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Found 2758 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 2151 through 2200


A ULF wave driver of ring current energization

ULF wave radial diffusion plays an important role in the transport of energetic electrons in the outer radiation belt, yet similar ring current transport is seldom considered even though ions satisfy a nearly identical drift resonance condition albeit without the relativistic correction. By examining the correlation between ULF wave power and the response of the ring current, characterized by Dst, we demonstrate a definite correlation between ULF wave power and Dst. Significantly, the lagged correlation peaks such that ULF waves precede the response of the ring current and Dst. We suggest that this correlation is the result of enhanced radial transport and energization of ring current ions through drift resonance and ULF wave radial diffusion of ring current ions. An analysis and comparison of the ion and electron diffusion coefficients further support this conclusion, ULF waves providing an important missing physical transport process explaining Dst underestimation in ring current models.

Murphy, Kyle; Mann, Ian; Ozeke, Louis;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/grl.v41.1910.1002/2014GL061253

Dst; radial diffusion; ring current dynamics; ULF waves; wave particle interactions

Whistler Anisotropy Instabilities as the Source of Banded Chorus: Van Allen Probes Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations

Magnetospheric banded chorus is enhanced whistler waves with frequencies ωr < Ωe, where Ωe is the electron cyclotron frequency, and a characteristic spectral gap at ωr ≃ Ωe/2. This paper uses spacecraft observations and two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in a magnetized, homogeneous, collisionless plasma to test the hypothesis that banded chorus is due to local linear growth of two branches of the whistler anisotropy instability excited by two distinct, anisotropic electron components of significantly different temperatures. The electron densities and temperatures are derived from HOPE instrument measurements on the Van Allen Probes A satellite during a banded chorus event on 1 November 2012. The observations are consistent with a three-component electron model consisting of a cold (a few tens of eV) population, a warm (a few hundred eV) anisotropic population, and a hot (a few keV) anisotropic population. The simulations use plasma and field parameters as measured from the satellite during this event except for two numbers: the anisotropies of the warm and the hot electron components are enhanced over the measured values in order to obtain relatively rapid instability growth. The simulations show that the warm component drives the quasi-electrostatic upper-band chorus, and that the hot component drives the electromagnetic lower-band chorus; the gap at \~ Ωe/2 is a natural consequence of the growth of two whistler modes with different properties.

Fu, Xiangrong; Cowee, Misa; Friedel, Reinhard; Funsten, Herbert; Gary, Peter; Hospodarsky, George; Kletzing, Craig; Kurth, William; Larsen, Brian; Liu, Kaijun; MacDonald, Elizabeth; Min, Kyungguk; Reeves, Geoffrey; Skoug, Ruth; Winske, Dan;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020364

Chorus; HOPE; particle-in-cell simulation; Van Allen Probes

Whistler Anisotropy Instabilities as the Source of Banded Chorus: Van Allen Probes Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations

Magnetospheric banded chorus is enhanced whistler waves with frequencies ωr < Ωe, where Ωe is the electron cyclotron frequency, and a characteristic spectral gap at ωr ≃ Ωe/2. This paper uses spacecraft observations and two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in a magnetized, homogeneous, collisionless plasma to test the hypothesis that banded chorus is due to local linear growth of two branches of the whistler anisotropy instability excited by two distinct, anisotropic electron components of significantly different temperatures. The electron densities and temperatures are derived from HOPE instrument measurements on the Van Allen Probes A satellite during a banded chorus event on 1 November 2012. The observations are consistent with a three-component electron model consisting of a cold (a few tens of eV) population, a warm (a few hundred eV) anisotropic population, and a hot (a few keV) anisotropic population. The simulations use plasma and field parameters as measured from the satellite during this event except for two numbers: the anisotropies of the warm and the hot electron components are enhanced over the measured values in order to obtain relatively rapid instability growth. The simulations show that the warm component drives the quasi-electrostatic upper-band chorus, and that the hot component drives the electromagnetic lower-band chorus; the gap at \~ Ωe/2 is a natural consequence of the growth of two whistler modes with different properties.

Fu, Xiangrong; Cowee, Misa; Friedel, Reinhard; Funsten, Herbert; Gary, Peter; Hospodarsky, George; Kletzing, Craig; Kurth, William; Larsen, Brian; Liu, Kaijun; MacDonald, Elizabeth; Min, Kyungguk; Reeves, Geoffrey; Skoug, Ruth; Winske, Dan;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020364

Chorus; HOPE; particle-in-cell simulation; Van Allen Probes

Whistler Anisotropy Instabilities as the Source of Banded Chorus: Van Allen Probes Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations

Magnetospheric banded chorus is enhanced whistler waves with frequencies ωr < Ωe, where Ωe is the electron cyclotron frequency, and a characteristic spectral gap at ωr ≃ Ωe/2. This paper uses spacecraft observations and two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in a magnetized, homogeneous, collisionless plasma to test the hypothesis that banded chorus is due to local linear growth of two branches of the whistler anisotropy instability excited by two distinct, anisotropic electron components of significantly different temperatures. The electron densities and temperatures are derived from HOPE instrument measurements on the Van Allen Probes A satellite during a banded chorus event on 1 November 2012. The observations are consistent with a three-component electron model consisting of a cold (a few tens of eV) population, a warm (a few hundred eV) anisotropic population, and a hot (a few keV) anisotropic population. The simulations use plasma and field parameters as measured from the satellite during this event except for two numbers: the anisotropies of the warm and the hot electron components are enhanced over the measured values in order to obtain relatively rapid instability growth. The simulations show that the warm component drives the quasi-electrostatic upper-band chorus, and that the hot component drives the electromagnetic lower-band chorus; the gap at \~ Ωe/2 is a natural consequence of the growth of two whistler modes with different properties.

Fu, Xiangrong; Cowee, Misa; Friedel, Reinhard; Funsten, Herbert; Gary, Peter; Hospodarsky, George; Kletzing, Craig; Kurth, William; Larsen, Brian; Liu, Kaijun; MacDonald, Elizabeth; Min, Kyungguk; Reeves, Geoffrey; Skoug, Ruth; Winske, Dan;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020364

Chorus; HOPE; particle-in-cell simulation; Van Allen Probes

Whistler Anisotropy Instabilities as the Source of Banded Chorus: Van Allen Probes Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations

Magnetospheric banded chorus is enhanced whistler waves with frequencies ωr < Ωe, where Ωe is the electron cyclotron frequency, and a characteristic spectral gap at ωr ≃ Ωe/2. This paper uses spacecraft observations and two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in a magnetized, homogeneous, collisionless plasma to test the hypothesis that banded chorus is due to local linear growth of two branches of the whistler anisotropy instability excited by two distinct, anisotropic electron components of significantly different temperatures. The electron densities and temperatures are derived from HOPE instrument measurements on the Van Allen Probes A satellite during a banded chorus event on 1 November 2012. The observations are consistent with a three-component electron model consisting of a cold (a few tens of eV) population, a warm (a few hundred eV) anisotropic population, and a hot (a few keV) anisotropic population. The simulations use plasma and field parameters as measured from the satellite during this event except for two numbers: the anisotropies of the warm and the hot electron components are enhanced over the measured values in order to obtain relatively rapid instability growth. The simulations show that the warm component drives the quasi-electrostatic upper-band chorus, and that the hot component drives the electromagnetic lower-band chorus; the gap at \~ Ωe/2 is a natural consequence of the growth of two whistler modes with different properties.

