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Found 584 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 51 through 100


Determining plasmaspheric density from the upper hybrid resonance and from the spacecraft potential: How do they compare?

The plasmasphere is a critical region of the magnetosphere. It is important for the evolution of Earth\textquoterights radiation belts. Waves in the plasmasphere interior (hiss) and vicinity (EMIC, chorus) help control the acceleration and loss of radiation belt particles. Thus, understanding the extent, structure, content, and dynamics of the plasmasphere is crucial to understanding radiation belt losses. The Van Allen Probes mission uses two methods to determine the total plasma density. First, the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) frequency can provide electron density; this determination is the most accurate and robust. However, it requires significant analysis and is challenging during geomagnetically active times: it becomes difficult to interpret the wave spectrum, and the amount of available data is severely limited. Second, the spacecraft potential is a proxy for the plasma density. These high resolution measurements are available with high duty cycle. However, environmental effects can limit the accuracy of this method. The relation between spacecraft potential and density is empirical, requiring an independent density measurement and repeated checks. We perform a quantitative comparison of these two in situ techniques during the first 3.5 years of the Van Allen Probes mission. We show how to calibrate potential-based density measurements using only publicly available wave-derived densities to provide high fidelity results even if upper hybrid measurements are sparse or unavailable. We quantify the level of uncertainty to expect from potential-derived density data. Our approach can be applied to any in situ spacecraft mission where reliable absolute density and spacecraft potential data are available.

Jahn, J.-M.; Goldstein, J.; Kurth, W.S.; Thaller, S.; De Pascuale, S.; Wygant, J.; Reeves, G.D.; Spence, H.E.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 01/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026860

cold plasma density; plasmasphere; spacecraft charging; Van Allen Probes; wave resonances

Observations and measurement techniques

There have now been over 50 years of in situ measurements of the ring current. As the measurement capabilities have increased, and more missions have contributed, a remarkably consistent picture has developed of the characteristics of the ring current. In this paper, we review the observations of the ring current, starting from the satellites in the early 60’s, the breakthrough of Explorer 45 identifying the particle population that creates the ring current, and the surprises when the first composition measurements at low energies were made, showing the importance of the ionospheric plasma. We present the measurements of composition of the bulk of the ring current that became possible with the AMPTE/CCE and CRRES missions. We then discuss the new global view of the ring current provided by energetic neutral atom imaging. Finally, we present the results of the Cluster, Van Allen Probes, and Arase missions, that have allowed unprecedented observations of both the small-scale and large-scale temporal, and spatial dynamics of the ring current.

Kistler, Lynn;

Published by: Ring Current Investigations The Quest for Space Weather Prediction      Published on:

YEAR: 2020     DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-815571-4.00010-X

ring current; instrumentation; Van Allen Probes


Rapid Precipitation of Relativistic Electron by EMIC Rising-Tone Emissions Observed by the Van Allen Probes

On 23 February 2014, Van Allen Probes sensors observed quite strong electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in the outer dayside magnetosphere. The maximum amplitude was more than 14 nT, comparable to 7\% of the magnitude of the ambient magnetic field. The EMIC waves consisted of a series of coherent rising tone emissions. Rising tones are excited sporadically by energetic protons. At the same time, the probes detected drastic fluctuations in fluxes of MeV electrons. It was found that the electron fluxes decreased by more than 30\% during the 1 min following the observation of each EMIC rising tone emissions. Furthermore, it is concluded that the flux reduction is a nonadiabatic (irreversible) process since holes in the particle flux levels appear as drift echoes with energy dispersion. We examine the process of electron pitch angle scattering by nonlinear wave trapping due to anomalous cyclotron resonance with EMIC rising tone emissions. The energy range of precipitated electrons agrees with the presumed energy for the threshold amplitude for nonlinear wave trapping. This is the first report of rapid precipitation (<1 min) of relativistic electrons by EMIC rising tone emissions and their drift echoes in time observed by spacecraft.

Nakamura, S.; Omura, Y.; Kletzing, C.; Baker, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: May-08-2020

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026772

EMIC waves; Magnetosphere; microburst; nonlinear; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes; Wave-particle interaction

Global Survey and Empirical Model of Fast Magnetosonic Waves Over Their Full Frequency Range in Earth\textquoterights Inner Magnetosphere

We investigate the global distribution and provide empirical models of fast magnetosonic waves using the combined observations by the magnetometer and waveform receiver on board Van Allen Probes. The magnetometer measurements of magnetosonic waves indicate a significant wave power within the frequency range from the helium gyrofrequency to 20 Hz at L >= 4 in the afternoon sector, both inside and outside the plasmapause. The waveform receiver measurements indicate a significant wave power from 20 Hz to the lower hybrid resonance frequency at L <= 5.5 near the dayside outside the plasmapause or in the afternoon sector inside the plasmapause. The sum of the wave powers from the two instruments provides the wave power distribution over the complete frequency range. The most significant root-mean-square wave amplitude of magnetosonic waves is typically 100\textendash200 pT inside or outside the plasmapause with a magnetic local time coverage of 30\textendash50\% during geomagnetically active times when AE* > 500 nT. The magnetosonic wave frequency increases with decreasing L shell following the trend of the proton gyrofrequency outside the plasmapause, indicating a close relation with the local wave generation. Inside the plasmapause, the dependence of wave frequency on L shell is weaker, and the wave frequency is more stable across L shells, indicating the wave propagation effects from the source located at higher L shells. We have performed polynomial fits of the global magnetosonic wave distribution and wave frequency spectra, which are useful in future radiation belt simulations.

Ma, Q.; Li, W.; Bortnik, J.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Hospodarsky, G.; Wygant, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027407

Empirical Fitting; Global Survey; magnetosonic waves; Van Allen Probes; Van Allen Probes observation

Multiharmonic Toroidal Standing Alfv\ en Waves in the Midnight Sector Observed During a Geomagnetically Quiet Period

Excitation of toroidal mode standing Alfv\ en waves in the midnight sector of the inner magnetosphere in association with substorms is well documented, but studies are sparse on dayside sources for the waves. This paper reports observation of midnight toroidal waves by the Van Allen Probe B spacecraft during a geomagnetically quiet period on 12\textemdash13 May 2013. The spacecraft detected toroidal waves excited at odd harmonics below 30 mHz as it moved within the plasmasphere from ~2100 magnetic local time (MLT) to ~0030 MLT through midnight in the dipole L range 4.2\textemdash6.1. The frequencies and the relationship between the electric and magnetic field components of the waves are consistent with theoretical toroidal waves for a reflecting ionosphere. At the time of the nightside toroidal waves, compressional waves were observed by geostationary satellites located on the dayside, and the amplitudes of both types of waves varied with the cone angle of the interplanetary magnetic field. The nightside toroidal waves were likely driven by fast mode waves that resulted from transmission of upstream ultralow frequency waves into the magnetosphere. Ground magnetometers located near the footprint of the spacecraft did not detect toroidal waves.

Takahashi, Kazue; Vellante, Massimo; Del Corpo, Alfredo; Claudepierre, Seth; Kletzing, Craig; Wygant, John; Koga, Kiyokazu;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027370

Ion foreshock; Nightside magnetosphere; Toroidal Alfven waves; Van Allen Probe; Van Allen Probes

Direct Observation of Subrelativistic Electron Precipitation Potentially Driven by EMIC Waves

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are known to typically cause electron losses into Earth\textquoterights upper atmosphere at >~1 MeV, while the minimum energy of electrons subject to efficient EMIC-driven precipitation loss is unresolved. This letter reports electron precipitation from subrelativistic energies of ~250 keV up to ~1 MeV observed by the Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range and Dynamics (FIREBIRD-II) CubeSats, while two Polar Operational Environmental Satellites (POES) observed proton precipitation nearby. Van Allen Probe A detected EMIC waves (~0.7\textendash2.0 nT) over the similar L shell extent of electron precipitation observed by FIREBIRD-II, albeit with a ~1.6 magnetic local time (MLT) difference. Although plasmaspheric hiss and magnetosonic waves were also observed, quasi-linear calculations indicate that EMIC waves were the most efficient in driving the electron precipitation. Quasi-linear theory predicts efficient precipitation at >0.8\textendash1 MeV (due to H-band EMIC waves), suggesting that other mechanisms are required to explain the observed subrelativistic electron precipitation.

