrence rate is ~1/3 that of trans-GEO DFBs. Half the cis-GEO DFBs are accompanied by an energetic particle injection and have an electric field three times stronger than that of the injectionless half. All DFB injections are dispersionless within the temporal resolution considered (11 seconds). Our findings suggest that these injections are ushered or produced locally by the DFB, and the DFB\textquoterights strong electric field is an important aspect of the injection generation mechanism.

Liu, Jiang; Angelopoulos, V.; Zhang, Xiao-Jia; Turner, D.; Gabrielse, C.; Runov, A.; Li, Jinxing; Funsten, H.; Spence, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021691

dipolarization front; dipolarizing flux bundle; energetic particle injection; geosynchronous orbit; magnetic storm; Particle acceleration

Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections

Dipolarizing flux bundles (DFBs) are small flux tubes (typically < 3 RE in XGSM and YGSM) in the nightside magnetosphere that have magnetic field more dipolar than the background. Although DFBs are known to accelerate particles, creating energetic particle injections outside geosynchronous orbit (trans-GEO), the nature of the acceleration mechanism and the importance of DFBs in generating injections inside geosynchronous orbit (cis-GEO) are unclear. Our statistical study of cis-GEO DFBs using data from the Van Allen Probes reveals that just like trans-GEO DFBs, cis-GEO DFBs occur most often in the pre-midnight sector, but their occurrence rate is ~1/3 that of trans-GEO DFBs. Half the cis-GEO DFBs are accompanied by an energetic particle injection and have an electric field three times stronger than that of the injectionless half. All DFB injections are dispersionless within the temporal resolution considered (11 seconds). Our findings suggest that these injections are ushered or produced locally by the DFB, and the DFB\textquoterights strong electric field is an important aspect of the injection generation mechanism.

Liu, Jiang; Angelopoulos, V.; Zhang, Xiao-Jia; Turner, D.; Gabrielse, C.; Runov, A.; Li, Jinxing; Funsten, H.; Spence, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021691

dipolarization front; dipolarizing flux bundle; energetic particle injection; geosynchronous orbit; magnetic storm; Particle acceleration

Nonlinearity in chorus waves during a geomagnetic storm on 1 November 2012

In this study, we investigate the possibility of nonlinearity in chorus waves during a geomagnetic storm on 1 November 2012. The data we use were measured by the Van Allen Probe B. Wave data and plasma sheet electron data are analyzed. Chorus waves were frequently measured in the morning side during the main phase of this storm. Large-amplitude chorus waves were seen of the order of \~0.6 nT and >7 mV/m, which are similar to or larger than the typical ULF waves. The waves quite often consist of rising tones during the burst sampling. Since the rising tone is known as a signature of nonlinearity, a large portion of the waves are regarded as nonlinear at least during the burst sampling periods. These results underline the importance of nonlinearity in the dynamics of chorus waves. We further compare the measurement and the nonlinear theories, based on the inhomogeneity ratio, our own calculation derived from the field equation and the backward wave oscillator model. The wave quantities examined are frequency, amplitude, frequency drift rate, and duration. This type of study is useful to more deeply understand wave-particle interactions and hence may lead to predicting the generation and loss of radiation belt electrons in the future.

Matsui, H.; Paulson, K.; Torbert, R.; Spence, H.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Skoug, R.; Larsen, B.; Breneman, A.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021772

chorus waves; Geomagnetic storm; nonlinearity; Van Allen Probes


Extreme ionospheric ion energization and electron heating in Alfv\ en waves in the storm-time inner magnetosphere

We report measurements of energized outflowing/bouncing ionospheric ions and heated electrons in the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm. The ions arrive in the equatorial plane with pitch angles that increase with energy over a range from tens of eV to > 50 keV while the electrons are field-aligned up to ~1 keV. These particle distributions are observed during intervals of broadband low frequency electromagnetic field fluctuations consistent with a Doppler-shifted spectrum of kinetic Alfv\ en waves and kinetic field-line resonances. The fluctuations extend from L≈3 out to the apogee of the Van Allen Probes spacecraft at L≈6.5. They thereby span most of the L-shell range occupied by the ring current. These measurements suggest a model for ionospheric ion outflow and energization driven by dispersive Alfv\ en waves that may account for the large storm-time contribution of ionospheric ions to magnetospheric energy density.