Fu, Xiangrong; Cowee, Misa; Friedel, Reinhard; Funsten, Herbert; Gary, Peter; Hospodarsky, George; Kletzing, Craig; Kurth, William; Larsen, Brian; Liu, Kaijun; MacDonald, Elizabeth; Min, Kyungguk; Reeves, Geoffrey; Skoug, Ruth; Winske, Dan;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020364

Chorus; HOPE; particle-in-cell simulation; Van Allen Probes

Equivalent Circuit Model for the Electric Field Sensitivity of a Magnetic Search Coil of Space Plasma

Magnetic search coils (MSCs) are sensitive to both magnetic and electric fields, but detecting electric fields is unnecessary for magnetic observations of plasma waves. However, it is important to evaluate both sensitivities for different geometries and electrostatic shields to avoid electric field pickup. An equivalent circuit model for the electric field sensitivity of an MSC in a collisionless isotropic cold plasma is developed here using electrical coupling through a sheath capacitance. That sensitivity is defined by a relationship between the MSC impedance and the sheath capacitance. To confirm the validity of the circuit model, the sensitivity to an electric field is measured by imposing an external electric field using charged parallel metallic plates in laboratory experiments. The coupling capacitance between the MSC and the charged plates is equivalent to the sheath capacitance in a space plasma. The measured results show good agreement with an approximate expression deduced from the equivalent circuit model.

Ozaki, Mitsunori; Yagitani, Satoshi; Takahashi, Ken; Imachi, Tomohiko; Koji, Hiroki; Higashi, Ryoichi;

Published by: IEEE Sensors Journal      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2365495

electric field sensitivity; Magnetic search coils; sheath impedance; space plasmas

Equivalent Circuit Model for the Electric Field Sensitivity of a Magnetic Search Coil of Space Plasma

Magnetic search coils (MSCs) are sensitive to both magnetic and electric fields, but detecting electric fields is unnecessary for magnetic observations of plasma waves. However, it is important to evaluate both sensitivities for different geometries and electrostatic shields to avoid electric field pickup. An equivalent circuit model for the electric field sensitivity of an MSC in a collisionless isotropic cold plasma is developed here using electrical coupling through a sheath capacitance. That sensitivity is defined by a relationship between the MSC impedance and the sheath capacitance. To confirm the validity of the circuit model, the sensitivity to an electric field is measured by imposing an external electric field using charged parallel metallic plates in laboratory experiments. The coupling capacitance between the MSC and the charged plates is equivalent to the sheath capacitance in a space plasma. The measured results show good agreement with an approximate expression deduced from the equivalent circuit model.

Ozaki, Mitsunori; Yagitani, Satoshi; Takahashi, Ken; Imachi, Tomohiko; Koji, Hiroki; Higashi, Ryoichi;

Published by: IEEE Sensors Journal      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2365495

electric field sensitivity; Magnetic search coils; sheath impedance; space plasmas

The Evolving Space Weather System - Van Allen Probes Contribution

The overarching goal and purpose of the study of space weather is clear - to understand and address the issues caused by solar disturbances on humans and technological systems. Space weather has evolved in the past few decades from a collection of concerned agencies and researchers to a critical function of the National Weather Service of NOAA. The general effects have also evolved from the well-known telegraph disruptions of the mid-1800\textquoterights to modern day disturbances of the electric power grid, communications and navigation, human spaceflight and spacecraft systems. The last two items in this list, and specifically the effects of penetrating radiation, were the impetus for the space weather broadcast implemented on NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes\textquoteright twin pair of satellites, launched in August of 2012 and orbiting directly through Earth\textquoterights severe radiation belts. The Van Allen Probes mission, formerly the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP,, were renamed soon after launch to honor the discoverer of Earth\textquoterights radiation belts at the beginning of the space age, the late James Van Allen (the spacecraft themselves are still referred to as RBSP-A and RBSP-B). The Van Allen Probes (Mauk et al., 2012 and other team contributions in the same special issue of Space Science Reviews, 2012) are one part of NASA\textquoterights Living With a Star (LWS, program formulated to advance the scientific understanding of the connection between solar disturbances, the resulting heliospheric conditions and their effects on the geospace and Earth environment.

Zanetti, L.; Mauk, B.; Fox, N.J.; Barnes, R.J.; Weiss, M.; Sotirelis, T.S.; Raouafi, N.-E.; Kessel, R.; Becker, H.;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014SW001108

Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

The Evolving Space Weather System - Van Allen Probes Contribution

The overarching goal and purpose of the study of space weather is clear - to understand and address the issues caused by solar disturbances on humans and technological systems. Space weather has evolved in the past few decades from a collection of concerned agencies and researchers to a critical function of the National Weather Service of NOAA. The general effects have also evolved from the well-known telegraph disruptions of the mid-1800\textquoterights to modern day disturbances of the electric power grid, communications and navigation, human spaceflight and spacecraft systems. The last two items in this list, and specifically the effects of penetrating radiation, were the impetus for the space weather broadcast implemented on NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes\textquoteright twin pair of satellites, launched in August of 2012 and orbiting directly through Earth\textquoterights severe radiation belts. The Van Allen Probes mission, formerly the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP,, were renamed soon after launch to honor the discoverer of Earth\textquoterights radiation belts at the beginning of the space age, the late James Van Allen (the spacecraft themselves are still referred to as RBSP-A and RBSP-B). The Van Allen Probes (Mauk et al., 2012 and other team contributions in the same special issue of Space Science Reviews, 2012) are one part of NASA\textquoterights Living With a Star (LWS, program formulated to advance the scientific understanding of the connection between solar disturbances, the resulting heliospheric conditions and their effects on the geospace and Earth environment.

Zanetti, L.; Mauk, B.; Fox, N.J.; Barnes, R.J.; Weiss, M.; Sotirelis, T.S.; Raouafi, N.-E.; Kessel, R.; Becker, H.;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014SW001108

Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

The Evolving Space Weather System - Van Allen Probes Contribution

The overarching goal and purpose of the study of space weather is clear - to understand and address the issues caused by solar disturbances on humans and technological systems. Space weather has evolved in the past few decades from a collection of concerned agencies and researchers to a critical function of the National Weather Service of NOAA. The general effects have also evolved from the well-known telegraph disruptions of the mid-1800\textquoterights to modern day disturbances of the electric power grid, communications and navigation, human spaceflight and spacecraft systems. The last two items in this list, and specifically the effects of penetrating radiation, were the impetus for the space weather broadcast implemented on NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes\textquoteright twin pair of satellites, launched in August of 2012 and orbiting directly through Earth\textquoterights severe radiation belts. The Van Allen Probes mission, formerly the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP,, were renamed soon after launch to honor the discoverer of Earth\textquoterights radiation belts at the beginning of the space age, the late James Van Allen (the spacecraft themselves are still referred to as RBSP-A and RBSP-B). The Van Allen Probes (Mauk et al., 2012 and other team contributions in the same special issue of Space Science Reviews, 2012) are one part of NASA\textquoterights Living With a Star (LWS, program formulated to advance the scientific understanding of the connection between solar disturbances, the resulting heliospheric conditions and their effects on the geospace and Earth environment.

Zanetti, L.; Mauk, B.; Fox, N.J.; Barnes, R.J.; Weiss, M.; Sotirelis, T.S.; Raouafi, N.-E.; Kessel, R.; Becker, H.;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014SW001108

Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Interactions of energetic electrons with ULF waves triggered by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations in the magnetotail

We present in situ observations of a shock-induced substorm-like event on 13 April 2013 observed by the newly launched Van Allen twin probes. Substorm-like electron injections with energy of 30\textendash500 keV were observed in the region from L\~5.2 to 5.5 immediately after the shock arrival (followed by energetic electron drift echoes). Meanwhile, the electron flux was clearly and strongly varying on the ULF wave time scale. It is found that both toroidal and poloidal mode ULF waves with a period of 150 s emerged following the magnetotail magnetic field reconfiguration after the interplanetary (IP) shock passage. The poloidal mode is more intense than the toroidal mode. The 90\textdegree phase shift between the poloidal mode Br and Ea suggests the standing poloidal waves in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, the energetic electron flux modulations indicate that the azimuthal wave number is \~14. Direct evidence of drift resonance between the injected electrons and the excited poloidal ULF wave has been obtained. The resonant energy is estimated to be between 150 keV and 230 keV. Two possible scenaria on ULF wave triggering are discussed: vortex-like flow structure-driven field line resonance and ULF wave growth through drift resonance. It is found that the IP shock may trigger intense ULF wave and energetic electron behavior at L\~3 to 6 on the nightside, while the time profile of the wave is different from dayside cases.