Capannolo, L.; Li, W.; Ma, Q.; Chen, L.; Shen, X.-C.; Spence, H.; Sample, J.; Johnson, A.; Shumko, M.; Klumpar, D.; Redmon, R.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084202

electron precipitation; EMIC waves; FIREBIRD-II; quasi linear theory; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes; wave particle interactions

Eastward Propagating Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Triggered by Temporary Outward Gradient of Proton Phase Space Density: Van Allen Probe A Observation

Two wave packets of second harmonic poloidal Pc 4 waves with a wave frequency of ~7 mHz were detected by Van Allen Probe A at a radial distance of ~5.8 RE and magnetic local time of 13 hr near the magnetic equator, where plasmaspheric refilling was in progress. Proton butterfly distributions with energy dispersions were also measured at the same time; the proton fluxes at 10-30 keV oscillated with the same frequency as the Pc 4 waves. Using the ion sounding technique, we find that the Pc 4 waves propagated eastward with an azimuthal wave number (m number) of ~220 and ~260 for each wave packet, respectively. Such eastward propagating high-m (m > 100) waves were seldom reported in previous studies. The condition of drift-bounce resonance is well satisfied for the estimated m numbers in both events. Proton phase space density was also examined to understand the wave excitation mechanism. We obtained temporal variations of the energy and radial gradient of the proton phase space density, and find that temporal intensification of the radial gradient can generate the two wave packets. The cold electron density around the spacecraft apogee was > 100 cm-3 in the present events, and hence the eigen-frequency of the Pc 4 waves became lower. This causes the increase of the m number which satisfies the resonance condition of drift-bounce resonance for 10-30 keV protons, and meets the condition for destabilization due to gyro-kinetic effect.

Yamamoto, K.; e, Nos\; Keika, K.; Hartley, D.P.; Smith, C.W.; MacDowall, R.J.; Lanzerotti, L.J.; Mitchell, D.G.; Spence, H.E.; Reeves, G.D.; Wygant, J.R.; Bonnell, J.W.; Oimatsu, S.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027158

drift-bounce resonance; Geomagnetic storm; plasmasphere; ring current; substorm; ULF wave; Van Allen Probes

Effects of a Realistic O + Source on Modeling the Ring Current

We use the UNH-IMEF electric field model to simulate the convection of O+ from the near-earth plasma sheet into the ring current during the March 17, 2015 storm. Using Van Allen Probes data from the night side apogee, we reconstruct a realistic O+ source. Modeling this storm using the UNH-IMEF electric field and a dipole magnetic field has previously been found to have good agreement. Using the realistic source along with drift times and charge exchange loss from these results, we model an inbound pass near the peak of the storm where O+ is increasingly dominant over H+. We find that the time-varying realistic O+ source is necessary to reproduce the observed spectral features and the O+ pressure enhancements at low L-shells, while our previous results showed that the H+ was able to be modeled sufficiently with a simple, unchanging boundary condition. Further, our results show that adiabatic convective transport of O+ from the near-earth plasma sheet (L ~6) can explain the observed ring current enhancements.

Menz, A.M.; Kistler, L.M.; Mouikis, C.G.; Spence, H.E.; Henderson, M.G.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026859

Van Allen Probes

Identifying STEVE\textquoterights Magnetospheric Driver Using Conjugate Observations in the Magnetosphere and on the Ground

The magnetospheric driver of strong thermal emission velocity enhancement (STEVE) is investigated using conjugate observations when Van Allen Probes\textquoteright footprint directly crossed both STEVE and stable red aurora (SAR) arc. In the ionosphere, STEVE is associated with subauroral ion drift features, including electron temperature peak, density gradient, and westward ion flow. The SAR arc at lower latitudes corresponds to regions inside the plasmapause with isotropic plasma heating, which causes redline-only SAR emission via heat conduction. STEVE corresponds to the sharp plasmapause boundary containing quasi-static subauroral ion drift electric field and parallel-accelerated electrons by kinetic Alfv\ en waves. These parallel electrons could precipitate and be accelerated via auroral acceleration processes powered by Alfv\ en waves propagating along the magnetic field with the plasmapause as a waveguide. The electron precipitation, superimposed on the heat conduction, could explain multiwavelength continuous STEVE emission. The green picket-fence emissions are likely optical manifestations of electron precipitation associated with wave structures traveling along the plasmapause.

Chu, Xiangning; Malaspina, David; Gallardo-Lacourt, Bea; Liang, Jun; Andersson, Laila; Ma, Qianli; Artemyev, Anton; Liu, Jiang; Ergun, Robert; Thaller, Scott; Akbari, Hassanali; Zhao, Hong; Larsen, Brian; Reeves, Geoffrey; Wygant, John; Breneman, Aaron; Tian, Sheng; Connors, Martin; Donovan, Eric; Archer, William; MacDonald, Elizabeth;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082789

aurora; kinetic Alfven wave; Plasmapause; STEVE; subauroral ion drift; table red auroral arc; Van Allen Probes

Remote Detection of Drift Resonance Between Energetic Electrons and Ultralow Frequency Waves: Multisatellite Coordinated Observation by Arase and Van Allen Probes

We report the electron flux modulations without corresponding magnetic fluctuations from unique multipoint satellite observations of the Arase (Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace) and the Van Allen Probe (Radiation Belt Storm Probe [RBSP])-B satellites. On 30 March 2017, both Arase and RBSP-B observed periodic fluctuations in the relativistic electron flux with energies ranging from 500 keV to 2 MeV when they were located near the magnetic equator in the morning and dusk local time sectors, respectively. Arase did not observe Pc5 pulsations, while they were observed by RBSP-B. The clear dispersion signature of the relativistic electron fluctuations observed by Arase indicates that the source region is limited to the postnoon to the dusk sector. This is confirmed by RBSP-B and ground-magnetometer observations, where Pc5 pulsations are observed to drift-resonate with relativistic electrons on the duskside. Thus, Arase observed the drift-resonance signatures \textquotedblleftremotely,\textquotedblright whereas RBSP-B observed them \textquotedblleftlocally.\textquotedblright

Teramoto, M.; Hori, T.; Saito, S.; Miyoshi, Y.; Kurita, S.; Higashio, N.; Matsuoka, A.; Kasahara, Y.; Kasaba, Y.; Takashima, T.; Nomura, R.; e, Nos\; Fujimoto, A.; Tanaka, Y.-M.; Shoji, M.; Tsugawa, Y.; Shinohara, M.; Shinohara, I.; Blake, J.; Fennell, J.F.; Claudepierre, S.G.; Turner, D.; Kletzing, C.; Sormakov, D.; Troshichev, O.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 11/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084379

Van Allen Probes

The Storm-Time Ring Current Response to ICMEs and CIRs Using Van Allen Probe Observations

Using Van Allen Probe observations of the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and corotating interaction regions (CIRs), we characterize the impact of these drivers on the storm-time ring current development. Using 25 ICME- and 35 CIR-driven storms, we have determined the ring current pressure development during the prestorm, main, early-recovery, and late-recovery storm phases, as a function of magnetic local time, L shell and ion species (H+, He+, and O+) over the 100- to 600-keV energy range. Consistent with previous results, we find that during the storm main phase, most of the ring current pressure in the inner magnetosphere is contributed by particles on open drift paths drifting duskward leading to a strong partial ring current. The largest difference between the ICME and CIR ring current responses during the storm main and early-recovery phases is the difference in the response of the <~55-keV O+ to these drivers. While the H+ pressure response shows similar source and convection patterns for ICME and CIR storms, the O+ pressure response is significantly stronger for ICME storms. The ICME O+ pressure increases more strongly than H+ with decreasing L and peaks at lower L shells than H+.

Mouikis, C.; Bingham, S.; Kistler, L.; Farrugia, C.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Gkioulidou, M.; Mitchell, D.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026695

ICME vs CI; R Ion composition; Ring Current Pressure; Storm phases; Van Allen Probes

The Storm-Time Ring Current Response to ICMEs and CIRs Using Van Allen Probe Observations

Using Van Allen Probe observations of the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and corotating interaction regions (CIRs), we characterize the impact of these drivers on the storm-time ring current development. Using 25 ICME- and 35 CIR-driven storms, we have determined the ring current pressure development during the prestorm, main, early-recovery, and late-recovery storm phases, as a function of magnetic local time, L shell and ion species (H+, He+, and O+) over the 100- to 600-keV energy range. Consistent with previous results, we find that during the storm main phase, most of the ring current pressure in the inner magnetosphere is contributed by particles on open drift paths drifting duskward leading to a strong partial ring current. The largest difference between the ICME and CIR ring current responses during the storm main and early-recovery phases is the difference in the response of the <~55-keV O+ to these drivers. While the H+ pressure response shows similar source and convection patterns for ICME and CIR storms, the O+ pressure response is significantly stronger for ICME storms. The ICME O+ pressure increases more strongly than H+ with decreasing L and peaks at lower L shells than H+.