Chaston, C.; Bonnell, J.; Wygant, J.; Kletzing, C.; Reeves, G.; Gerrard, A.; Lanzerotti, L.; Smith, C.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066674

Alfven waves; electron precipitation; Geomagnetic storms; ion acceleration; ion outflow; ion upflo

Extreme ionospheric ion energization and electron heating in Alfv\ en waves in the storm-time inner magnetosphere

We report measurements of energized outflowing/bouncing ionospheric ions and heated electrons in the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm. The ions arrive in the equatorial plane with pitch angles that increase with energy over a range from tens of eV to > 50 keV while the electrons are field-aligned up to ~1 keV. These particle distributions are observed during intervals of broadband low frequency electromagnetic field fluctuations consistent with a Doppler-shifted spectrum of kinetic Alfv\ en waves and kinetic field-line resonances. The fluctuations extend from L≈3 out to the apogee of the Van Allen Probes spacecraft at L≈6.5. They thereby span most of the L-shell range occupied by the ring current. These measurements suggest a model for ionospheric ion outflow and energization driven by dispersive Alfv\ en waves that may account for the large storm-time contribution of ionospheric ions to magnetospheric energy density.

Chaston, C.; Bonnell, J.; Wygant, J.; Kletzing, C.; Reeves, G.; Gerrard, A.; Lanzerotti, L.; Smith, C.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066674

Alfven waves; electron precipitation; Geomagnetic storms; ion acceleration; ion outflow; ion upflo

Nonlinear Generation of Electromagnetic Waves through Induced Scattering by Thermal Plasma

We demonstrate the conversion of electrostatic pump waves into electromagnetic waves through nonlinear induced scattering by thermal particles in a laboratory plasma. Electrostatic waves in the whistler branch are launched that propagate near the resonance cone. When the amplitude exceeds a threshold ~5 \texttimes 10-6 times the background magnetic field, wave power is scattered below the pump frequency with wave normal angles (~59\textdegree), where the scattered wavelength reaches the limits of the plasma column. The scattered wave has a perpendicular wavelength that is an order of magnitude larger than the pump wave and longer than the electron skin depth. The amplitude threshold, scattered frequency spectrum, and scattered wave normal angles are in good agreement with theory. The results may affect the analysis and interpretation of space observations and lead to a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the Earth\textquoterights plasma environment.

Tejero, E.; Crabtree, C.; Blackwell, D.; Amatucci, W.; Mithaiwala, M.; Ganguli, G.; Rudakov, L.;

Published by: Scientific Reports      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1038/srep17852

Magnetically confined plasmas; Magnetospheric physics

Ultra-low-frequency wave-driven diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons

Van Allen radiation belts are typically two zones of energetic particles encircling the Earth separated by the slot region. How the outer radiation belt electrons are accelerated to relativistic energies remains an unanswered question. Recent studies have presented compelling evidence for the local acceleration by very-low-frequency (VLF) chorus waves. However, there has been a competing theory to the local acceleration, radial diffusion by ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves, whose importance has not yet been determined definitively. Here we report a unique radiation belt event with intense ULF waves but no detectable VLF chorus waves. Our results demonstrate that the ULF waves moved the inner edge of the outer radiation belt earthward 0.3 Earth radii and enhanced the relativistic electron fluxes by up to one order of magnitude near the slot region within about 10 h, providing strong evidence for the radial diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons.

Su, Zhenpeng; Zhu, Hui; Xiao, Fuliang; Zong, Q.-G.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui; Hao, Y.-X.; Gao, Zhonglei; He, Zhaoguo; Baker, D.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Blake, J.; Wygant, J.;

Published by: Nature Communications      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10096

Van Allen Probes

Ultra-low-frequency wave-driven diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons

Van Allen radiation belts are typically two zones of energetic particles encircling the Earth separated by the slot region. How the outer radiation belt electrons are accelerated to relativistic energies remains an unanswered question. Recent studies have presented compelling evidence for the local acceleration by very-low-frequency (VLF) chorus waves. However, there has been a competing theory to the local acceleration, radial diffusion by ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves, whose importance has not yet been determined definitively. Here we report a unique radiation belt event with intense ULF waves but no detectable VLF chorus waves. Our results demonstrate that the ULF waves moved the inner edge of the outer radiation belt earthward 0.3 Earth radii and enhanced the relativistic electron fluxes by up to one order of magnitude near the slot region within about 10 h, providing strong evidence for the radial diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons.