Hao, Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Zhang, Hui; Fu, S; Pu, Z; Spence, H.; Blake, J.; Bonnell, J.; Wygant, J.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020023

energetic particles; interplanetary shock; magnetotail ULF wave; poloidal and toroidal mode; Van Allen Probes; wave-particle interactions

Interactions of energetic electrons with ULF waves triggered by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations in the magnetotail

We present in situ observations of a shock-induced substorm-like event on 13 April 2013 observed by the newly launched Van Allen twin probes. Substorm-like electron injections with energy of 30\textendash500 keV were observed in the region from L\~5.2 to 5.5 immediately after the shock arrival (followed by energetic electron drift echoes). Meanwhile, the electron flux was clearly and strongly varying on the ULF wave time scale. It is found that both toroidal and poloidal mode ULF waves with a period of 150 s emerged following the magnetotail magnetic field reconfiguration after the interplanetary (IP) shock passage. The poloidal mode is more intense than the toroidal mode. The 90\textdegree phase shift between the poloidal mode Br and Ea suggests the standing poloidal waves in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, the energetic electron flux modulations indicate that the azimuthal wave number is \~14. Direct evidence of drift resonance between the injected electrons and the excited poloidal ULF wave has been obtained. The resonant energy is estimated to be between 150 keV and 230 keV. Two possible scenaria on ULF wave triggering are discussed: vortex-like flow structure-driven field line resonance and ULF wave growth through drift resonance. It is found that the IP shock may trigger intense ULF wave and energetic electron behavior at L\~3 to 6 on the nightside, while the time profile of the wave is different from dayside cases.

Hao, Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Zhang, Hui; Fu, S; Pu, Z; Spence, H.; Blake, J.; Bonnell, J.; Wygant, J.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020023

energetic particles; interplanetary shock; magnetotail ULF wave; poloidal and toroidal mode; Van Allen Probes; wave-particle interactions

Interactions of energetic electrons with ULF waves triggered by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations in the magnetotail

We present in situ observations of a shock-induced substorm-like event on 13 April 2013 observed by the newly launched Van Allen twin probes. Substorm-like electron injections with energy of 30\textendash500 keV were observed in the region from L\~5.2 to 5.5 immediately after the shock arrival (followed by energetic electron drift echoes). Meanwhile, the electron flux was clearly and strongly varying on the ULF wave time scale. It is found that both toroidal and poloidal mode ULF waves with a period of 150 s emerged following the magnetotail magnetic field reconfiguration after the interplanetary (IP) shock passage. The poloidal mode is more intense than the toroidal mode. The 90\textdegree phase shift between the poloidal mode Br and Ea suggests the standing poloidal waves in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, the energetic electron flux modulations indicate that the azimuthal wave number is \~14. Direct evidence of drift resonance between the injected electrons and the excited poloidal ULF wave has been obtained. The resonant energy is estimated to be between 150 keV and 230 keV. Two possible scenaria on ULF wave triggering are discussed: vortex-like flow structure-driven field line resonance and ULF wave growth through drift resonance. It is found that the IP shock may trigger intense ULF wave and energetic electron behavior at L\~3 to 6 on the nightside, while the time profile of the wave is different from dayside cases.

Hao, Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Zhang, Hui; Fu, S; Pu, Z; Spence, H.; Blake, J.; Bonnell, J.; Wygant, J.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020023

energetic particles; interplanetary shock; magnetotail ULF wave; poloidal and toroidal mode; Van Allen Probes; wave-particle interactions

Interactions of energetic electrons with ULF waves triggered by interplanetary shock: Van Allen Probes observations in the magnetotail

We present in situ observations of a shock-induced substorm-like event on 13 April 2013 observed by the newly launched Van Allen twin probes. Substorm-like electron injections with energy of 30\textendash500 keV were observed in the region from L\~5.2 to 5.5 immediately after the shock arrival (followed by energetic electron drift echoes). Meanwhile, the electron flux was clearly and strongly varying on the ULF wave time scale. It is found that both toroidal and poloidal mode ULF waves with a period of 150 s emerged following the magnetotail magnetic field reconfiguration after the interplanetary (IP) shock passage. The poloidal mode is more intense than the toroidal mode. The 90\textdegree phase shift between the poloidal mode Br and Ea suggests the standing poloidal waves in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, the energetic electron flux modulations indicate that the azimuthal wave number is \~14. Direct evidence of drift resonance between the injected electrons and the excited poloidal ULF wave has been obtained. The resonant energy is estimated to be between 150 keV and 230 keV. Two possible scenaria on ULF wave triggering are discussed: vortex-like flow structure-driven field line resonance and ULF wave growth through drift resonance. It is found that the IP shock may trigger intense ULF wave and energetic electron behavior at L\~3 to 6 on the nightside, while the time profile of the wave is different from dayside cases.

Hao, Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, X.-Z.; Zhang, Hui; Fu, S; Pu, Z; Spence, H.; Blake, J.; Bonnell, J.; Wygant, J.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020023

energetic particles; interplanetary shock; magnetotail ULF wave; poloidal and toroidal mode; Van Allen Probes; wave-particle interactions

Modeling cross L shell impacts of magnetopause shadowing and ULF wave radial diffusion in the Van Allen belts

We present simulations of the outer electron radiation belt using a new ULF wave-driven radial diffusion model, including empirical representations of loss due to chorus and plasmaspheric hiss. With an outer boundary condition constrained by in situ electron flux observations, we focus on the impacts of magnetopause shadowing and outward radial diffusion in the heart of the radiation belt. Third invariant conserving solutions are combined to simulate the L shell and time dependence of the differential flux at a fixed energy. Results for the geomagnetically quiet year of 2008 demonstrate not only remarkable cross L shell impacts from magnetopause shadowing but also excellent agreement with the in situ observations even though no internal acceleration source is included in the model. Our model demonstrates powerful utility for capturing the cross-L impacts of magnetopause shadowing with significant prospects for improved space weather forecasting. The potential role of the plasmasphere in creating a third belt is also discussed.

Ozeke, Louis; Mann, Ian; Turner, Drew; Murphy, Kyle; Degeling, Alex; Rae, Jonathan; Milling, David;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060787

magnetopause shadowing; Radiation belt; ULF wave radial diffusion

Modeling Gradual Diffusion Changes in Radiation Belt Electron Phase Space Density for the March 2013 Van Allen Probes Case Study

March 2013 provided the first equinoctial period when all of the instruments on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft were fully operational. This interval was characterized by disturbances of outer zone electrons with two timescales of variation, diffusive and rapid dropout and restoration [Baker et al., 2014]. A radial diffusion model was applied to the month-long interval to confirm that electron phase space density is well described by radial diffusion for the whole month at low first invariant <=400 MeV/G, but peaks in phase space density observed by the ECT instrument suite at higher first invariant are not reproduced by radial transport from a source at higher L. The model does well for much of the month-long interval, capturing three of four enhancements in phase space density which emerge from the outer boundary, while the strong enhancement following dropout on 17-18 March requires local acceleration at higher first invariant (M = 1000 MeV/G vs. 200 MeV/G) not included in our model. We have incorporated phase space density from ECT measurement at the outer boundary and plasmapause determination from the EFW instrument to separate hiss and chorus loss models.