Mouikis, C.; Bingham, S.; Kistler, L.; Farrugia, C.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Gkioulidou, M.; Mitchell, D.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026695

ICME vs CI; R Ion composition; Ring Current Pressure; Storm phases; Van Allen Probes

Variability of Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients for Plasmaspheric Hiss

In the outer radiation belt, the acceleration and loss of high-energy electrons is largely controlled by wave-particle interactions. Quasilinear diffusion coefficients are an efficient way to capture the small-scale physics of wave-particle interactions due to magnetospheric wave modes such as plasmaspheric hiss. The strength of quasilinear diffusion coefficients as a function of energy and pitch angle depends on both wave parameters and plasma parameters such as ambient magnetic field strength, plasma number density, and composition. For plasmaspheric hiss in the magnetosphere, observations indicate large variations in the wave intensity and wave normal angle, but less is known about the simultaneous variability of the magnetic field and number density. We use in situ measurements from the Van Allen Probe mission to demonstrate the variability of selected factors that control the size and shape of pitch angle diffusion coefficients: wave intensity, magnetic field strength, and electron number density. We then compare with the variability of diffusion coefficients calculated individually from colocated and simultaneous groups of measurements. We show that the distribution of the plasmaspheric hiss diffusion coefficients is highly non-Gaussian with large variance and that the distributions themselves vary strongly across the three phase space bins studied. In most bins studied, the plasmaspheric hiss diffusion coefficients tend to increase with geomagnetic activity, but our results indicate that new approaches that include natural variability may yield improved parameterizations. We suggest methods like stochastic parameterization of wave-particle interactions could use variability information to improve modeling of the outer radiation belt.

Watt, C.; Allison, H.; Meredith, N.; Thompson, R.; Bentley, S.; Rae, I.; Glauert, S.; Horne, R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 10/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026401

empirical; Magnetosphere; parameterization; stochastic; Van Allen Probes; wave-particle interactions

Efficacy of Electric Field Models in Reproducing Observed Ring Current Ion Spectra During Two Geomagnetic Storms

We use the UNH-IMEF, Weimer 1996, and Volland-Stern electric field models along with a dipole magnetic field to calculate drift paths for particles that reach the Van Allen Probes\textquoteright orbit for two inbound passes during two large geomagnetic storms. We compare the particle access in the models with the observed particle access using both realistic and enhanced solar wind model parameters. To test the accuracy of the drift paths, we estimate the H+ charge exchange loss along these drift paths. While increasing the strength of the model electric field drives particles further inward, improving agreement, energy-dependent cutoffs in the spectra do not agree, indicating that potential patterns for highly disturbed times are inaccurate. While none of the models were able to reproduce the observed features of the more dawnward pass during the 17 March 2013 storm, the UNH-IMEF model with enhanced inputs was able to adequately reproduce the access, charge exchange loss, and H+ particle pressure during the 17 March 2015 storm.

Menz, A.M.; Kistler, L.M.; Mouikis, C.G.; Matsui, H.; Spence, H.E.; Thaller, S.A.; Wygant, J.R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026683

Van Allen Probes

Efficacy of Electric Field Models in Reproducing Observed Ring Current Ion Spectra During Two Geomagnetic Storms

We use the UNH-IMEF, Weimer 1996, and Volland-Stern electric field models along with a dipole magnetic field to calculate drift paths for particles that reach the Van Allen Probes\textquoteright orbit for two inbound passes during two large geomagnetic storms. We compare the particle access in the models with the observed particle access using both realistic and enhanced solar wind model parameters. To test the accuracy of the drift paths, we estimate the H+ charge exchange loss along these drift paths. While increasing the strength of the model electric field drives particles further inward, improving agreement, energy-dependent cutoffs in the spectra do not agree, indicating that potential patterns for highly disturbed times are inaccurate. While none of the models were able to reproduce the observed features of the more dawnward pass during the 17 March 2013 storm, the UNH-IMEF model with enhanced inputs was able to adequately reproduce the access, charge exchange loss, and H+ particle pressure during the 17 March 2015 storm.

Menz, A.M.; Kistler, L.M.; Mouikis, C.G.; Matsui, H.; Spence, H.E.; Thaller, S.A.; Wygant, J.R.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 09/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026683

Van Allen Probes

Lightning Contribution to Overall Whistler Mode Wave Intensities in the Plasmasphere

Electromagnetic waves generated by lightning propagate into the plasmasphere as dispersed whistlers. They can therefore influence the overall wave intensity in space, which, in turn, is important for dynamics of the Van Allen radiation belts. We analyze spacecraft measurements in low-Earth orbit as well as in high-altitude equatorial region, together with a ground-based estimate of lightning activity. We accumulate wave intensities when the spacecraft are magnetically connected to thunderstorms and compare them with measurements obtained when thunderstorms are absent. We show that strong lightning activity substantially affects the wave intensity in a wide range of L-shells and altitudes. The effect is observed mainly between 500 Hz and 4 kHz, but its frequency range strongly varies with L-shell, extending up to 12 kHz for L lower than 3. The effect is stronger in the afternoon, evening, and night sectors, consistent with more lightning and easier wave propagation through the ionosphere.

ahlava, J.; emec, F.; Santolik, O.; a, Kolma\v; Hospodarsky, G.; Parrot, M.; Kurth, W.; Kletzing, C.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 07/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL083918

DEMETER; Lightning; Van Allen Probes; whistler mode; WWLLN

Statistical Distribution of Whistler Mode Waves in the Radiation Belts With Large Magnetic Field Amplitudes and Comparison to Large Electric Field Amplitudes

We present a statistical analysis with 100\% duty cycle and non-time-averaged amplitudes of the prevalence and distribution of high-amplitude >50-pT whistler mode waves in the outer radiation belt using 5 years of Van Allen Probes data. Whistler mode waves with high magnetic field amplitudes are most common above L=4.5 and between magnetic local time of 0\textendash14 where they are present approximately 1\textendash6\% of the time. During high geomagnetic activity, high-amplitude whistler mode wave occurrence rises above 25\% in some regions. The dayside population are more common during quiet or moderate geomagnetic activity and occur primarily >5\textdegree from the magnetic equator, while the night-to-dawn population are enhanced during active times and are primarily within 5\textdegree of the magnetic equator. These results are different from the distribution of electric field peaks discussed in our previous paper covering the same time period and spatial range. Our previous study found large-amplitude electric field peaks were common down to L=3.5 and were largely absent from afternoon and near noon. The different distribution of large electric and magnetic field amplitudes implies that the low-L component of whistler mode waves observed previously are primarily highly oblique, while the dayside and high-L populations are primarily field aligned. These results have important implications for modeling radiation belt particle interactions with chorus, as large-amplitude waves interact nonlinearly with electrons, resulting in rapid energization, de-energization, or pitch angle scattering. This also may provide clues regarding the mechanisms which can cause significant whistler mode wave growth up to more than 100 times the average wave amplitude.

Tyler, E.; Breneman, A.; Cattell, C.; Wygant, J.; Thaller, S.; Malaspina, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 07/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026913

Magnetosphere; magnetospheric chorus; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes; whistler wave

Statistical Distribution of Whistler Mode Waves in the Radiation Belts With Large Magnetic Field Amplitudes and Comparison to Large Electric Field Amplitudes

We present a statistical analysis with 100\% duty cycle and non-time-averaged amplitudes of the prevalence and distribution of high-amplitude >50-pT whistler mode waves in the outer radiation belt using 5 years of Van Allen Probes data. Whistler mode waves with high magnetic field amplitudes are most common above L=4.5 and between magnetic local time of 0\textendash14 where they are present approximately 1\textendash6\% of the time. During high geomagnetic activity, high-amplitude whistler mode wave occurrence rises above 25\% in some regions. The dayside population are more common during quiet or moderate geomagnetic activity and occur primarily >5\textdegree from the magnetic equator, while the night-to-dawn population are enhanced during active times and are primarily within 5\textdegree of the magnetic equator. These results are different from the distribution of electric field peaks discussed in our previous paper covering the same time period and spatial range. Our previous study found large-amplitude electric field peaks were common down to L=3.5 and were largely absent from afternoon and near noon. The different distribution of large electric and magnetic field amplitudes implies that the low-L component of whistler mode waves observed previously are primarily highly oblique, while the dayside and high-L populations are primarily field aligned. These results have important implications for modeling radiation belt particle interactions with chorus, as large-amplitude waves interact nonlinearly with electrons, resulting in rapid energization, de-energization, or pitch angle scattering. This also may provide clues regarding the mechanisms which can cause significant whistler mode wave growth up to more than 100 times the average wave amplitude.