Su, Zhenpeng; Zhu, Hui; Xiao, Fuliang; Zong, Q.-G.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui; Hao, Y.-X.; Gao, Zhonglei; He, Zhaoguo; Baker, D.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Blake, J.; Wygant, J.;

Published by: Nature Communications      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10096

Van Allen Probes

Ultra-low-frequency wave-driven diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons

Van Allen radiation belts are typically two zones of energetic particles encircling the Earth separated by the slot region. How the outer radiation belt electrons are accelerated to relativistic energies remains an unanswered question. Recent studies have presented compelling evidence for the local acceleration by very-low-frequency (VLF) chorus waves. However, there has been a competing theory to the local acceleration, radial diffusion by ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves, whose importance has not yet been determined definitively. Here we report a unique radiation belt event with intense ULF waves but no detectable VLF chorus waves. Our results demonstrate that the ULF waves moved the inner edge of the outer radiation belt earthward 0.3 Earth radii and enhanced the relativistic electron fluxes by up to one order of magnitude near the slot region within about 10 h, providing strong evidence for the radial diffusion of radiation belt relativistic electrons.

Su, Zhenpeng; Zhu, Hui; Xiao, Fuliang; Zong, Q.-G.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Zheng, Huinan; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui; Hao, Y.-X.; Gao, Zhonglei; He, Zhaoguo; Baker, D.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Blake, J.; Wygant, J.;

Published by: Nature Communications      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10096

Van Allen Probes

Evolution of lower hybrid turbulence in the ionosphere

Three-dimensional evolution of the lower hybrid turbulence driven by a spatially localized ion ring beam perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field in space plasmas is analyzed. It is shown that the quasi-linear saturation model breaks down when the nonlinear rate of scattering by thermal electron is larger than linear damping rates, which can occur even for low wave amplitudes. The evolution is found to be essentially a three-dimensional phenomenon, which cannot be accurately explained by two-dimensional simulations. An important feature missed in previous studies of this phenom- enon is the nonlinear conversion of electrostatic lower hybrid waves into electromagnetic whistler and magnetosonic waves and the consequent energy loss due to radiation from the source region. This can result in unique low-amplitude saturation with extended saturation time. It is shown that when the nonlinear effects are considered the net energy that can be permanently extracted from the ring beam is larger. The results are applied to anticipate the outcome of a planned experiment that will seed lower hybrid turbulence in the ionosphere and monitor its evolution.

Ganguli, G.; Crabtree, C.; Mithaiwala, M.; Rudakov, L.; Scales, W.;

Published by: Physics of Plasmas      Published on: 11/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1063/1.4936281


In-flight performance of the Van Allen Probes RF telecommunications system

The NASA Van Allen Probes mission (previously called the Radiation Belt Storm Probes) successfully launched on 30 August 2012. The twin spacecraft, designed, built, and operated by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), has been successfully operating within Earth׳s radiation belts since then, returning critical science data revealing new insights into the physics of the radiation belts. Because of the extreme radiation environment, all spacecraft subsystems including the communications system had to make special accommodations to withstand the effects of the radiation. Each Van Allen Probes spacecraft׳s telecommunications system includes an S-band version of the Frontier Radio, a solid-state power amplifier, RF routing components, and dual low-gain antennas. This mission marks the first flight of the Frontier Radio, which is baselined for use in the upcoming Solar Probe Plus and Europa Clipper missions. This paper will present an overview of the as-built telecommunications system and its ground station interfaces discuss key communications flight hardware components, and then discuss in detail its activities and performance in-flight, including the launch and commissioning operations, performance enhancements since launch, and performance trending in flight. Pre-launch preparations at the APL 18-m ground station revealed occasional RF interference that could disrupt Van Allen Probe downlink. A monitoring system was installed to help mitigate some interference sources, and to characterize the residual environment and show that RF interference was not a mission risk. Post-launch commissioning activities were driven by the requirement to verify both spacecraft׳s communication systems over multiple ground networks, including JHU/APL׳s own 18-m ground station, the Universal Space Network, and TDRSS. Enhanced science data downlink volume was enabled by expanding the usable field of view of the spacecrafts׳ antennas once in-flight calibrations of the antenna patterns were completed, as well as reducing downlink link margins to a bare minimum when downlinking via APL׳s 18-m dish, where the CFDP (CCSDS File Delivery Protocol) is used to guarantee file delivery. Radiation drove some of the hardware design; the radios have experienced several predicted fault conditions at the predicted rates and have reacted autonomously as designed to minimize impact to the science downlink.