Li, Zhao; Hudson, Mary; Jaynes, Allison; Boyd, Alexander; Malaspina, David; Thaller, Scott; Wygant, John; Henderson, Michael;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020359

March 2013; radial diffusion; Van Allen Probes

Modeling Gradual Diffusion Changes in Radiation Belt Electron Phase Space Density for the March 2013 Van Allen Probes Case Study

March 2013 provided the first equinoctial period when all of the instruments on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft were fully operational. This interval was characterized by disturbances of outer zone electrons with two timescales of variation, diffusive and rapid dropout and restoration [Baker et al., 2014]. A radial diffusion model was applied to the month-long interval to confirm that electron phase space density is well described by radial diffusion for the whole month at low first invariant <=400 MeV/G, but peaks in phase space density observed by the ECT instrument suite at higher first invariant are not reproduced by radial transport from a source at higher L. The model does well for much of the month-long interval, capturing three of four enhancements in phase space density which emerge from the outer boundary, while the strong enhancement following dropout on 17-18 March requires local acceleration at higher first invariant (M = 1000 MeV/G vs. 200 MeV/G) not included in our model. We have incorporated phase space density from ECT measurement at the outer boundary and plasmapause determination from the EFW instrument to separate hiss and chorus loss models.

Li, Zhao; Hudson, Mary; Jaynes, Allison; Boyd, Alexander; Malaspina, David; Thaller, Scott; Wygant, John; Henderson, Michael;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020359

March 2013; radial diffusion; Van Allen Probes

Modeling Gradual Diffusion Changes in Radiation Belt Electron Phase Space Density for the March 2013 Van Allen Probes Case Study

March 2013 provided the first equinoctial period when all of the instruments on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft were fully operational. This interval was characterized by disturbances of outer zone electrons with two timescales of variation, diffusive and rapid dropout and restoration [Baker et al., 2014]. A radial diffusion model was applied to the month-long interval to confirm that electron phase space density is well described by radial diffusion for the whole month at low first invariant <=400 MeV/G, but peaks in phase space density observed by the ECT instrument suite at higher first invariant are not reproduced by radial transport from a source at higher L. The model does well for much of the month-long interval, capturing three of four enhancements in phase space density which emerge from the outer boundary, while the strong enhancement following dropout on 17-18 March requires local acceleration at higher first invariant (M = 1000 MeV/G vs. 200 MeV/G) not included in our model. We have incorporated phase space density from ECT measurement at the outer boundary and plasmapause determination from the EFW instrument to separate hiss and chorus loss models.

Li, Zhao; Hudson, Mary; Jaynes, Allison; Boyd, Alexander; Malaspina, David; Thaller, Scott; Wygant, John; Henderson, Michael;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020359

March 2013; radial diffusion; Van Allen Probes

A Parametric Approach to NASA Mission Operations Costing

Quantifying the cost of mission operations can be problematic. Currently few tools exist to estimate these costs and fewer that utilize a parametric approach. This paper begins the process of developing a parametric model for estimating mission operation costs. We hypothesize that the costs of mission operations are determined by the duration and type of operation activity. For the purposes of this paper operation activities fall into the following four categories: hibernated cruise, standard cruise, flyby, and high intensity operations. Hypothesis tests were conducted on each of the aforementioned categories and the results are based on data from APL\textquoterights historical missions. Those results will be used to develop a Cost Estimating Relationship (CER) to better predict mission operation costs.

Powers, Nicole;

Published by:       Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.2514/MSPACE1410.2514/6.2014-4398

Mission Control Cost

Simulation of high-energy radiation belt electron fluxes using NARMAX-VERB coupled codes

This study presents a fusion of data-driven and physics-driven methodologies of energetic electron flux forecasting in the outer radiation belt. Data-driven NARMAX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Averages with eXogenous inputs) model predictions for geosynchronous orbit fluxes have been used as an outer boundary condition to drive the physics-based Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code, to simulate energetic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt environment. The coupled system has been tested for three extended time periods totalling several weeks of observations. The time periods involved periods of quiet, moderate, and strong geomagnetic activity and captured a range of dynamics typical of the radiation belts. The model has successfully simulated energetic electron fluxes for various magnetospheric conditions. Physical mechanisms that may be responsible for the discrepancies between the model results and observations are discussed.

Pakhotin, I.; Drozdov, A; Shprits, Y; Boynton, R.; Subbotin, D.; Balikhin, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020238

Radiation belts; Space weather

Simulation of high-energy radiation belt electron fluxes using NARMAX-VERB coupled codes

This study presents a fusion of data-driven and physics-driven methodologies of energetic electron flux forecasting in the outer radiation belt. Data-driven NARMAX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Averages with eXogenous inputs) model predictions for geosynchronous orbit fluxes have been used as an outer boundary condition to drive the physics-based Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code, to simulate energetic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt environment. The coupled system has been tested for three extended time periods totalling several weeks of observations. The time periods involved periods of quiet, moderate, and strong geomagnetic activity and captured a range of dynamics typical of the radiation belts. The model has successfully simulated energetic electron fluxes for various magnetospheric conditions. Physical mechanisms that may be responsible for the discrepancies between the model results and observations are discussed.

Pakhotin, I.; Drozdov, A; Shprits, Y; Boynton, R.; Subbotin, D.; Balikhin, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020238

Radiation belts; Space weather

Simulation of high-energy radiation belt electron fluxes using NARMAX-VERB coupled codes

This study presents a fusion of data-driven and physics-driven methodologies of energetic electron flux forecasting in the outer radiation belt. Data-driven NARMAX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Averages with eXogenous inputs) model predictions for geosynchronous orbit fluxes have been used as an outer boundary condition to drive the physics-based Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code, to simulate energetic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt environment. The coupled system has been tested for three extended time periods totalling several weeks of observations. The time periods involved periods of quiet, moderate, and strong geomagnetic activity and captured a range of dynamics typical of the radiation belts. The model has successfully simulated energetic electron fluxes for various magnetospheric conditions. Physical mechanisms that may be responsible for the discrepancies between the model results and observations are discussed.

Pakhotin, I.; Drozdov, A; Shprits, Y; Boynton, R.; Subbotin, D.; Balikhin, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020238

Radiation belts; Space weather

Simulation of high-energy radiation belt electron fluxes using NARMAX-VERB coupled codes

This study presents a fusion of data-driven and physics-driven methodologies of energetic electron flux forecasting in the outer radiation belt. Data-driven NARMAX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Averages with eXogenous inputs) model predictions for geosynchronous orbit fluxes have been used as an outer boundary condition to drive the physics-based Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code, to simulate energetic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt environment. The coupled system has been tested for three extended time periods totalling several weeks of observations. The time periods involved periods of quiet, moderate, and strong geomagnetic activity and captured a range of dynamics typical of the radiation belts. The model has successfully simulated energetic electron fluxes for various magnetospheric conditions. Physical mechanisms that may be responsible for the discrepancies between the model results and observations are discussed.

Pakhotin, I.; Drozdov, A; Shprits, Y; Boynton, R.; Subbotin, D.; Balikhin, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020238

Radiation belts; Space weather

Statistical analysis of ground-based chorus observations during geomagnetic storms

Chorus observations from two ground-based, Antarctic receiving stations are analyzed for a set of geomagnetic storms from 2000 to 2010. Superposed epoch analysis is performed together with statistical hypothesis testing to determine whether the observed quantities (geomagnetic indices, outer belt energetic electron fluxes, and chorus properties) are statistically significantly different as functions of storm phase, storm size, and storm type. Waves generated in the outer dayside magnetosphere and observed on the ground at South Pole Station are suppressed during main phase and are statistically unchanged from random intervals during recovery phase. Waves generated in the inner magnetosphere and observed on the ground at Palmer Station are significantly enhanced during storm main phase and for about 3 days into recovery. During main phase, there are larger enhancements in chorus occurrence, amplitude, and frequency extent as observed at Palmer during larger storms. During recovery phase, there are larger enhancements in chorus occurrence, amplitude, and frequency extent as observed at Palmer during larger storms and during storms where the average rate of electron flux increase, averaged across the outer belt, is higher.