Tyler, E.; Breneman, A.; Cattell, C.; Wygant, J.; Thaller, S.; Malaspina, D.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 07/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026913

Magnetosphere; magnetospheric chorus; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes; whistler wave

Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion Composition

We analyze a database of Dynamics Explorer-1 (DE-1) Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer densities and temperatures to yield the first explicit measure of how cold ion concentration depends on temperature. We find that cold H+ and He+ concentrations have very weak dependence on temperature, but cold O+ ion concentration increases steeply as these ions become warmer. We demonstrate how this result can aid in analyzing composition data from other satellites without spacecraft potential mitigation, by applying the result to an example using data from the Van Allen Probes mission. Measurement of light ion concentrations above 1 electron volt (eV) are a reasonable proxy for the concentrations of colder (eV) ions. Warmer O+ ion concentrations may be extrapolated to colder temperatures using our fit to the statistical distribution versus temperature.

Goldstein, J.; Gallagher, D.; Craven, P.; Comfort, R.; Genestreti, K.; Mouikis, C.; Spence, H.; Kurth, W.; Wygant, J.; Skoug, R.; Larsen, B.; Reeves, G.; De Pascuale, S.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 07/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026822

composition; plasmasphere: ion; temperature; Van Allen Probes

Variability of the Proton Radiation Belt

Significant steady but slow variability of radiation belt proton intensity, in the energy range \~19\textendash200 MeV and for L<2.4, has been observed in an empirical model derived from data taken by Van Allen Probes during 2013\textendash2019. It is compared to predictions of a theoretical model based on measured initial and boundary conditions. Two aspects of the variability are considered in detail and require adjustments to model parameters. Observed inward transport of proton intensity maxima near L=1.9 and associated increasing intensity are caused in the model by inward radial diffusion from an external source while conserving the first two adiabatic invariants. The diffusion coefficient is constrained by these observations and is required to have increased near the start of 2015 by a factor \~2. Observed decay of proton intensity at L<1.6 can be caused only in part by energy loss to free and bound electrons in the local plasma and neutral atmosphere. Another, unknown loss mechanism is required to match observed proton decay rates as a function of energy. Accounting for the expected influence of slow radial diffusion at low L, the additional loss should have a mean lifetime near 22 years, independent of L and energy in the range \~19\textendash70 MeV. Several candidate loss mechanisms are considered\textemdashadded plasma or neutral density, elastic Coulomb scattering, plasma wave scattering, field-line curvature scattering, and collision with orbital debris\textemdashbut none are found viable.

Selesnick, R.; Albert, J.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 07/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026754

protons; radial diffusion; Radiation belt; Van Allen Probes

The Evolution of a Pitch-Angle \textquotedblleftBite-Out\textquotedblright Scattering Signature Caused by EMIC Wave Activity: A Case Study

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves are understood to be one of the dominant drivers of relativistic electron loss from Earth\textquoterights radiation belts. Theory predicts that the associated gyroresonant wave-particle interaction results in a distinct energy-dependent \textquotedblleftbite-out\textquotedblright signature in the normalized flux distribution of electrons as they are scattered into the loss cone. We identify such signatures along with the responsible EMIC waves captured in situ by the Van Allen Probes on 15\textendash16 February 2017. Using the cold plasma approximation, we predict the pitch-angle cutoffs for the scattering signature for the captured EMIC wave and find it in good agreement with the observed electron bite-out scattering signature. Employing the close conjunction between the Van Allen Probes and THEMIS during this time, we explore the temporal and spatial evolution of the scattering signature, as well as the surrounding wave activity, and find that the scattering signature formed during continued wave activity over a period less than a day. These results are consistent with wave-particle interaction theory and support the hypothesis that EMIC waves are an important mechanism for rapid relativistic electron loss from the radiation belts.

Bingley, L.; Angelopoulos, V.; Sibeck, D.; Zhang, X.; Halford, A.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 06/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026292

Van Allen Probes

Ion Heating by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Magnetosonic Waves in the Earth\textquoterights Inner Magnetosphere

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and magnetosonic waves are commonly observed in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere associated with enhanced ring current activity. Using wave and ion measurements from the Van Allen Probes, we identify clear correlations between the hydrogen- and helium-band EMIC waves with the enhancement of trapped helium and oxygen ion fluxes, respectively. We calculate the diffusion coefficients of different ion species using quasi-linear theory to understand the effects of resonant scattering by EMIC waves. Our calculations indicate that EMIC waves can cause pitch angle scattering loss of several keV to hundreds of keV ions, and heating of tens of eV to several keV helium and oxygen ions by hydrogen- and helium-band EMIC waves, respectively. Moreover, we found that magnetosonic waves can cause the resonant heating of thermal protons. Our study indicates the importance of energy transfer from the EMIC and magnetosonic waves to ions with different species at thermal energies.

Ma, Q.; Li, W.; Yue, C.; Thorne, R.; Bortnik, J.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Hospodarsky, G.; Reeves, G.; Spence, H.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 06/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL083513

electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves; Ion heating; Quasilinear modeling; Resonant interaction in plasmasphere; ring current; Van Allen Probes; Van Allen Probes observation

Nonlinear Electron Interaction With Intense Chorus Waves: Statistics of Occurrence Rates

A comprehensive statistical analysis on 8 years of lower-band chorus wave packets measured by the Van Allen Probes and THEMIS spacecraft is performed to examine whether, when, and where these waves are above the theoretical threshold for nonlinear resonant wave-particle interaction. We find that \~5\textendash30\% of all chorus waves interact nonlinearly with \~30- to 300-keV electrons possessing equatorial pitch angles of >40\textdegree in the outer radiation belt, especially during disturbed (AE>500 nT) periods with energetic particles associated with injections from the plasma sheet. Such considerable occurrence rates of nonlinear interactions imply that the evolution of energetic electron fluxes should be dominated by nonlinear effects, rather than by quasi-linear diffusion as commonly assumed. We discuss the possible consequences of such a large amount of high-amplitude chorus waves and examine their characteristics that can influence the efficiency of nonlinear wave-particle interactions.

Zhang, X.-J.; Mourenas, D.; Artemyev, A.; Angelopoulos, V.; Bortnik, J.; Thorne, R.; Kurth, W.; Kletzing, C.; Hospodarsky, G.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 06/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL083833

chorus waves; Electron acceleration; nonlinear wave particle interaction; THEMIS; Van Allen Probes; wave packet size

Diffuse Auroral Electron and Ion Precipitation Effects on RCM-E Comparisons with Satellite Data During the March 17, 2013 Storm

Effects of scattering of electrons from whistler chorus waves and of ions due to field line curvature on diffuse precipitating particle fluxes and ionospheric conductance during the large 17 March 2013 storm are examined using the self-consistent Rice Convection Model Equilibrium (RCM-E) model. Electrons are found to dominate the diffuse precipitating particle integrated energy flux, with large fluxes from ~21:00 magnetic local time (MLT) eastward to ~11:00 MLT during the storm main phase. Simulated proton and oxygen ion precipitation due to field line curvature scattering is sporadic and localized, occurring where model magnetic field lines are significantly stretched on the night side at equatorial geocentric radial distances r0 ≳8 RE and/or at r0 ~5.5 to 6.5 RE from dusk to midnight where the partial ring current field has perturbed the magnetic field. The precipitating protons likewise contribute sporadically to the storm time Hall and Pedersen conductance in localized regions whereas the precipitating electrons are the dominate storm time contributor to enhanced Hall and Pedersen conductance at auroral magnetic latitudes on the night and morning side. The RCM-E model can reproduce general features of the Van Allen Probe/MagEIS observed trapped electron differential flux spectrograms over energies of ~37 to 150 keV. The simulations with a parameterized electron loss model also reproduce reasonably well the storm time Defense Meteorological Satellite Program integrated electron energy flux at 850 km at satellite crossings from predawn to midmorning. However, model-data agreement is not as good from dusk to premidnight where there are large uncertainties in the electron loss model.

Chen, Margaret; Lemon, Colby; Hecht, James; Sazykin, Stanislav; Wolf, Richard; Boyd, Alexander; Valek, Philip;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026545

diffuse aurora; electron and ion precipitation; field-line curvature scattering; inner magnetospheric electric field; ionospheric conductance; simulations and data comparisons; Van Allen Probes

Diffuse Auroral Electron and Ion Precipitation Effects on RCM-E Comparisons with Satellite Data During the March 17, 2013 Storm

Effects of scattering of electrons from whistler chorus waves and of ions due to field line curvature on diffuse precipitating particle fluxes and ionospheric conductance during the large 17 March 2013 storm are examined using the self-consistent Rice Convection Model Equilibrium (RCM-E) model. Electrons are found to dominate the diffuse precipitating particle integrated energy flux, with large fluxes from ~21:00 magnetic local time (MLT) eastward to ~11:00 MLT during the storm main phase. Simulated proton and oxygen ion precipitation due to field line curvature scattering is sporadic and localized, occurring where model magnetic field lines are significantly stretched on the night side at equatorial geocentric radial distances r0 ≳8 RE and/or at r0 ~5.5 to 6.5 RE from dusk to midnight where the partial ring current field has perturbed the magnetic field. The precipitating protons likewise contribute sporadically to the storm time Hall and Pedersen conductance in localized regions whereas the precipitating electrons are the dominate storm time contributor to enhanced Hall and Pedersen conductance at auroral magnetic latitudes on the night and morning side. The RCM-E model can reproduce general features of the Van Allen Probe/MagEIS observed trapped electron differential flux spectrograms over energies of ~37 to 150 keV. The simulations with a parameterized electron loss model also reproduce reasonably well the storm time Defense Meteorological Satellite Program integrated electron energy flux at 850 km at satellite crossings from predawn to midmorning. However, model-data agreement is not as good from dusk to premidnight where there are large uncertainties in the electron loss model.