Srinivasan, Dipak; Adams, Norm; Wallis, Robert;

Published by: Acta Astronautica      Published on: 11/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2015.05.001

Van Allen Probes

Kinetic Alfv\ en Waves and Particle Response Associated with a Shock-Induced, Global ULF Perturbation of the Terrestrial Magnetosphere

On 2 October 2013, the arrival of an interplanetary shock compressed the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere and triggered a global ULF (ultra low frequency) oscillation. The Van Allen Probe B spacecraft observed this large-amplitude ULF wave in situ with both magnetic and electric field data. Broadband waves up to approximately 100 Hz were observed in conjunction with, and modulated by, this ULF wave. Detailed analysis of fields and particle data reveals that these broadband waves are Doppler-shifted kinetic Alfv\ en waves. This event suggests that magnetospheric compression by interplanetary shocks can induce abrupt generation of kinetic Alfv\ en waves over large portions of the inner magnetosphere, potentially driving previously unconsidered wave-particle interactions throughout the inner magnetosphere during the initial response of the magnetosphere to shock impacts.

Malaspina, David; Claudepierre, Seth; Takahashi, Kazue; Jaynes, Allison; Elkington, Scot; Ergun, Robert; Wygant, John; Reeves, Geoff; Kletzing, Craig;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015GL065935

inner magnetosphere; interplanetary shock; Kinetic Alfven Waves; magnetosphere shock response; plasma waves; ULF waves; Van Allen Probes

Multiple loss processes of relativistic electrons outside the heart of outer radiation belt during a storm sudden commencement

By examining the compression-induced changes in the electron phase space density and pitch angle distribution observed by two satellites of Van Allen Probes (RBSP-A/B), we find that the relativistic electrons (>2MeV) outside the heart of outer radiation belt (L*>= 5) undergo multiple losses during a storm sudden commencement (SSC). The relativistic electron loss mainly occurs in the field-aligned direction (pitch angle α< 30\textdegree or >150\textdegree), and the flux decay of the field-aligned electrons is independent of the spatial location variations of the two satellites. However, the relativistic electrons in the pitch angle range of 30\textdegree-150\textdegree increase (decrease) with the decreasing (increasing) geocentric distance (|ΔL|< 0.25) of the RBSP-B (RBSP-A) location, and the electron fluxes in the quasi-perpendicular direction display energy-dispersive oscillations in the Pc5 period range (2 - 10min). The relativistic electron loss is confirmed by the decrease of electron phase space density at high-L shell after the magnetospheric compressions, and their loss is associated with the intense plasmaspheric hiss, electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, relativistic electron precipitation (observed by POES/NOAA satellites at 850km) and magnetic field fluctuations in the Pc5 band. The intense EMIC waves and whistler-mode hiss jointly cause the rapidly pitch angle scattering loss of the relativistic electrons within 10 hours. Moreover, the Pc5 ULF waves also lead to the slowly outward radial diffusion of the relativistic electrons in the high-L region with a negative electron phase space density gradient.

Yu, J.; Li, L.Y.; Cao, J.; Yuan, Z.; Reeves, G.; Baker, D.; Blake, J.; Spence, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021460

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves; outer radiation belt; Outward radial diffusion driven by ULF waves; Plasmaspheric Hiss; relativistic electron loss; Storm sudden commencement; Van Allen Probes

Electron distribution function formation in regions of diffuse aurora

The precipitation of high-energy magnetospheric electrons (E \~ 600 eV\textendash10 KeV) in the diffuse aurora contributes significant energy flux into the Earth\textquoterights ionosphere. To fully understand the formation of this flux at the upper ionospheric boundary, \~700\textendash800 km, it is important to consider the coupled ionosphere-magnetosphere system. In the diffuse aurora, precipitating electrons initially injected from the plasma sheet via wave-particle interaction processes degrade in the atmosphere toward lower energies and produce secondary electrons via impact ionization of the neutral atmosphere. These precipitating electrons can be additionally reflected upward from the two conjugate ionospheres, leading to a series of multiple reflections through the magnetosphere. These reflections greatly influence the initially precipitating flux at the upper ionospheric boundary (700\textendash800 km) and the resultant population of secondary electrons and electrons cascading toward lower energies. In this paper, we present the solution of the Boltzman-Landau kinetic equation that uniformly describes the entire electron distribution function in the diffuse aurora, including the affiliated production of secondary electrons (E < 600 eV) and its energy interplay in the magnetosphere and two conjugated ionospheres. This solution takes into account, for the first time, the formation of the electron distribution function in the diffuse auroral region, beginning with the primary injection of plasma sheet electrons via both electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves and whistler mode chorus waves to the loss cone, and including their subsequent multiple atmospheric reflections in the two magnetically conjugated ionospheres. It is demonstrated that magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is key in forming the electron distribution function in the diffuse auroral region.

Khazanov, G.; Tripathi, A.; Sibeck, D.; Himwich, E.; Glocer, A.; Singhal, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021728

diffuse aurora; electron distribution; Wave-particle interaction

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