Spasojevic, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.1010.1002/2014JA019975

chorus waves; Geomagnetic storms; outer belt electrons

Survey analysis of chorus intensity at Saturn

In order to conduct theoretical studies or modeling of pitch angle scattering of electrons by whistler mode chorus emission at Saturn, a knowledge of chorus occurrence and magnetic intensity levels, PB, as well as the distribution of PB relative to frequency and spatial parameters is essential. In this paper an extensive survey of whistler mode magnetic intensity levels at Saturn is carried out, and Gaussian fits of PB are performed. We fit the spectrum of wave magnetic intensity between the lower hybrid frequency and fceq/2 and for frequencies in the interval fceq/2 < f < 0.9 fceq, where fceq is the cyclotron frequency mapped to the equator. Saturn chorus is observed over most local times, but is dominant on the nightside in the range of 4.5 < L <7.5, with minimum power at the equator and peak power in the range of 5\textdegree < λ < 10\textdegree. Saturn wave magnetic intensity averaged in frequency bins peaks in the range of 10-5 < PB < 10-4 nT2 for 0.4 < β < 0.5 (β = f/fceq). Gaussian fits of PB with frequency and latitude are obtained for lower band chorus. Plasma injection regions are occasionally encountered with significant chorus power levels. Upper band chorus is seen almost exclusively within plasma injection regions, and the number of events is very limited, but when present, the average levels of PB can be higher than the lower band chorus. The overall magnetic intensity contribution of the upper band, however, is insignificant relative to the lower band.

Menietti, J.; Averkamp, T.; Groene, J.; Horne, R.; Shprits, Y; Woodfield, E.; Hospodarsky, G.; Gurnett, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.1010.1002/2014JA020523

Space physics

Survey analysis of chorus intensity at Saturn

In order to conduct theoretical studies or modeling of pitch angle scattering of electrons by whistler mode chorus emission at Saturn, a knowledge of chorus occurrence and magnetic intensity levels, PB, as well as the distribution of PB relative to frequency and spatial parameters is essential. In this paper an extensive survey of whistler mode magnetic intensity levels at Saturn is carried out, and Gaussian fits of PB are performed. We fit the spectrum of wave magnetic intensity between the lower hybrid frequency and fceq/2 and for frequencies in the interval fceq/2 < f < 0.9 fceq, where fceq is the cyclotron frequency mapped to the equator. Saturn chorus is observed over most local times, but is dominant on the nightside in the range of 4.5 < L <7.5, with minimum power at the equator and peak power in the range of 5\textdegree < λ < 10\textdegree. Saturn wave magnetic intensity averaged in frequency bins peaks in the range of 10-5 < PB < 10-4 nT2 for 0.4 < β < 0.5 (β = f/fceq). Gaussian fits of PB with frequency and latitude are obtained for lower band chorus. Plasma injection regions are occasionally encountered with significant chorus power levels. Upper band chorus is seen almost exclusively within plasma injection regions, and the number of events is very limited, but when present, the average levels of PB can be higher than the lower band chorus. The overall magnetic intensity contribution of the upper band, however, is insignificant relative to the lower band.

Menietti, J.; Averkamp, T.; Groene, J.; Horne, R.; Shprits, Y; Woodfield, E.; Hospodarsky, G.; Gurnett, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.1010.1002/2014JA020523

Space physics

Survey analysis of chorus intensity at Saturn

In order to conduct theoretical studies or modeling of pitch angle scattering of electrons by whistler mode chorus emission at Saturn, a knowledge of chorus occurrence and magnetic intensity levels, PB, as well as the distribution of PB relative to frequency and spatial parameters is essential. In this paper an extensive survey of whistler mode magnetic intensity levels at Saturn is carried out, and Gaussian fits of PB are performed. We fit the spectrum of wave magnetic intensity between the lower hybrid frequency and fceq/2 and for frequencies in the interval fceq/2 < f < 0.9 fceq, where fceq is the cyclotron frequency mapped to the equator. Saturn chorus is observed over most local times, but is dominant on the nightside in the range of 4.5 < L <7.5, with minimum power at the equator and peak power in the range of 5\textdegree < λ < 10\textdegree. Saturn wave magnetic intensity averaged in frequency bins peaks in the range of 10-5 < PB < 10-4 nT2 for 0.4 < β < 0.5 (β = f/fceq). Gaussian fits of PB with frequency and latitude are obtained for lower band chorus. Plasma injection regions are occasionally encountered with significant chorus power levels. Upper band chorus is seen almost exclusively within plasma injection regions, and the number of events is very limited, but when present, the average levels of PB can be higher than the lower band chorus. The overall magnetic intensity contribution of the upper band, however, is insignificant relative to the lower band.

Menietti, J.; Averkamp, T.; Groene, J.; Horne, R.; Shprits, Y; Woodfield, E.; Hospodarsky, G.; Gurnett, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.1010.1002/2014JA020523

Space physics

Survey analysis of chorus intensity at Saturn

In order to conduct theoretical studies or modeling of pitch angle scattering of electrons by whistler mode chorus emission at Saturn, a knowledge of chorus occurrence and magnetic intensity levels, PB, as well as the distribution of PB relative to frequency and spatial parameters is essential. In this paper an extensive survey of whistler mode magnetic intensity levels at Saturn is carried out, and Gaussian fits of PB are performed. We fit the spectrum of wave magnetic intensity between the lower hybrid frequency and fceq/2 and for frequencies in the interval fceq/2 < f < 0.9 fceq, where fceq is the cyclotron frequency mapped to the equator. Saturn chorus is observed over most local times, but is dominant on the nightside in the range of 4.5 < L <7.5, with minimum power at the equator and peak power in the range of 5\textdegree < λ < 10\textdegree. Saturn wave magnetic intensity averaged in frequency bins peaks in the range of 10-5 < PB < 10-4 nT2 for 0.4 < β < 0.5 (β = f/fceq). Gaussian fits of PB with frequency and latitude are obtained for lower band chorus. Plasma injection regions are occasionally encountered with significant chorus power levels. Upper band chorus is seen almost exclusively within plasma injection regions, and the number of events is very limited, but when present, the average levels of PB can be higher than the lower band chorus. The overall magnetic intensity contribution of the upper band, however, is insignificant relative to the lower band.

Menietti, J.; Averkamp, T.; Groene, J.; Horne, R.; Shprits, Y; Woodfield, E.; Hospodarsky, G.; Gurnett, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.1010.1002/2014JA020523

Space physics

THEMIS measurements of quasi-static electric fields in the inner magnetosphere

We use four years of THEMIS double-probe measurements to offer, for the first time, a complete picture of the dawn-dusk electric field covering all local times and radial distances in the inner magnetosphere based on in situ equatorial observations. This study is motivated by the results from the CRRES mission, which revealed a local maximum in the electric field developing near Earth during storm times, rather than the expected enhancement at higher L shells that is shielded near Earth as suggested by the Volland-Stern model. The CRRES observations were limited to the dusk side, while THEMIS provides complete local time coverage. We show strong agreement with the CRRES results on the dusk side, with a local maximum near L =4 for moderate levels of geomagnetic activity and evidence of strong electric fields inside L =3 during the most active times. The extensive dataset from THEMIS also confirms the day/night asymmetry on the dusk side, where the enhancement is closest to Earth in the dusk-midnight sector, and is farther away closer to noon. A similar, but smaller in magnitude, local maximum is observed on the dawn side near L =4. The noon sector shows the smallest average electric fields, and for more active times, the enhancement develops near L =7 rather than L =4. We also investigate the impact of the uncertain boom-shorting factor on the results, and show that while the absolute magnitude of the electric field may be underestimated, the trends with geomagnetic activity remain intact.