Chen, Margaret; Lemon, Colby; Hecht, James; Sazykin, Stanislav; Wolf, Richard; Boyd, Alexander; Valek, Philip;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026545

diffuse aurora; electron and ion precipitation; field-line curvature scattering; inner magnetospheric electric field; ionospheric conductance; simulations and data comparisons; Van Allen Probes

Epoch-Based Model for Stormtime Plasmapause Location

The output of a plasmapause test particle (PTP) code is used to formulate a new epoch-based plasmapause model. The PTP simulation is run for an ensemble of 60 storms spanning 3 September 2012 to 28 September 2017 and having peak Dst of -60 nT or less, yielding over 7 million model plasmapause locations. Events are automatically identified and epoch times calculated relative to the respective storm peaks. Epoch analysis of the simulated plasmapause is demonstrated to be an effective method to reveal the dynamical phases of plume formation and evolution. The plasmapause radius is found to be strongly correlated with positive solar wind electric field. The epoch-binned PTP data are used to create the first analytical model of the plasmapause that explicitly includes plumes. We obtain this result by employing as basis functions our derived exact solutions for the Volland-Stern convection potential. The analytical plasmapause model depends on epoch time, for moderate and strong storms, and is specified by three main parameters: the duskside plasmapause radius and two tuning coefficients. The epoch-based analytical model is shown to agree to within 0.5 RE with nightside in situ plasmapause crossings by the Van Allen Probes on 17 March 2015. Compared to dayside plume crossings on 26 June 2000, the model agrees within 0.7 RE of radius and 0.8 RE azimuthal distance. This level of agreement is comparable to that achieved by the full dynamic PTP simulation.

Goldstein, J.; De Pascuale, S.; Kurth, W.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA025996

epoch-based model; Plasmapause; plasmasphere; plume; Van Allen Probes

Generation of EMIC Waves and Effects on Particle Precipitation During a Solar Wind Pressure Intensification with B z >

During geomagnetic storms, some fraction of the solar wind energy is coupled via reconnection at the dayside magnetopause, a process that requires a southward interplanetary magnetic field Bz. Through a complex sequence of events, some of this energy ultimately drives the generation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, which can then scatter energetic electrons and ions from the radiation belts. In the event described in this paper, the interplanetary magnetic field remained northward throughout the event, a condition unfavorable for solar wind energy coupling through low-latitude reconnection. While this resulted in SYM/H remaining positive throughout the event (so this may not be considered a storm, in spite of the very high solar wind densities), pressure fluctuations were directly transferred into and then propagated throughout the magnetosphere, generating EMIC waves on global scales. The generation mechanism presumably involved the development of temperature anisotropies via perpendicular pressure perturbations, as evidenced by strong correlations between the pressure variations and the intensifications of the waves globally. Electron precipitation was recorded by the Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses balloons, although it did not have the same widespread signatures as the waves and, in fact, appears to have been quite patchy in character. Observations from Van Allen Probe A satellite (at postmidnight local time) showed clear butterfly distributions, and it may be possible that the EMIC waves contributed to the development of these distribution functions. Ion precipitation was also recorded by the Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite satellites, though tended to be confined to the dawn-dusk meridians.

Lessard, Marc; Paulson, Kristoff; Spence, Harlan; Weaver, Carol; Engebretson, Mark; Millan, Robyn; Woodger, Leslie; Halford, Alexa; Horne, Richard; Rodger, Craig; Hendry, Aaron;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026477

Van Allen Probes

Investigating Loss of Relativistic Electrons Associated With EMIC Waves at Low L Values on 22 June 2015

In this study, rapid loss of relativistic radiation belt electrons at low L* values (2.4\textendash3.2) during a strong geomagnetic storm on 22 June 2015 is investigated along with five possible loss mechanisms. Both the particle and wave data are obtained from the Van Allen Probes. Duskside H+ band electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves were observed during a rapid decrease of relativistic electrons with energy above 5.2 MeV occurring outside the plasmasphere during extreme magnetopause compression. Lower He+ composition and enriched O+ composition are found compared to typical values assumed in other studies of cyclotron resonant scattering of relativistic electrons by EMIC waves. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that even with the existence of He+ band EMIC waves, it is the H+ band EMIC waves that are likely to cause the depletion at small pitch angles and strong gradients in pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons with energy above 5.2 MeV at low L values for this event. Very low frequency wave activity at other magnetic local time can be favorable for the loss of relativistic electrons at higher pitch angles. An illustrative calculation that combines the nominal pitch angle scattering rate due to whistler mode chorus at high pitch angles with the H+ band EMIC wave loss rate at low pitch angles produces loss on time scale observed at L=2.4\textendash3.2. At high L values and lower energies, radial loss to the magnetopause is a viable explanation.

Qin, Murong; Hudson, Mary; Li, Zhao; Millan, Robyn; Shen, Xiaochen; Shprits, Yuri; Woodger, Leslie; Jaynes, Allison; Kletzing, Craig;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 05/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA025726

cold ion composition; EMIC wave; minimum resonant energy; pitch angle diffusion; quasi-linear theory; relativistic electron loss; Van Allen Probes

Cyclotron Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons Through Landau Resonance With Obliquely Propagating Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions

Efficient acceleration of relativistic electrons at Landau resonance with obliquely propagating whistler-mode chorus emissions is confirmed by theory, simulation, and observation. The acceleration is due to the perpendicular component of the wave electric field. We first review theoretical analysis of nonlinear motion of resonant electrons interacting with obliquely propagating whistler-mode chorus. We have derived formulae of inhomogeneity factors for Landau and cyclotron resonances to analyze nonlinear wave trapping of energetic electrons by an obliquely propagating chorus element. We performed test particle simulations to confirm that nonlinear wave trapping by both Landau and cyclotron resonances can take place for a wide range of energies. For an element of large amplitude chorus waves observed by the Van Allen Probes, we have performed detailed analyses of the wave form data based on theoretical framework of nonlinear trapping of resonant electrons. We compare the efficiencies of accelerations by cyclotron and Landau resonances. We find significant acceleration can take place both in Landau and cyclotron resonances. What controls the dynamics of relativistic electrons in the Landau resonance is the perpendicular field components rather than the parallel electric field of the oblique chorus wave. In evaluating the efficiency of nonlinear trapping, we have taken into account variation of the wave trapping potential structure controlled by the inhomogeneity factors.

Omura, Yoshiharu; Hsieh, Yi-Kai; Foster, John; Erickson, Philip; Kletzing, Craig; Baker, Daniel;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026374

inner magnetosphere; nonlinear process; Radiation belts; relativistic electrons; Van Allen Probes; wave particle interaction; whistler-mode chorus

Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the inner magnetosphere on 11 September 2017

In this study, access of solar energetic protons to the inner magnetosphere on 11 September 2017 is investigated by computing the reverse particle trajectories with the Dartmouth geomagnetic cutoff code [Kress et al., 2010]. The maximum and minimum cutoff rigidity at each point along the orbit of Van Allen Probe A is numerically computed by extending the code to calculate cutoff rigidity for particles coming from arbitrary direction. Pulse-height analyzed (PHA) data has the advantage of providing individual particle energies and effectively excluding background high energy proton contamination. This technique is adopted to study the cutoff locations for solar protons with different energy. The results demonstrate that cutoff latitude is lower for solar protons with higher energy, consistent with low altitude vertical cutoffs. Both the observations and numerical results show that proton access into the inner magnetosphere depends strongly on angle between particle arrival direction and magnetic west. The numerical result is approximately consistent with the observation that the energy of almost all solar protons stays above the minimum cutoff rigidity.