Califf, S.; Li, X.; Blum, L.; Jaynes, A.; Schiller, Q.; Zhao, H.; Malaspina, D.; Hartinger, M.; Wolf, R.; Rowland, D.; Wygant, J.; Bonnell, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020360

convection; double probe; electric field; inner magnetosphere

THEMIS measurements of quasi-static electric fields in the inner magnetosphere

We use four years of THEMIS double-probe measurements to offer, for the first time, a complete picture of the dawn-dusk electric field covering all local times and radial distances in the inner magnetosphere based on in situ equatorial observations. This study is motivated by the results from the CRRES mission, which revealed a local maximum in the electric field developing near Earth during storm times, rather than the expected enhancement at higher L shells that is shielded near Earth as suggested by the Volland-Stern model. The CRRES observations were limited to the dusk side, while THEMIS provides complete local time coverage. We show strong agreement with the CRRES results on the dusk side, with a local maximum near L =4 for moderate levels of geomagnetic activity and evidence of strong electric fields inside L =3 during the most active times. The extensive dataset from THEMIS also confirms the day/night asymmetry on the dusk side, where the enhancement is closest to Earth in the dusk-midnight sector, and is farther away closer to noon. A similar, but smaller in magnitude, local maximum is observed on the dawn side near L =4. The noon sector shows the smallest average electric fields, and for more active times, the enhancement develops near L =7 rather than L =4. We also investigate the impact of the uncertain boom-shorting factor on the results, and show that while the absolute magnitude of the electric field may be underestimated, the trends with geomagnetic activity remain intact.

Califf, S.; Li, X.; Blum, L.; Jaynes, A.; Schiller, Q.; Zhao, H.; Malaspina, D.; Hartinger, M.; Wolf, R.; Rowland, D.; Wygant, J.; Bonnell, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020360

convection; double probe; electric field; inner magnetosphere

THEMIS measurements of quasi-static electric fields in the inner magnetosphere

We use four years of THEMIS double-probe measurements to offer, for the first time, a complete picture of the dawn-dusk electric field covering all local times and radial distances in the inner magnetosphere based on in situ equatorial observations. This study is motivated by the results from the CRRES mission, which revealed a local maximum in the electric field developing near Earth during storm times, rather than the expected enhancement at higher L shells that is shielded near Earth as suggested by the Volland-Stern model. The CRRES observations were limited to the dusk side, while THEMIS provides complete local time coverage. We show strong agreement with the CRRES results on the dusk side, with a local maximum near L =4 for moderate levels of geomagnetic activity and evidence of strong electric fields inside L =3 during the most active times. The extensive dataset from THEMIS also confirms the day/night asymmetry on the dusk side, where the enhancement is closest to Earth in the dusk-midnight sector, and is farther away closer to noon. A similar, but smaller in magnitude, local maximum is observed on the dawn side near L =4. The noon sector shows the smallest average electric fields, and for more active times, the enhancement develops near L =7 rather than L =4. We also investigate the impact of the uncertain boom-shorting factor on the results, and show that while the absolute magnitude of the electric field may be underestimated, the trends with geomagnetic activity remain intact.

Califf, S.; Li, X.; Blum, L.; Jaynes, A.; Schiller, Q.; Zhao, H.; Malaspina, D.; Hartinger, M.; Wolf, R.; Rowland, D.; Wygant, J.; Bonnell, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020360

convection; double probe; electric field; inner magnetosphere

THEMIS measurements of quasi-static electric fields in the inner magnetosphere

We use four years of THEMIS double-probe measurements to offer, for the first time, a complete picture of the dawn-dusk electric field covering all local times and radial distances in the inner magnetosphere based on in situ equatorial observations. This study is motivated by the results from the CRRES mission, which revealed a local maximum in the electric field developing near Earth during storm times, rather than the expected enhancement at higher L shells that is shielded near Earth as suggested by the Volland-Stern model. The CRRES observations were limited to the dusk side, while THEMIS provides complete local time coverage. We show strong agreement with the CRRES results on the dusk side, with a local maximum near L =4 for moderate levels of geomagnetic activity and evidence of strong electric fields inside L =3 during the most active times. The extensive dataset from THEMIS also confirms the day/night asymmetry on the dusk side, where the enhancement is closest to Earth in the dusk-midnight sector, and is farther away closer to noon. A similar, but smaller in magnitude, local maximum is observed on the dawn side near L =4. The noon sector shows the smallest average electric fields, and for more active times, the enhancement develops near L =7 rather than L =4. We also investigate the impact of the uncertain boom-shorting factor on the results, and show that while the absolute magnitude of the electric field may be underestimated, the trends with geomagnetic activity remain intact.

Califf, S.; Li, X.; Blum, L.; Jaynes, A.; Schiller, Q.; Zhao, H.; Malaspina, D.; Hartinger, M.; Wolf, R.; Rowland, D.; Wygant, J.; Bonnell, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020360

convection; double probe; electric field; inner magnetosphere

On the threshold energization of radiation belt electrons by double layers

Using a Hamiltonian approach, we quantify the energization threshold of electrons interacting with radiation belts\textquoteright double layers discovered by Mozer et al. (2013). We find that double layers with electric field amplitude E0 ranging between 10 and 100 mV/m and spatial scales of the order of few Debye lengths are very efficient in energizing electrons with initial velocities v|| <= vth to 1 keV levels but are unable to energize electrons with E >= 100 keV. Our results indicate that the localized electric field associated with the double layers are unlikely to generate a seed population of 100 keV necessary for a plethora of relativistic acceleration mechanisms and additional transport to higher energetic levels.

Osmane, A.; Pulkkinen, T.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/2014JA020236

Radiation belts; wave-particle interactions

The Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model

Simulation studies of the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts and ring current are very useful in understanding the acceleration, transport, and loss of energetic particles. Recently, the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM) and the Radiation Belt Environment (RBE) model were merged to form a Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (CIMI) model. CIMI solves for many essential quantities in the inner magnetosphere, including ion and electron distributions in the ring current and radiation belts, plasmaspheric density, Region 2 currents, convection potential, and precipitation in the ionosphere. It incorporates whistler mode chorus and hiss wave diffusion of energetic electrons in energy, pitch angle, and cross terms. CIMI thus represents a comprehensive model that considers the effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on the radiation belts. We have performed a CIMI simulation for the storm on 5\textendash9 April 2010 and then compared our results with data from the Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers and Akebono satellites. We identify the dominant energization and loss processes for the ring current and radiation belts. We find that the interactions with the whistler mode chorus waves are the main cause of the flux increase of MeV electrons during the recovery phase of this particular storm. When a self-consistent electric field from the CRCM is used, the enhancement of MeV electrons is higher than when an empirical convection model is applied. We also demonstrate how CIMI can be a powerful tool for analyzing and interpreting data from the new Van Allen Probes mission.

Fok, M.-C.; Buzulukova, N; Chen, S.-H.; Glocer, A.; Nagai, T.; Valek, P.; Perez, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020239

inner magnetosphere; magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling; ring current; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

The Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model

Simulation studies of the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts and ring current are very useful in understanding the acceleration, transport, and loss of energetic particles. Recently, the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM) and the Radiation Belt Environment (RBE) model were merged to form a Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (CIMI) model. CIMI solves for many essential quantities in the inner magnetosphere, including ion and electron distributions in the ring current and radiation belts, plasmaspheric density, Region 2 currents, convection potential, and precipitation in the ionosphere. It incorporates whistler mode chorus and hiss wave diffusion of energetic electrons in energy, pitch angle, and cross terms. CIMI thus represents a comprehensive model that considers the effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on the radiation belts. We have performed a CIMI simulation for the storm on 5\textendash9 April 2010 and then compared our results with data from the Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers and Akebono satellites. We identify the dominant energization and loss processes for the ring current and radiation belts. We find that the interactions with the whistler mode chorus waves are the main cause of the flux increase of MeV electrons during the recovery phase of this particular storm. When a self-consistent electric field from the CRCM is used, the enhancement of MeV electrons is higher than when an empirical convection model is applied. We also demonstrate how CIMI can be a powerful tool for analyzing and interpreting data from the new Van Allen Probes mission.