Qin, Murong; Hudson, Mary; Kress, Brian; Selesnick, Richard; Engel, Miles; Li, Zhao; Shen, Xiaochen;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026380

cutoff energy; cutoff location; Dartmouth geomagnetic cutoff code; Pulse height analyzed data; Solar proton; straggling function; Van Allen Probes

Observational evidence of the drift-mirror plasma instability in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere

We report on evidence for the generation of an ultra-low frequency plasma wave by the drift-mirror plasma instability in the dynamic plasma environment of Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere. The plasma measurements are obtained from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment onboard NASA\textquoterights Van Allen Probes Satellites. We show that the measured wave-particle interactions are driven by the drift-mirror instability. Theoretical analysis of the data demonstrates that the drift-mirror mode plasma instability condition is well satisfied. We also demonstrate, for the first time, that the measured wave growth rate agrees well with the predicted linear theory growth rate. Hence, the in-situ space plasma observations and theoretical analysis demonstrate that local generation of ultra-low frequency and high amplitude plasma waves can occur in the high beta plasma conditions of Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere.

Soto-Chavez, A.; Lanzerotti, L.; Manweiler, J.; Gerrard, A.; Cohen, R.; Xia, Z.; Chen, L.; Kim, H.;

Published by: Physics of Plasmas      Published on: 04/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1063/1.5083629

Van Allen Probes

The Relationship Between EMIC Wave Properties and Proton Distributions Based on Van Allen Probes Observations

Plasma kinetic theory predicts that sufficiently anisotropic proton distribution will excite electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, which in turn relax the proton distribution to a marginally stable state creating an upper bound on the relaxed proton anisotropy. Here, using EMIC wave observations and coincident plasma measurements made by Van Allen Probes in the inner magnetosphere, we show that the proton distributions are well constrained by this instability to a marginally stable state. Near the threshold, the probability of EMIC wave occurrence is highest, having left-handed polarization and observed near the magnetic equator with relatively small wave normal angles, indicating that these waves are locally generated. In addition, EMIC waves are distributed in two magnetic local time regions with different intensity. Compared with helium band waves, hydrogen band waves behave similarly except that they are often observed in low-density regions. These results reveal several important features regarding EMIC waves excitation and propagation.

Yue, Chao; Jun, Chae-Woo; Bortnik, Jacob; An, Xin; Ma, Qianli; Reeves, Geoffrey; Spence, Harlan; Gerrard, Andrew; Gkioulidou, Matina; Mitchell, Donald; Kletzing, Craig;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 04/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082633

EMIC waves; helium-band; hydrogen-band; plasma beta; proton temperature anisotropy; Van Allen Probes

Shorting Factor In-Flight Calibration for the Van Allen Probes DC Electric Field Measurements in the Earth\textquoterights Plasmasphere

Satellite-based direct electric field measurements deliver crucial information for space science studies. Yet they require meticulous design and calibration. In-flight calibration of double-probe instruments is usually presented in the most common case of tenuous plasmas, where the presence of an electrostatic structure surrounding the charged spacecraft alters the geophysical electric field measurements. To account for this effect and the uncertainty in the boom length, the measured electric field is multiplied by a parameter called the shorting factor (sf). In the plasmasphere, the Debye length is very small in comparison with spacecraft dimension, and there is no shorting of the electric field measurements (sf = 1). However, the electric field induced by spacecraft motion greatly exceeds any geophysical electric field of interest in the plasmasphere. Thus, the highest level of accuracy in calibration is required. The objective of this work is to discuss the accuracy of the setting sf = 1 and therefore to examine the accuracy of Van Allen Probes electric field measurements below L = 2. We introduce a method to determine the shorting factor near perigee. It relies on the idea that the value of the geophysical electric field measured in the Earth\textquoterights rotating frame of reference is independent of whether the spacecraft is approaching perigee or past perigee, that is, it is independent of spacecraft velocity. We obtain that sf = 0.994 \textpm 0.001. The resulting margins of errors in individual electric drift measurements are of the order of \textpm0.1\% of spacecraft velocity (a few meters per second).

Lejosne, Solène; Mozer, F.;

Published by: Earth and Space Science      Published on: 04/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018EA000550

DC electric field; double probe instrument; electric drift; plasmasphere; shorting factor; Van Allen Probes

Statistical Study of Selective Oxygen Increase in High-Energy Ring Current Ions During Magnetic Storms

Ion transport from the plasma sheet to the ring current is the main cause of the development of the ring current. Energetic (>150 keV) ring current ions are known to be transported diffusively in several days. A recent study suggested that energetic oxygen ions are transported closer to the Earth than protons due to the diffusive transport caused by a combination of the drift and drift-bounce resonances with Pc 3\textendash5 ultralow frequency waves during the 24 April 2013 magnetic storm. To understand the occurrence conditions of such selective oxygen increase (SOI), we investigate the phase space densities (PSDs) between protons and oxygen ions with the first adiabatic invariants (μ) of 0.1\textendash2.0 keV/nT measured by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment instrument on the Van Allen Probes at L ~ 3\textendash6 during 90 magnetic storms in 2013\textendash2017. We identified the SOI events in which oxygen PSDs increase while proton PSDs do not increase during a period of ~9 hr (one orbital period). Among the 90 magnetic storms, 33\% were accompanied by the SOI events. Global enhancements of Pc 4 and Pc 5 waves observed by ground magnetometers during the SOI events suggest that radial transport due to combination of the drift-bounce resonance with Pc 4 oscillations and the drift resonance with Pc 5 oscillations can be the cause of SOIs. The contribution of the SOI events to the magnetic storm intensity is roughly estimated to be ~9\% on average.

Mitani, K.; Seki, K.; Keika, K.; Gkioulidou, M.; Lanzerotti, L.; Mitchell, D.; Kletzing, C.; Yoshikawa, A.; Obana, Y.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 04/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026168

Magnetic Storms; Oxygen ions; ring current; Van Allen Probes

EMIC Wave-Driven Bounce Resonance Scattering of Energetic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere

While electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves have been long studied as a scattering mechanism for ultrarelativistic (megaelectron volt) electrons via cyclotron-resonant interactions, these waves are also of the right frequency to resonate with the bounce motion of lower-energy (approximately tens to hundreds of kiloelectron volts) electrons. Here we investigate the effectiveness of this bounce resonance interaction to better determine the effects of EMIC waves on subrelativistic electron populations in Earth\textquoterights inner magnetosphere. Using wave and plasma parameters directly measured by the Van Allen Probes, we estimate bounce resonance diffusion coefficients for four different events, illustrative of wave and plasma parameters to be encountered in the inner magnetosphere. The range of electron energies and pitch angles affected is examined to better assess the realistic effects of EMIC-driven bounce resonance on energetic electron populations based on actual, locally observed event-based parameters. Significant local diffusion coefficients (~ > 10-6 s-1) for 50- to 100-keV electrons are achieved for both H+ band wave events as well as He+ band, with diffusion coefficients peaking for near-90\textdegree pitch angles but remaining elevated for intermediate ones as well. Diffusion coefficients for higher-energy 200-keV electrons are typically multiple orders of magnitude lower (ranging from 10-11 to 10-6 s-1) and often peak at lower pitch angles (~20\textendash30\textdegree). These results suggest that both H+ and He+ band EMIC waves can play a role in shaping lower-energy electron dynamics via bounce-resonant interactions, in addition to their role in relativistic electron loss via cyclotron resonance.

Blum, L.W.; Artemyev, A.; Agapitov, O.; Mourenas, D.; Boardsen, S.; Schiller, Q.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026427

bounce resonance; EMIC wave; energetic electrons; Radiation belts; Van Allen Probes

Energetic Electron Precipitation: Multievent Analysis of Its Spatial Extent During EMIC Wave Activity

Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves can drive precipitation of tens of keV protons and relativistic electrons, and are a potential candidate for causing radiation belt flux dropouts. In this study, we quantitatively analyze three cases of EMIC-driven precipitation, which occurred near the dusk sector observed by multiple Low-Earth-Orbiting (LEO) Polar Operational Environmental Satellites/Meteorological Operational satellite programme (POES/MetOp) satellites. During EMIC wave activity, the proton precipitation occurred from few tens of keV up to hundreds of keV, while the electron precipitation was mainly at relativistic energies. We compare observations of electron precipitation with calculations using quasi-linear theory. For all cases, we consider the effects of other magnetospheric waves observed simultaneously with EMIC waves, namely, plasmaspheric hiss and magnetosonic waves, and find that the electron precipitation at MeV energies was predominantly caused by EMIC-driven pitch angle scattering. Interestingly, each precipitation event observed by a LEO satellite extended over a limited L shell region (ΔL ~ 0.3 on average), suggesting that the pitch angle scattering caused by EMIC waves occurs only when favorable conditions are met, likely in a localized region. Furthermore, we take advantage of the LEO constellation to explore the occurrence of precipitation at different L shells and magnetic local time sectors, simultaneously with EMIC wave observations near the equator (detected by Van Allen Probes) or at the ground (measured by magnetometers). Our analysis shows that although EMIC waves drove precipitation only in a narrow ΔL, electron precipitation was triggered at various locations as identified by POES/MetOp over a rather broad region (up to ~4.4 hr MLT and ~1.4 L shells) with similar patterns between satellites.

Capannolo, L.; Li, W.; Ma, Q.; Shen, X.-C.; Zhang, X.-J.; Redmon, R.; Rodriguez, J.; Engebretson, M.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Hospodarsky, G.; Spence, H.; Reeves, G.; Raita, T.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 03/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026291

EMIC waves; energetic electron precipitation; pitch angle scattering; quasi-linear theory; radiation belts dropouts; Van Allen Probes

Quantification of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Plume Whistler Mode Waves, Plasmaspheric Hiss, and Exohiss

Whistler mode waves are important for precipitating energetic electrons into Earth\textquoterights upper atmosphere, while the quantitative effect of each type of whistler mode wave on electron precipitation is not well understood. In this letter, we evaluate energetic electron precipitation driven by three types of whistler mode waves: plume whistler mode waves, plasmaspheric hiss, and exohiss observed outside the plasmapause. By quantitatively analyzing three conjunction events between Van Allen Probes and POES/MetOp satellites, together with quasi-linear calculation, we found that plume whistler mode waves are most effective in pitch angle scattering loss, particularly for the electrons from tens to hundreds of keV. Our new finding provides the first direct evidence of effective pitch angle scattering driven by plume whistler mode waves and is critical for understanding energetic electron loss process in the inner magnetosphere. We suggest the effect of plume whistler mode waves be accurately incorporated into future radiation belt modeling.

Li, W.; Shen, X.-C.; Ma, Q.; Capannolo, L.; Shi, R.; Redmon, R.; Rodriguez, J.; Reeves, G.; Kletzing, C.; Kurth, W.; Hospodarsky, G.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 03/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082095

electron precipitation; hiss; plasmaspheric plume; Plume wave; Van Allen Probes; whistler mode wave

Contribution of ULF wave activity to the global recovery of the outer radiation belt during the passage of a high-speed solar wind stream observed in September 2014

Energy coupling between the solar wind and the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere can affect the electron population in the outer radiation belt. However, the precise role of different internal and external mechanisms that leads to changes of the relativistic electron population is not entirely known. This paper describes how Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) wave activity during the passage of Alfv\ enic solar wind streams contributes to the global recovery of the relativistic electron population in the outer radiation belt. To investigate the contribution of the ULF waves, we searched the Van Allen Probes data for a period in which we can clearly distinguish the enhancement of electron fluxes from the background. We found that the global recovery that started on September 22, 2014, which coincides with the corotating interaction region preceding a high-speed stream and the occurrence of persistent substorm activity, provides an excellent scenario to explore the contribution of ULF waves. To support our analyses, we employed ground and space-based observational data, global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, and calculated the ULF wave radial diffusion coefficients employing an empirical model. Observations show a gradual increase of electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt and a concomitant enhancement of ULF activity that spreads from higher to lower L-shells. MHD simulation results agree with observed ULF wave activity in the magnetotail, which leads to both fast and Alfv\ en modes in the magnetospheric nightside sector. The observations agree with the empirical model and are confirmed by Phase Space Density (PhSD) calculations for this global recovery period.

Da Silva, L.; Sibeck, D.; Alves, L.; Souza, V.; Jauer, P.; Claudepierre, S.; Marchezi, J.; Agapitov, O.; Medeiros, C.; Vieira, L.; Wang, C.; Jiankui, S.; Liu, Z.; Gonzalez, W.; Dal Lago, A.; Rockenbach, M.; Padua, M.; Alves, M.; Barbosa, M.; Fok, M.-C.; Baker, D.; Kletzing, C.; Kanekal, S.; Georgiou, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026184

alfv\ en fluctuations; Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere; high speed stream; Radiation belts; relativistic electron flux; ULF wave; Van Allen Probes

Contribution of ULF wave activity to the global recovery of the outer radiation belt during the passage of a high-speed solar wind stream observed in September 2014

Energy coupling between the solar wind and the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere can affect the electron population in the outer radiation belt. However, the precise role of different internal and external mechanisms that leads to changes of the relativistic electron population is not entirely known. This paper describes how Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) wave activity during the passage of Alfv\ enic solar wind streams contributes to the global recovery of the relativistic electron population in the outer radiation belt. To investigate the contribution of the ULF waves, we searched the Van Allen Probes data for a period in which we can clearly distinguish the enhancement of electron fluxes from the background. We found that the global recovery that started on September 22, 2014, which coincides with the corotating interaction region preceding a high-speed stream and the occurrence of persistent substorm activity, provides an excellent scenario to explore the contribution of ULF waves. To support our analyses, we employed ground and space-based observational data, global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, and calculated the ULF wave radial diffusion coefficients employing an empirical model. Observations show a gradual increase of electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt and a concomitant enhancement of ULF activity that spreads from higher to lower L-shells. MHD simulation results agree with observed ULF wave activity in the magnetotail, which leads to both fast and Alfv\ en modes in the magnetospheric nightside sector. The observations agree with the empirical model and are confirmed by Phase Space Density (PhSD) calculations for this global recovery period.

Da Silva, L.; Sibeck, D.; Alves, L.; Souza, V.; Jauer, P.; Claudepierre, S.; Marchezi, J.; Agapitov, O.; Medeiros, C.; Vieira, L.; Wang, C.; Jiankui, S.; Liu, Z.; Gonzalez, W.; Dal Lago, A.; Rockenbach, M.; Padua, M.; Alves, M.; Barbosa, M.; Fok, M.-C.; Baker, D.; Kletzing, C.; Kanekal, S.; Georgiou, M.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026184

alfv\ en fluctuations; Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere; high speed stream; Radiation belts; relativistic electron flux; ULF wave; Van Allen Probes

The dynamics of Van Allen belts revisited

Shprits, Yuri; Horne, Richard; Kellerman, Adam; Drozdov, Alexander;

Published by: Nature Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1038/nphys4350

Van Allen Probes

Electron intensity measurements by the Cluster/RAPID/IES instrument in Earth\textquoterights radiation belts and ring current

The Cluster mission, launched in 2000, has produced a large database of electron flux intensity measurements in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere by the Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detector (RAPID)/ Imaging Electron Spectrometer (IES) instrument. However, due to background contamination of the data with high-energy electrons (<400 keV) and inner-zone protons (230-630 keV) in the radiation belts and ring current, the data have been rarely used for inner-magnetospheric science. The current paper presents two algorithms for background correction. The first algorithm is based on the empirical contamination percentages by both protons and electrons. The second algorithm uses simultaneous proton observations. The efficiencies of these algorithms are demonstrated by comparison of the corrected Cluster/RAPID/IES data with Van Allen Probes/Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) measurements for 2012-2015. Both techniques improved the IES electron data in the radiation belts and ring current, as the yearly averaged flux intensities of the two missions show the ratio of measurements close to 1. We demonstrate a scientific application of the corrected IES electron data analyzing its evolution during solar cycle. Spin-averaged yearly mean IES electron intensities in the outer belt for energies 40-400 keV at L-shells between 4 and 6 showed high positive correlation with AE index and solar wind dynamic pressure during 2001- 2016. The relationship between solar wind dynamic pressure and IES electron measurements in the outer radiation belt was derived as a uniform linear-logarithmic equation.

Smirnov, A.; Kronberg, E.; Latallerie, F.; Daly, P.; Aseev, N.; Shprits, Y; Kellerman, A.; Kasahara, S.; Turner, D.; Taylor, M.;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018SW001989

electrons; Radiation belts; Solar Cycle; Space weather; Van Allen Probes

Electron intensity measurements by the Cluster/RAPID/IES instrument in Earth\textquoterights radiation belts and ring current

The Cluster mission, launched in 2000, has produced a large database of electron flux intensity measurements in the Earth\textquoterights magnetosphere by the Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detector (RAPID)/ Imaging Electron Spectrometer (IES) instrument. However, due to background contamination of the data with high-energy electrons (<400 keV) and inner-zone protons (230-630 keV) in the radiation belts and ring current, the data have been rarely used for inner-magnetospheric science. The current paper presents two algorithms for background correction. The first algorithm is based on the empirical contamination percentages by both protons and electrons. The second algorithm uses simultaneous proton observations. The efficiencies of these algorithms are demonstrated by comparison of the corrected Cluster/RAPID/IES data with Van Allen Probes/Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) measurements for 2012-2015. Both techniques improved the IES electron data in the radiation belts and ring current, as the yearly averaged flux intensities of the two missions show the ratio of measurements close to 1. We demonstrate a scientific application of the corrected IES electron data analyzing its evolution during solar cycle. Spin-averaged yearly mean IES electron intensities in the outer belt for energies 40-400 keV at L-shells between 4 and 6 showed high positive correlation with AE index and solar wind dynamic pressure during 2001- 2016. The relationship between solar wind dynamic pressure and IES electron measurements in the outer radiation belt was derived as a uniform linear-logarithmic equation.