Fok, M.-C.; Buzulukova, N; Chen, S.-H.; Glocer, A.; Nagai, T.; Valek, P.; Perez, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020239

inner magnetosphere; magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling; ring current; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

The Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Model

Simulation studies of the Earth\textquoterights radiation belts and ring current are very useful in understanding the acceleration, transport, and loss of energetic particles. Recently, the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM) and the Radiation Belt Environment (RBE) model were merged to form a Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (CIMI) model. CIMI solves for many essential quantities in the inner magnetosphere, including ion and electron distributions in the ring current and radiation belts, plasmaspheric density, Region 2 currents, convection potential, and precipitation in the ionosphere. It incorporates whistler mode chorus and hiss wave diffusion of energetic electrons in energy, pitch angle, and cross terms. CIMI thus represents a comprehensive model that considers the effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on the radiation belts. We have performed a CIMI simulation for the storm on 5\textendash9 April 2010 and then compared our results with data from the Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers and Akebono satellites. We identify the dominant energization and loss processes for the ring current and radiation belts. We find that the interactions with the whistler mode chorus waves are the main cause of the flux increase of MeV electrons during the recovery phase of this particular storm. When a self-consistent electric field from the CRCM is used, the enhancement of MeV electrons is higher than when an empirical convection model is applied. We also demonstrate how CIMI can be a powerful tool for analyzing and interpreting data from the new Van Allen Probes mission.

Fok, M.-C.; Buzulukova, N; Chen, S.-H.; Glocer, A.; Nagai, T.; Valek, P.; Perez, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020239

inner magnetosphere; magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling; ring current; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Ground-based ELF/VLF chorus observations at subauroral latitudes-VLF-CHAIN Campaign

We report observations of very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) chorus waves taken during the ELF/VLF Campaign observation with High-resolution Aurora Imaging Network (VLF-CHAIN) of 17\textendash25 February 2012 at subauroral latitudes at Athabasca (L=4.3), Canada. ELF/VLF waves were measured continuously with a sampling rate of 100 kHz to monitor daily variations in ELF/VLF emissions and derive their detailed structures. We found quasiperiodic (QP) emissions whose repetition period changes rapidly within a period of 1 h without corresponding magnetic pulsations. QP emissions showed positive correlation between amplitude and frequency sweep rate, similarly to rising-tone elements. We found an event of nearly simultaneous enhancements of QP emissions and Pc1/electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave intensities, suggesting that the temperature anisotropy of electrons and ions developed simultaneously at the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere. We also found QP emissions whose intensity suddenly increased in association with storm sudden commencement without changing their frequency. Falling-tone ELF/VLF emissions were observed with their rate of frequency change varying from 0.7 to 0.05 kHz/s over 10 min. Bursty-patch emissions in the lower and upper frequency bands are often observed during magnetically disturbed periods. Clear systematic correlation between these various ELF/VLF emissions and cosmic noise absorption was not obtained throughout the campaign period. These observations indicate several previously unknown features of ELF/VLF emissions in subauroral latitudes and demonstrate the importance of continuous measurements for monitoring temporal variations in these emissions.

Shiokawa, Kazuo; Yokoyama, Yu; Ieda, Akimasa; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Nomura, Reiko; Lee, Sungeun; Sunagawa, Naoki; Miyashita, Yukinaga; Ozaki, Mitsunori; Ishizaka, Kazumasa; Yagitani, Satoshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Tsuchiya, Fuminori; Schofield, Ian; Connors, Martin;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020161

Chorus; ELF/VLF; Radiation belts; subauroral latitudes; wave-particle interactions

Model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the inner magnetosphere

The evolution of He+-mode electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves is studied inside the geostationary orbit using our global model of ring current (RC) ions, electric field, plasmasphere, and EMIC waves. In contrast to the approach previously used by Gamayunov et al. (2009), however, we do not use the bounce-averaged wave kinetic equation but instead use a complete, nonbounce-averaged, equation to model the evolution of EMIC wave power spectral density, including off-equatorial wave dynamics. The major results of our study can be summarized as follows. (1) The thermal background level for EMIC waves is too low to allow waves to grow up to the observable level during one pass between the \textquotedblleftbi-ion latitudes\textquotedblright (the latitudes where the given wave frequency is equal to the O+\textendashHe+ bi-ion frequency) in conjugate hemispheres. As a consequence, quasi-field-aligned EMIC waves are not typically produced in the model if the thermal background level is used, but routinely observed in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere. To overcome this model-observation discrepancy we suggest a nonlinear energy cascade from the lower frequency range of ultralow frequency waves into the frequency range of EMIC wave generation as a possible mechanism supplying the needed level of seed fluctuations that guarantees growth of EMIC waves during one pass through the near equatorial region. The EMIC wave development from a suprathermal background level shows that EMIC waves are quasi field aligned near the equator, while they are oblique at high latitudes, and the Poynting flux is predominantly directed away from the near equatorial source region in agreement with observations. (2) An abundance of O+ strongly controls the energy of oblique He+-mode EMIC waves that propagate to the equator after their reflection at bi-ion latitudes, and so it controls a fraction of wave energy in the oblique normals. (3) The RC O+ not only causes damping of the He+-mode EMIC waves but also causes wave generation in the region of highly oblique wave normal angles, typically for θ > 82\textdegree, where a growth rate γ > 10-2rad/s is frequently observed. The instability is driven by the loss cone feature in the RC O+ distribution function, where ∂F/∂v⟂>0 for the resonating O+. (4) The oblique and intense He+-mode EMIC waves generated by RC O+ in the region L≈2\textendash3 may have an implication to the energetic particle loss in the inner radiation belt.

Gamayunov, K.; Engebretson, M.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020032

electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves; outer radiation belt; ring current

Model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the inner magnetosphere

The evolution of He+-mode electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves is studied inside the geostationary orbit using our global model of ring current (RC) ions, electric field, plasmasphere, and EMIC waves. In contrast to the approach previously used by Gamayunov et al. (2009), however, we do not use the bounce-averaged wave kinetic equation but instead use a complete, nonbounce-averaged, equation to model the evolution of EMIC wave power spectral density, including off-equatorial wave dynamics. The major results of our study can be summarized as follows. (1) The thermal background level for EMIC waves is too low to allow waves to grow up to the observable level during one pass between the \textquotedblleftbi-ion latitudes\textquotedblright (the latitudes where the given wave frequency is equal to the O+\textendashHe+ bi-ion frequency) in conjugate hemispheres. As a consequence, quasi-field-aligned EMIC waves are not typically produced in the model if the thermal background level is used, but routinely observed in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere. To overcome this model-observation discrepancy we suggest a nonlinear energy cascade from the lower frequency range of ultralow frequency waves into the frequency range of EMIC wave generation as a possible mechanism supplying the needed level of seed fluctuations that guarantees growth of EMIC waves during one pass through the near equatorial region. The EMIC wave development from a suprathermal background level shows that EMIC waves are quasi field aligned near the equator, while they are oblique at high latitudes, and the Poynting flux is predominantly directed away from the near equatorial source region in agreement with observations. (2) An abundance of O+ strongly controls the energy of oblique He+-mode EMIC waves that propagate to the equator after their reflection at bi-ion latitudes, and so it controls a fraction of wave energy in the oblique normals. (3) The RC O+ not only causes damping of the He+-mode EMIC waves but also causes wave generation in the region of highly oblique wave normal angles, typically for θ > 82\textdegree, where a growth rate γ > 10-2rad/s is frequently observed. The instability is driven by the loss cone feature in the RC O+ distribution function, where ∂F/∂v⟂>0 for the resonating O+. (4) The oblique and intense He+-mode EMIC waves generated by RC O+ in the region L≈2\textendash3 may have an implication to the energetic particle loss in the inner radiation belt.