Smirnov, A.; Kronberg, E.; Latallerie, F.; Daly, P.; Aseev, N.; Shprits, Y; Kellerman, A.; Kasahara, S.; Turner, D.; Taylor, M.;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018SW001989

electrons; Radiation belts; Solar Cycle; Space weather; Van Allen Probes

Reply to \textquoterightThe dynamics of Van Allen belts revisited\textquoteright

Mann, I.; Ozeke, L.; Morley, S.; Murphy, K.; Claudepierre, S.; Turner, D.; Baker, D.; Rae, I.; Kale, A.; Milling, D.; Boyd, A.; Spence, H.; Singer, H.; Dimitrakoudis, S.; Daglis, I.; Honary, F.;

Published by: Nature Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1038/nphys4351

Van Allen Probes

Reply to \textquoterightThe dynamics of Van Allen belts revisited\textquoteright

Mann, I.; Ozeke, L.; Morley, S.; Murphy, K.; Claudepierre, S.; Turner, D.; Baker, D.; Rae, I.; Kale, A.; Milling, D.; Boyd, A.; Spence, H.; Singer, H.; Dimitrakoudis, S.; Daglis, I.; Honary, F.;

Published by: Nature Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1038/nphys4351

Van Allen Probes

Solar rotation period driven modulations of plasmaspheric density and convective electric field in the inner magnetosphere

This paper presents the first analysis of Van Allen Probes measurements of the cold plasma density and electric field in the inner magnetosphere to show that intervals of strong modulation at the solar rotation period occur in the locations of the outer plasmasphere and plasmapause (~0.7 RE peak-to-peak), in the large-scale electric field (~0.24 mV/m peak-to-peak), and in the cold plasma density (~250 cm-3 \textendash ~70 cm-3 peak-to-peak). Solar rotation modulation of the inner magnetosphere is more apparent in the declining phase of the solar cycle than near solar maximum. The periodicities in these parameters are compared to solar EUV irradiance, solar wind dawn-dusk electric field, and Kp. The variations in the plasmapause location at the solar rotation period anti-correlate with solar wind electric field, magnetospheric electric field, and Kp, but not with EUV irradiance, indicating that convective erosion is the dominant physical process controlling the plasmapause at these timescales.

Thaller, S.; Wygant, J.; Cattell, C.; Breneman, A.; Tyler, E.; Tian, S.; Engel, A.; De Pascuale, S.; Kurth, W.; Kletzing, C.; Tears, J.; Malaspina, David;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026365

convection electric field; inner magnetosphere; Plasmapause; plasmasphere; solar rotation; Van Allen Probes

Solar rotation period driven modulations of plasmaspheric density and convective electric field in the inner magnetosphere

This paper presents the first analysis of Van Allen Probes measurements of the cold plasma density and electric field in the inner magnetosphere to show that intervals of strong modulation at the solar rotation period occur in the locations of the outer plasmasphere and plasmapause (~0.7 RE peak-to-peak), in the large-scale electric field (~0.24 mV/m peak-to-peak), and in the cold plasma density (~250 cm-3 \textendash ~70 cm-3 peak-to-peak). Solar rotation modulation of the inner magnetosphere is more apparent in the declining phase of the solar cycle than near solar maximum. The periodicities in these parameters are compared to solar EUV irradiance, solar wind dawn-dusk electric field, and Kp. The variations in the plasmapause location at the solar rotation period anti-correlate with solar wind electric field, magnetospheric electric field, and Kp, but not with EUV irradiance, indicating that convective erosion is the dominant physical process controlling the plasmapause at these timescales.

Thaller, S.; Wygant, J.; Cattell, C.; Breneman, A.; Tyler, E.; Tian, S.; Engel, A.; De Pascuale, S.; Kurth, W.; Kletzing, C.; Tears, J.; Malaspina, David;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026365

convection electric field; inner magnetosphere; Plasmapause; plasmasphere; solar rotation; Van Allen Probes

Solar rotation period driven modulations of plasmaspheric density and convective electric field in the inner magnetosphere

This paper presents the first analysis of Van Allen Probes measurements of the cold plasma density and electric field in the inner magnetosphere to show that intervals of strong modulation at the solar rotation period occur in the locations of the outer plasmasphere and plasmapause (~0.7 RE peak-to-peak), in the large-scale electric field (~0.24 mV/m peak-to-peak), and in the cold plasma density (~250 cm-3 \textendash ~70 cm-3 peak-to-peak). Solar rotation modulation of the inner magnetosphere is more apparent in the declining phase of the solar cycle than near solar maximum. The periodicities in these parameters are compared to solar EUV irradiance, solar wind dawn-dusk electric field, and Kp. The variations in the plasmapause location at the solar rotation period anti-correlate with solar wind electric field, magnetospheric electric field, and Kp, but not with EUV irradiance, indicating that convective erosion is the dominant physical process controlling the plasmapause at these timescales.

Thaller, S.; Wygant, J.; Cattell, C.; Breneman, A.; Tyler, E.; Tian, S.; Engel, A.; De Pascuale, S.; Kurth, W.; Kletzing, C.; Tears, J.; Malaspina, David;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026365

convection electric field; inner magnetosphere; Plasmapause; plasmasphere; solar rotation; Van Allen Probes

Solar rotation period driven modulations of plasmaspheric density and convective electric field in the inner magnetosphere

This paper presents the first analysis of Van Allen Probes measurements of the cold plasma density and electric field in the inner magnetosphere to show that intervals of strong modulation at the solar rotation period occur in the locations of the outer plasmasphere and plasmapause (~0.7 RE peak-to-peak), in the large-scale electric field (~0.24 mV/m peak-to-peak), and in the cold plasma density (~250 cm-3 \textendash ~70 cm-3 peak-to-peak). Solar rotation modulation of the inner magnetosphere is more apparent in the declining phase of the solar cycle than near solar maximum. The periodicities in these parameters are compared to solar EUV irradiance, solar wind dawn-dusk electric field, and Kp. The variations in the plasmapause location at the solar rotation period anti-correlate with solar wind electric field, magnetospheric electric field, and Kp, but not with EUV irradiance, indicating that convective erosion is the dominant physical process controlling the plasmapause at these timescales.

Thaller, S.; Wygant, J.; Cattell, C.; Breneman, A.; Tyler, E.; Tian, S.; Engel, A.; De Pascuale, S.; Kurth, W.; Kletzing, C.; Tears, J.; Malaspina, David;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026365

convection electric field; inner magnetosphere; Plasmapause; plasmasphere; solar rotation; Van Allen Probes

Statistical occurrence and distribution of high amplitude whistler-mode waves in the outer radiation belt

We present the first statistical analysis with continuous data coverage and non-averaged amplitudes of the prevalence and distribution of high-amplitude (> 5 mV/m) whistler-mode waves in the outer radiation belt using 5 years of Van Allen Probes data. These waves are most common above L=3.5 and between MLT of 0-7 where they are present 1-4\% of the time. During high geomagnetic activity, high-amplitude whistler-mode wave occurrence rises above 30\% in some regions. During these active times the plasmasphere erodes to lower L and high-amplitude waves are observed at all L outside of it, with the highest occurrence at low L (3.5-4) in the pre-dawn sector. These results have important implications for modeling radiation belt particle interactions with chorus, as large-amplitude waves interact non-linearly with electrons. Results also may provide clues regarding the mechanisms which result in growth to large amplitudes.

Tyler, E.; Breneman, A.; Cattell, C.; Wygant, J.; Thaller, S.; Malaspina, D.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082292

Chorus; Radiation belt; Van Allen belt; Van Allen Probes; Whistler waves

Statistical occurrence and distribution of high amplitude whistler-mode waves in the outer radiation belt

We present the first statistical analysis with continuous data coverage and non-averaged amplitudes of the prevalence and distribution of high-amplitude (> 5 mV/m) whistler-mode waves in the outer radiation belt using 5 years of Van Allen Probes data. These waves are most common above L=3.5 and between MLT of 0-7 where they are present 1-4\% of the time. During high geomagnetic activity, high-amplitude whistler-mode wave occurrence rises above 30\% in some regions. During these active times the plasmasphere erodes to lower L and high-amplitude waves are observed at all L outside of it, with the highest occurrence at low L (3.5-4) in the pre-dawn sector. These results have important implications for modeling radiation belt particle interactions with chorus, as large-amplitude waves interact non-linearly with electrons. Results also may provide clues regarding the mechanisms which result in growth to large amplitudes.

Tyler, E.; Breneman, A.; Cattell, C.; Wygant, J.; Thaller, S.; Malaspina, D.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 02/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082292

Chorus; Radiation belt; Van Allen belt; Van Allen Probes; Whistler waves

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