Gamayunov, K.; Engebretson, M.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020032

electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves; outer radiation belt; ring current

Model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the inner magnetosphere

The evolution of He+-mode electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves is studied inside the geostationary orbit using our global model of ring current (RC) ions, electric field, plasmasphere, and EMIC waves. In contrast to the approach previously used by Gamayunov et al. (2009), however, we do not use the bounce-averaged wave kinetic equation but instead use a complete, nonbounce-averaged, equation to model the evolution of EMIC wave power spectral density, including off-equatorial wave dynamics. The major results of our study can be summarized as follows. (1) The thermal background level for EMIC waves is too low to allow waves to grow up to the observable level during one pass between the \textquotedblleftbi-ion latitudes\textquotedblright (the latitudes where the given wave frequency is equal to the O+\textendashHe+ bi-ion frequency) in conjugate hemispheres. As a consequence, quasi-field-aligned EMIC waves are not typically produced in the model if the thermal background level is used, but routinely observed in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere. To overcome this model-observation discrepancy we suggest a nonlinear energy cascade from the lower frequency range of ultralow frequency waves into the frequency range of EMIC wave generation as a possible mechanism supplying the needed level of seed fluctuations that guarantees growth of EMIC waves during one pass through the near equatorial region. The EMIC wave development from a suprathermal background level shows that EMIC waves are quasi field aligned near the equator, while they are oblique at high latitudes, and the Poynting flux is predominantly directed away from the near equatorial source region in agreement with observations. (2) An abundance of O+ strongly controls the energy of oblique He+-mode EMIC waves that propagate to the equator after their reflection at bi-ion latitudes, and so it controls a fraction of wave energy in the oblique normals. (3) The RC O+ not only causes damping of the He+-mode EMIC waves but also causes wave generation in the region of highly oblique wave normal angles, typically for θ > 82\textdegree, where a growth rate γ > 10-2rad/s is frequently observed. The instability is driven by the loss cone feature in the RC O+ distribution function, where ∂F/∂v⟂>0 for the resonating O+. (4) The oblique and intense He+-mode EMIC waves generated by RC O+ in the region L≈2\textendash3 may have an implication to the energetic particle loss in the inner radiation belt.

Gamayunov, K.; Engebretson, M.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA020032

electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves; outer radiation belt; ring current

Near real-time ionospheric monitoring over Europe at the Royal Observatory of Belgium using GNSS data

Various scientific applications and services increasingly demand real-time information on the effects of space weather on Earth\textquoterights atmosphere. In this frame, the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) takes advantage of the dense EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) to monitor the ionosphere over Europe from the measured delays in the GNSS signals, and provides publicly several derived products. The main ROB products consist of ionospheric vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) maps over Europe and their variability estimated in near real-time every 15 min on 0.5\textdegree \texttimes 0.5\textdegree grids using GPS observations. The maps are available online with a latency of ~3 min in IONEX format at and as interactive web pages at This paper presents the method used in the ROB-IONO software to generate the maps. The ROB-TEC maps show a good agreement with widely used post-processed products such as IGS and ESA with mean differences of 1.3 \textpm 0.9 and 0.4 \textpm 1.6 TECu respectively for the period 2012 to mid-2013. In addition, we tested the reliability of the ROB-IONO software to detect abnormal ionospheric activity during the Halloween 2003 ionospheric storm. For this period, the mean differences with IGS and ESA maps are 0.9 \textpm 2.2 and 0.6 \textpm 6.8 TECu respectively with maximum differences (>38 TECu) occurring during the major phase of the storm. These differences are due to the lower resolution in time and space of both IGS and ESA maps compared to the ROB-TEC maps. A description of two recent events, one on March 17, 2013 and one on February 27, 2014 also highlights the capability of the method adopted in the ROB-IONO software to detect in near real-time abnormal ionospheric behaviour over Europe. In that frame, ROB maintains a data base publicly available with identified ionospheric events since 2012.

Bergeot, Nicolas; Chevalier, Jean-Marie; Bruyninx, Carine; Pottiaux, Eric; Aerts, Wim; Baire, Quentin; Legrand, Juliette; Defraigne, Pascale; Huang, Wei;

Published by: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2014028


Near real-time ionospheric monitoring over Europe at the Royal Observatory of Belgium using GNSS data

Various scientific applications and services increasingly demand real-time information on the effects of space weather on Earth\textquoterights atmosphere. In this frame, the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) takes advantage of the dense EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) to monitor the ionosphere over Europe from the measured delays in the GNSS signals, and provides publicly several derived products. The main ROB products consist of ionospheric vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) maps over Europe and their variability estimated in near real-time every 15 min on 0.5\textdegree \texttimes 0.5\textdegree grids using GPS observations. The maps are available online with a latency of ~3 min in IONEX format at and as interactive web pages at This paper presents the method used in the ROB-IONO software to generate the maps. The ROB-TEC maps show a good agreement with widely used post-processed products such as IGS and ESA with mean differences of 1.3 \textpm 0.9 and 0.4 \textpm 1.6 TECu respectively for the period 2012 to mid-2013. In addition, we tested the reliability of the ROB-IONO software to detect abnormal ionospheric activity during the Halloween 2003 ionospheric storm. For this period, the mean differences with IGS and ESA maps are 0.9 \textpm 2.2 and 0.6 \textpm 6.8 TECu respectively with maximum differences (>38 TECu) occurring during the major phase of the storm. These differences are due to the lower resolution in time and space of both IGS and ESA maps compared to the ROB-TEC maps. A description of two recent events, one on March 17, 2013 and one on February 27, 2014 also highlights the capability of the method adopted in the ROB-IONO software to detect in near real-time abnormal ionospheric behaviour over Europe. In that frame, ROB maintains a data base publicly available with identified ionospheric events since 2012.

Bergeot, Nicolas; Chevalier, Jean-Marie; Bruyninx, Carine; Pottiaux, Eric; Aerts, Wim; Baire, Quentin; Legrand, Juliette; Defraigne, Pascale; Huang, Wei;

Published by: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2014028


Prediction of relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit following storms: Multiple regression analysis

Many solar wind and magnetosphere parameters correlate with relativistic electron flux following storms. These include relativistic electron flux before the storm; seed electron flux; solar wind velocity and number density (and their variation); interplanetary magnetic field Bz, AE and Kp indices; and ultra low frequency (ULF) and very low frequency (VLF) wave power. However, as all these variables are intercorrelated, we use multiple regression analyses to determine which are the most predictive of flux when other variables are controlled. Using 219 storms (1992\textendash2002), we obtained hourly averaged electron fluxes for outer radiation belt relativistic electrons (>1.5 MeV) and seed electrons (100 keV) from Los Alamos National Laboratory spacecraft (geosynchronous orbit). For each storm, we found the log10 maximum relativistic electron flux 48\textendash120 h after the end of the main phase of each storm. Each predictor variable was averaged over the 12 h before the storm, the main phase, and the 48 h following minimum Dst. High levels of flux following storms are best modeled by a set of variables. In decreasing influence, ULF, seed electron flux, Vsw and its variation, and after-storm Bz were the most significant explanatory variables. Kp can be added to the model, but it adds no further explanatory power. Although we included ground-based VLF power from Halley, Antarctica, it shows little predictive ability. We produced predictive models using the coefficients from the regression models and assessed their effectiveness in predicting novel observations. The correlation between observed values and those predicted by these empirical models ranged from 0.645 to 0.795.

Simms, Laura; Pilipenko, Viacheslav; Engebretson, Mark; Reeves, Geoffrey; Smith, A.; Clilverd, Mark;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2014

YEAR: 2014     DOI: 10.1002/jgra.v119.910.1002/2014JA019955

empirical modeling; multiple regression; multivariable analysis

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